Beasts of Beyond
i'll see you around // o, joining - Printable Version

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i'll see you around // o, joining - ghostpact - 03-19-2018

The snow leopard sneered as he came to the shore, finally. Shaking the water from his heavy coat, his tail lashed from side to side. All this trouble for a group that was likely to not be what he hoped for? Well, it wasn't as if he didn't have forever to poke his nose in every crevice before finding the right place. "Anyone home!?"

//shorter than i wanted, but eh. i took a tiny guess at territory details since there's not a detailed description up, yet.
code by spacexual

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - Guru - 03-19-2018

//it's no problemo!! + welcome homie

Lord! Another one to come into their ranks it seemed. Guru was enjoying this so far, as it gave her plenty of opportunities to socialize and make some friends with her newest clanmates. Maybe even some friends with benefits. Possibly even an enemy.  Either way, she would enjoy both. Upon arriving to their newest member, the female took a moment to observe the snow leopard's glorious pattern. What a beauty. Nevertheless, she wasn't here to admire his outer features, but instead be a polite figure and offer her services as needed. "I'm here, dear," she echoed back from afar. "What's your name and why do you need my attention?" Didn't seem like anyone familiar to her. Then again, although she was a socialite, she didn't know many people.

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - georgie - 03-19-2018

Georgie was here now, as abruptly as she usually was, looking at the newcomer owlishly. "[color=#d4af37]You look very sweet!" She informed him earnestly. "[color=#d4af37]There are so many home. I think! I think they would like you. I like you. Are you coming home? To this home, I mean." She looked at Guru - stared, really, she couldn't help but stare - and then finally back at the stranger, holding back a laugh.

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - ghostpact - 03-20-2018

War's ears flicked as he looked to the first smaller cat. He bowed his head slightly, a small smile replacing his previous look. "Thanks for coming to the call. My name is War. I needed the attention to ask if this was place was the dwelling of the Typhoon."

His gaze quickly darted to Georgie then and he lifted his head, eyebrows furrowing as he watched. She was definitely... interesting. "Riiight... thank you? Ahem, I was looking to stay 'round here if this is the place I was looking for." He finished his sentence with a questioning look toward Guru, trusting her to give him an answer.
[div style="width: 62%;font-family: fontname;font-size: 8pt;color: #hexcode;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]code by spacexual

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - Guru - 03-20-2018

Oh boy. Someone looking for the Typhoon... again. Guru's tail rose in curiosity, seeing that many had been approaching them recently after they settled. Nevertheless, she accepted it as fate. They were growing in size. This was a good sign if they were going to compete with the nearby clans. "You're within the Typhoon, of course," the female enthused sweetly. "We're very popular these days." A small laugh reminisced from her momentarily before she continued on. "So yes, you may join our ranks, dear."  He looked like quite the provider too. They needed strong men like War around here, especially one who held such a brutish name. If they ever needed to declare a false war, they could say 'War' is coming and then send over the snow leopard to their enemies border with a stupid note. That'd be pleasurable.

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - georgie - 03-20-2018

[color=#d4af37]You’re welcome! And you’re welcome to stay. Like Guru said. Isn’t she so pretty? All my friends are. Would you like to be friends with us? You look strong. If I looked like that I’d be so proud! I’m proud of you.” She chattered on, tiptoeing forward as if to properly inspect him. Though her words seemed to wander aimlessly, Georgie stare was purposeful, as if she was truly sizing him up for something.

It only lasted about a minute before she was gazing starry-eyed and blissful at the sky.

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - ghostpact - 03-20-2018

Humming quietly, his tail tip twitched. "Execellent! Thank you. I didn't catch your name..." he looked exceptantly at Guru for a moment before Georgie pulled his attention again. Well, despite the girl's spacey-ness, it was still a compliment. He snorted, titling his head slightly. "Thank you..." He might've said more, but she appeared to already be in her own world so he left it at that and looked back to the caracal cat. "So I assume you're Guru, then. Pleasure. She is?"

[div style="width: 62%;font-family: fontname;font-size: 8pt;color: #hexcode;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]code by spacexual

Re: i'll see you around // o, joining - Guru - 03-21-2018

It seemed that Georgie had beaten her to the punch. "Guru, I am," she enthused with a small smirk. "It's my pleasure to meet you also, War." Still, she was boggled by that name, seeing how it was so dramatic and they chose to be aligned with a warbound clan. Fate worked in many ways, she supposed. "And this one is Georgie. She's... easy excited." To note that was not a compliment. "Simply, I cannot explain her in any other way besides that." "That is at all polite to say out loud." "Georgie is quite the flattering being." The caracal offered a facade full of glee that donned a sarcastic grin.