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I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - Printable Version

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I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - Helium Balloons - 06-16-2018

I just wanted to start off by clarifying, this is by NO MEANS an art shop; meaning that I will not be taking any sort of payment for these art pieces, nor will you receive a decently composed work of your character. This is simply me trying to challenge myself outside of my own teeny tiny comfort zone, creatively. I will be sketching your characters in all kinds of media - traditional pencil, or pencil crayon, maybe even digitally if I'm feeling up to it. I may draw your character multiple times, in different styles, poses, point of views, mediums, or just one time. Now, with that being said, you have every right to use whatever image of your character that I produce. Under the agreement that you do not claim my work as your own.

I'll be willing to, more like an attempt to, draw any sort of species. Though, admittedly, I am only very good at drawing humans - or characters with strong human characteristics. Hence, why I'm doing this! I want to learn to draw all kinds of animals, and the best way to do so is through practice! Such a brilliant concept. I'm not sure how many of these I will do, overall and on a daily basis, or how long this will be opened but..yeah. Now, let's get started!

Smoll form cuz organization.

[b]Character name;[/b] [i]text[/i]
[i]--Username;[/i] text
[b]Species;[/b] [i]text​[/i]
[b]Biological Sex;[/b] [i]text[/i]
[i]--More Masculine or Feminine?[/i] text
[b]Appearance;[/b] [i]text[/i]
[i]--References?[/i] [url=addthelinkboi]text[/url]
[i]--Accessories?[/i] text
[i]--Most distinguish features;[/i] text
[b]Core personality traits;[/b] [i]Not required, this just helps me get a feel for the character.[/i]
[i]--Extras?[/i] Thanks. I love you.

Make cigerettes out of my birthday balloons

Re: I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - tricky - 06-16-2018

ooooo sign me tf up i wanna help your aRT
Character name; beck!!
--Username; tricky
Species; a cat​
Biological Sex; ( state farm voice ) he's a guy so
--More Masculine or Feminine? i kinda,,, draw him as an in-between since he's got that Child Ghost Look
Appearance; i'll just link to his tags oof
--References? hi he's terrible
--Accessories? he's only got those Fancy Shackles
--Most distinguish features; uh freckles,,, and his scars (split eyebrow, notch in ear, and of course,, the dreaded Missing Cheek: here's a reference i use myself for that lmao
Core personality traits; well for starters: he's a poltergeist, thanks to being murdered in childhood, and while he used to be hellbent on revenge, now a days he's mostly bored and spiteful, not to mention rude, cynical, and paranoid
--Extras? thanks, man, i love you already

Re: I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - Helium Balloons - 06-17-2018

Inhales sharply ... pls don't hate me. So overall, he was actually really fun to draw - even if I drew him very poorly. I'm sorry for the quality, of literally everything from the photo to the art piece, and for the fact you can VIVIDLY see my marker lines and well I learned that a black marker in the probably a dark green marker in the light. His tags are actual gold btw.
Make cigerettes out of my birthday balloons

Re: I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - arcy - 06-17-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Character name; izuku
--Username; arcy
Species; domestic cat​
Biological Sex; male
--More Masculine or Feminine? masculine
Appearance; look his tags are here, but!! basically he's just a green maine coon(x2 flooF) cat w a buncha scars. I haven't updated his tags as of writing this, but on his right leg, up to his shoulder, is covered in electric burn scars. the fur is kinda patchy there, but tbh don't worry a ton abt the scars?? just so long as u add a Little bit of an indicator there
--References? here (and a ton of them lol), and a funky ref of his leg scars here
--Accessories? n/a!! unless u wanna give him a marigold but thats hella optional.
--Most distinguish features; tbh p the Fluff. and also the color lmao, but mostly fluff.
Core personality traits; izuku is a reckless, stubborn little shit w/o any regard for his health. though, he's also very soft and anxious and will probably cry if ur nice enough to him so there's that too asdfsadg.
--Extras? seriously tho, this is rlly cool!!! ur really cool, and so is ur art!!! <3333

Re: I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - tricky - 06-17-2018

are u kidding???? i think it looks great!! even with the marker lines lmao, i feel your pain with that one
and aaaa im glad someone likes his tags uwu

Re: I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - roman - 06-18-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Character name; melantha
--Username; roman
Species; cougar​
Biological Sex; female
--More Masculine or Feminine? feminine
Appearance; melantha is just the average cougar with sandy golden fur and olive eyes. she has a prominent freckle under her left eye, lots of small freckles along her cheeks, and a scar on her lip. i've always imagined her as more small and muscular with defined cheekbones but that is not really important to her character.
--References? click
--Accessories? nope
--Most distinguish features; olive eyes and light freckles
Core personality traits; she's very stoic and paranoid. on the inside, she's softer and more curious and a total romantic, but she normally only portrays a neutral expression. oftentimes she looks annoyed or pained because she's trying to refrain from being rude even though she's suspicious of everyone.
--Extras? umm she's terrified of water and she's kind of a hopeless romantic. and she has a soft spot for children. these are probably the only things that would allow her to show more gentle or passionate expressions

Re: I'm bad at this [Art practice, sketching your ocs] - Orion - 06-19-2018