Beasts of Beyond
open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - Printable Version

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open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - Tena M. - 06-24-2018

✯ — female. snowbound. sand cat. demdji. tags.
Hard to say whether or not the sand cat disappeared for personal reasons, or due to light sickness from the now resolved problem.  The Demdji had a rather impeccable record of staying healthy for the grand majority of her life, and it was more likely the former, but as far as others were concerned, it was up in the air.  She was not a communicative cat until she was truly comfortable.  Regardless of reasoning, Tena had remained in the off in the sidelines for the past day or two, sticking to herself as she familiarized with this new home of theirs. Home.  What a concept. 

It made her want to laugh cynically and cry at the same time.  It made her stomach twist painfully as she remembered all the faces she had left behind.

Her distinct blue eyes wandered aimlessly as she walked about in the open, tail flicking.  As she craned her neck towards the sky, she regarded the sun expressionlessly as it made it's way down.  Soon the stars would come to play.  Perhaps she could pick a roof to sit on...
code by spacexual

Re: open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
There had been quite a few faces that had disappeared once the humans attacked, so Atbash wasn't surprised that Tena had disappeared. But that didn't mean the she-cat wasn't worried about the little sand cat. Just like she had been worried about Harrison, but it seemed like she worried for no reason. Harrison had been okay, and as Atbash would soon learn, Tena was, too.

The she-cat was still trying to get used to her body after being attacked by her brother. Her body was still sore after what happened, and Atbash was a bit wary about stepping out into the open for too long, and she would never go outside at night by herself. The night was dark and Caesar could easily hide in the shadows, despite his bright yellow fur. So Atbash was shakily heading back to her room when she spotted Tena. "Tena?" Atbash called with surprise in her voice. She slowly and carefully made her way over the other female and gave her a little smile. "You're back."
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - arcy - 06-26-2018

Honestly, Izuku had been pretty absent around the time the humans had showed up. So, he'd never really gotten to know the people who showed up during that period. He'd seen them around, at the least. Despite his lack of connection to them, though, Izuku found himself fretting over them sometimes, since so many had just sort of ... vanished. He cared too much, it would seem, but Izuku wasn't sure if that was a flaw or a virtue. Maybe it was neither. It was oftentimes hard to categorize things like that.
Hearing Atbash's voice, Izuku's ears perk from where he rests. He'd just been wandering, again. He'd put something over his bandages so they wouldn't get wet this time, and it'd worked pretty well. When he looks up, he sees the bright furred feline and a Sand Cat. Tena? He'd seen her around before. He was glad she was back, then. "Um -- hi! Welcome back!" He chirps, grinning wide. Did she already know his name? Izuku isn't sure. It feels kind of awkward to do now, though, so he decides not to. Which is potentially problematic, but whatever.
what was i worth

Re: open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - Tena M. - 06-28-2018

✯ — female. snowbound. sand cat. demdji. tags.
The young demdji smiled meekly, waving her tail in greeting.  How different it would be... If that had been her mother... Her friends... Calling out to her...  Tena bit back a sigh, shoving away thoughts of the place she left behind.  Some days it felt like years, while others it only felt like days.  It was no use to ponder now, so far away, with no idea of her worldly location, and full knowledge of just how foolhardy it would be.  She had to keep walking forward.  For now.

That being said, Tena had to admit she didn't see why they were so excited to see her again.  They were not her friends.  No.  She had not established any friends here yet, for the sand cat was rare to trust so soon.  That too, would take time.  "Hey." She flicked an ear, glancing back up towards the many roofs, tail flicking.  She recognized both - Atbash and... Izuku, she believed - but her tone was... Nearly impassive, her mind far away.

"Know any decent stargazing spots?"
code by spacexual

Re: open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - Dimitri - 06-29-2018

You need to talk to others. Dimitri made an unsure, anxious noise, then moved. He stuck his head out to gaze at them. He paused for a moment, eyes gazing them up and down to inspect them. He knew Atbash. The other two were unfamiliar. He felt a bit of pressure in his head, then he gasped.

He sat up, and stepped out. His head held high and approaching them. "Hey there. I'm Dimitri." They were still presenting themselves as one person, and he would follow that instruction. He didn't like it, and thought that was lying to them all. However, it was what Dimitri would want.

His head pointed up at the sky, too. "You think it'd be cool to ride one of those?" He was referring to the stars. Riding a star.

Re: open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-29-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
"The lake would be a great place." Atbash responded, her eyes lighting up at the idea of stargazing. It'd be a great way to relax, especially after recent events. "There's almost always a clear sky near any body of water." Plus the fact that they lived on a tundra would help. The she-cat looked over at Dimitri as he came over, but she couldn't help but let out an amused mrrow at the tom's question. "You can't ride a star!" She explained, her voice full of amusement. "They'd burn you alive."
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: open. return [★] IF YOU'RE STILL BREATHING - Dimitri - 06-29-2018

"But if ya could?" Dimitri persisted. "Especially one of the fallin’ ones." Dimitri paused for a second. "Falling. Not Fallin’." The tom’s eats laid back at his own mistake, a grumble in his throat. "Sorry. Trying to get better at talking... you know how it is." At least he hoped. He didn’t like having to explain himself. This version of Dimitri was a doer, not a lolligagger.