Beasts of Beyond
THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Printable Version

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THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Sympathy - 03-19-2018

.Juice can you hear me?

.I can't get in contact with Nine.
.I can't hear him anymore.
.I'm scared what if he's

.powered down somewhere?
.What if he's totally shut down and I can't

                                        .TEN! SHUT UP!
.I'm sorry.

                                        .youre okay
                                        .dont worry nine is okay
                                        .hes powered down somewhere
                                        to the east of my location

.Oh thank the stars!
                                    .i can find him but im fuckin tired
                                        .im low here

.Oh no.
                                  .just gonna take a quick recharge
.Don't leave me.
                                        .just a few months
                                  .i wont leave you now go rest while
                                        you can. gotta be charged up so were
                                        on the same page n shit

.I love you.

                                        .love ya too

It would be 2 months before Ten would wake up, having charged fully after powering down and deploying her solar panels. The sleek android whirred to life, clicking softly as she warmed up. Luckily, she was right where she was two months prior, laying in a flowery meadow in the sun. Though now she was covered in flowers and grass where it had grown over her body. 10 minutes was what it took for the creature to warm up fully and get to her feet. Juice and Nine weren't awake yet. They had been on their last bit of charge, while Ten was only halfway when she'd powered down. They would take a while longer, which meant she would be alone for now. Alone was... lonely, she realizes as she shuffles through the flowers, heading to nowhere in particular. Her coordinates; somewhere within a span of territory, newly claimed by those who called themselves The Ascendants. This was where they were going to go together- Ten remembers- then Juice just had to stray off trajectory and drag Nine along with him. Their plans hadn't gone accordingly, and so Ten was alone, the long prongs on her satellite of a head moving slightly, trying to detect any sort of life nearby.
code by spacexual

Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-19-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille wasn't entirely certain how he felt about this place yet. The leader was very... uppity, and bouncy, and kind. Such rampant amounts of happiness and energy tended to repel Bast, if only because he didn't know how to surround to it, but he rationalized that if he was going to join a group, he might as well start somewhere small. There weren't too many others around yet, answering to Starrynight's "invites", and Bast preferred it that way.

Sometimes, however, he still needed to get away from them. The bengal preferred to go on patrols on his own, "familiarizing" himself with the new territory as he liked to call it. (Really, he was just avoiding social interaction. He didn't exactly hate everyone, but recently he found his temperament to be a little... unpredictable.) He was out investigating the borderline just then when he sensed a relatively unusual aura of sorts, his head lifting as he scented the air quickly. Nothing that he recognized. After a pause, the tom rolled his shoulders and set off in the direction of this foreigner, ice blue gaze raking over the peculiar creature as he approached.

"Yo," he said in greeting as he stopped a few paces away, eyeing her slowly. "You're on Ascendant territory. What do you want?" Bastille didn't have the best delivery when it came to being "welcoming", blunt as he could be, and after a moment he cleared his throat. He could at least attempt as something less straight-forward. "Uh, did you get the invite?"

Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Starrynight ! - 03-19-2018


The flower field, even though it was just starting to bloom in the early spring weather, had to be Starrynight’s favorite place. Oh, but what about the ruins? The engravings were so nice to look at, and the statues... and the coast! The pebbly coast was great too, especially the small waterfall! What would he call that waterfall? Maybe he could decide its name with the others. But there was also the lake...

Regardless of his favorite spot, the Astral Seraph has never seen the sleeping android on any of his trips through the field. Likely because the robonoid had been covered in plants, but... oh, nevermind.

When the scent of Bastille hit his nose through the faintly sweet smell of blooming flowers, Starrynight looked over to see the Fireball with someone he didn’t recognize. A newcomer! Had they heard of the Ascendants and come to join them? With a pattern of pawsteps dusting the ground with glitter, he raced forward to meet them.

Slowing down as to not crash into anybody, a grin spread across his face while he eyed the newcomer and her interesting appearance. ”Hello!” he greeted cheerfully. His necklace’s charms clinked against each other as he bounced up and down softly. “Welcome to the Ascendants! I’m Starrynight, the Astral Seraph, and this is Bastille, a Fireball! Are you here to join us?” Having stepped forward, the mutant sniffed at her curiously. She smelled like flowers and earth. Where had she come from? What was on her head?


Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Sympathy - 03-20-2018

Rather, what was her head? She started, hearing the voices, and turned, making her way out from cover. Stepping out, one could see that her whole head actually, was a satellite- metallic and silver with a touch of green- softly whirring and beeping. Her camera shutter was noisy as it zoomed in and out, studying the two that had arrived. Oh, so they were Ascendants! "How convenient. Yes, we received an invitation here not too long ago. My name is Pioneer 10, but please, just 10 is fine. Or a nickname, assuming its to taste." she spoke. Her "voice" came from a small speaker, crackling every so often and sounding as if she were speaking through a walkie-talkie.

suuper duper rushed im so sorry ill reply properly next time ;-;

[div style="width: 40%;font-family: timesnewroman;font-size: 8pt;color: #hexcode;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]code by spacexual

Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Starrynight ! - 03-21-2018

//dw my posts are just as weak

Once the creature revealed itself, Starrynight couldn't hide his shock. Wide eyes stared back at the camera as it focused on them, which then flickered to her long legs and green body. She looked like she was covered in stars... Moving forward, the Astral Seraph made a circle around 10, eyeing her interesting markings. A joyful grin overcame his surprise. "Were you sent by the stars?" he asked excitedly, voice cracking as it raised in pitch. "Is that Pisces on your back?" Like a dog, his tail began to swish from side to side. "Welcome welcome, then! It's fantastic to meet you, 10!"


Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Sympathy - 03-21-2018

What a curious thing he was. Astral's spout of questions didn't seem to phase her however- having an older brother that constantly questioned things had gotten her used to enduring these sorts of barrages. She took a few moments to let the excitable leader say what he needed before responding. "No. That's quite the question isn't it? Earth can send things to the stars, but can the stars send things back to us? They send asteroids and debris but sending an intact organism other than molecules and bacteria . . . I'm rambling. But no, I was created right here on this planet." She finished. If Juice were here, no doubt he would nag at her for chewing some strangers ear off. He wasn't active, but she could almost hear his words. She held still, her head turning slowly to keep watch on the other as he circled and studied her body. "Pisces- the two fishes- the twelfth astrological sign on the Zodiac, yes! I was born in early March.
It's certainly a delight to meet you both."
If she had a mouth, she would most certainly be smiling, but her voice held all the emotion she needed to convey.
code by spacexual

Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - BASTILLEPAW - 03-21-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
"What the fuck," Bastille said, immediately -- he wasn't one to have much of a filter, and he looked perplexed as he stared at the foreigner. He could feel the slight surge of energy in his veins that said this stranger had caught Grimmkit's attention, the portion of his soul that belonged to the creepy little fuck stirring; in all his years and years of travel and gathering stories, even Grimm hadn't encountered something like this. Bast's skin suddenly felt tight, a dull headache emerging as the past life tried to push forward, take over -- but he shook it off, shoving Grimm back. Fuck off, he thought grouchily, not in the mood for his damned souls to get in the way.

As he drew himself back to the present, forcing his attention forward, Bastille realized the other two were exchanging prophetic words about stars or something. Interesting -- so Starrynight did believe in the Stars, perhaps his own form of StarClan. "Huh. Well, alrighty, then. What'd you say your name was? 10?" He squinted slightly, frowning at the discussion of Pisces. "What if I was born in June? What'm I?" Did he care? Not much. Was it a willing distraction? Yes.

Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] Phobeus had absolutely no clue what this newcomer was and that overjoyed him. He'd skip towards them excitedly, head tilted and tongue poking out slightly as he examined their awesome head and equally awesome form. "You're hella rad! I was born in the month of July, under Cancer!" The zodiac signs were hella rad to learn about when he was younger and he'd learned a bunch about them.

"Earth is also definitely rad, the universe is really rad, it's so big and unknown! I love it." He'd exclaim this excitedly as he pretty much bounced in place. "I'm Phobeus, the raddest traveller dude around! I'm currently stayin' here, in the Ascendants. It's great to meet ya![/td]

Re: THE CLOCKS ALL ZEROES || open, joining - Sympathy - 03-27-2018

She was not used to this much attention, but it wasn't like she didn't enjoy it. It was a tad overwhelming. Though it was better than wandering the world alone she decides. She turned her camera upon Bastille. "A big portion of June are Geminis- the twins, third on the zodiac- but if you were born in the latter bit, you'd be a Cancer- the crab, fourth on the zodiac. Like Phobeus." she explained patiently, turning her head towards the excitable male. "Nice to meet you as well. I like you. I'm sure we'll be fast friends." Anyone who was a total nerd about space was a-okay in her book.

code by spacexual