Beasts of Beyond
open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - Printable Version

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open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - Keona. - 06-11-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
They probably did not want a child leading the Blackjack Rats.  Keona did not want to set her sights so high so soon either, though she was certain such a position would surely make her father and uncle proud.  Nonetheless, the petite Striker had an idea and she wanted to use it for this opportunity.  Hopefully it would compete well with the other ideas, though she didn't think she particularly wanted to be Dealer.

While the tavern wouldn't be a bad idea, Keona decided to take to the beach instead.  She had to enlist the help of many others, but she didn't mind too much.  The end result was the clear set up for a party event.  A table was set up with drinks - nothing alcoholic, considering who was setting up the event - and a variety of snacks including - most importantly - quite a lot of popcorn.

Since pillows and beanbags were far more comfortable than chairs, Keona had made sure there was a good number of those lounging around for use.  Lights were strung up in the palm trees, and a few tikis were set up around the party area.  In the center, a mini-stage - it was just a little wooden platform was set up, along with an adjustable mic.  A little music-playing device - Keona could not remember what it was called - was set up, connected to a pair of large speakers, playing instrumentals of popular tunes.

A little shy, the rusty spotted kitten tapped the mic with a paw, ears flicking back at the feedback.  At least it works.  Softly, she cleared her throat, "karaoke night on... Beach!" That announced, Keona backed off the stage, dropping back onto the sand, hoping that was the end of any attention on her.

Should no one hear the announcement, she had set up a few signs around the way, with big and colorful arrows pointing towards the beach, the word KARAOKE written in large, colorful letters.
code by spacexual

Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-11-2018

How could anybody not hear Keona was what Caesar wanted to know. Being the grumpy person he always was, Caesar had a sour look to his face as he made his way over to the beach at Keona's announcement, following the signs. "The hell he need a karaoke night for?" The demon grumbled.

Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - guts - 06-11-2018

It was hard not to spot the area, what with all the decorations and lights. It looked nice, though, Greed would admit. He was a bit surprised, though not much, since the kid probably had some help with setting it all up. Plus kids tended to have pretty creative minds. Karaoke didn't sound too bad, either. He was a pretty good singer, though nothing special, but it had been a while since he last had the free time to practice his vocals.

The panther is next to show up, pouting at Caesar's negative-nancy attitude. "Aw, c'mon. Don't be such a buzzkill," he says and gives him a slight nudge with his shoulder. Of course, he had done it with the intention of annoying the demon.

Then he turns to Keona, a cocky smile stretched across his face. "I'll go," with that, he wastes no time in hopping onto stage, pausing in case anyone had any objections. Or maybe someone would request a duet. Really, he had no qualms, though he didn't want some newbie cramping his style, either.


Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - Wade Wilson - 06-12-2018

actions "speech"
Karaoke? Hell fucking yes he was so on it. The maned wolf, having come up from behind Greed, offered a wide excited grin. “I am not missing out on off key singing night.” He chimed in. Good singers would be cool too, but you just couldn’t have karaoke without the bad singers, like him.

Rushed + mobile//
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-12-2018

Caesar narrowed his eyes as Greed approached the scene, and let out a snarl as the panther nudged him. "Don't fucking touch me." He really didn't appreciate the nudge, even if it was only a small one. Besides, he wasn't being a buzzkill, he was just simply stating his mind. Why did they even need to have a karaoke night? There wasn't a reason.

Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - Character Graveyard. - 06-12-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
A karaoke night. Sounded fun, so the female had made her way to the beach- a smile on her maw. She had taken a seat next to Wade and looked in Keona's direction and offered a smile to her.

oof mobile post
© madi

Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - arcy - 06-12-2018

Ash hadn't ever sang Karaoke before. He wasn't gonna lie, he's sang passionately into a faux microphone before alongside some music, but never karaoke. He'd been told he has a good singing voice, though! Granted, it was his mother telling him that, with some vague positivity from Pikachu. Ash couldn't fully trust either of their opinions. Pikachu wouldn't hesitate to make fun of him with stuff like this, though, so ... maybe?
Still, even with all of this in mind, it's with only enthusiasm that Ash approaches the setup. Karaoke!! Just so long as nobody hated his voice, Ash doesn't really care either way. Still, there already appears to be somebody up there, so Ash, of course, just stops to hover nearby, beaming. There were so many lights, it was kinda cool! Had she set it up herself? Well, probably, but either way it was really impressive! So, beaming, Ash plops into a sitting position, stubbed tail wagging.
[glow=black,2,300]all these memories that we've made made[/glow]

Re: open, karaoke night [★] BRING THE NOISE AND RAISE YOUR VOICE - guts - 06-12-2018

It didn't look like anyone would step up and steal his thunder, so Greed began his turn. Of course, being the diva he was, he sang Tik Tok by Kesha. Nowadays the song was considered a pain on the ears, but to him it was timeless. As he had hoped, his singing was pretty good, his voice steady as he went. Too bad he had no intentions of becoming a singer.

"Tick tock, on the clock--but the party don't stop, no!" he huffs as he finishes, pleased with his performance. Then he turns to Wade and passes off the mic, giving the other male a wink before trotting off the stage and taking a seat in one of the bean-bags.
