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ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - Printable Version

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ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - PIERCE - 06-07-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce still didn't really understand what a "pride month" was for, but what he did know was that he loved boys and celebrations, and that whatever this month really stood for, it included rainbows, so he figured he might as well go with it. He could recall hosting something similar in the past, last year, when he'd lived in that old place, and he was pretty sure there'd been some sort of controversy about it, but he couldn't remember what it was about, so it must not have been a big deal. He'd painted faces, he recalled, with all sorts of colors - rainbow, blue and pink, all shades of purple- it'd been fun, and everyone had been happy. Maybe this would be a good chance to get to know the people who had so graciously allowed his clan to stay here, as well as bond with the other Snowbounders? It'd be just like the good old days- though he couldn't help but wonder what it might be like if his... friend, Riddler, were here. He  could remember painting the tabby's face, too, watching the smile form on the other's lips as he presented his artwork to him. God, Pierce lo- missed him. He'd been waiting far too long, now.

But that wasn't something to worry about right now- it was pride! Whatever that really was. Seated in the sand in the central area of the Typhoon's base, Pierce was laying out a bunch of fur-friendly face paints and a sheet of some possible designs he could do. He even had a little glass dish of original flavoured Skittles, an idea that had struck him suddenly, though he wasn't quite sure why. He must have had them last year, or something. Once everything was pretty much set up, Pierce cleared his throat, a nervous little smile finding its way to his maw. "Uh, hey! I'm Pierce, I'm, uh, from Snowbound. I read a book last year about June being, like... a 'pride month', or somethin', which I thought was cool, so I, uh, thought I'd share that with you guys! It's about, like, being proud of who you are, and love, and rainbows, and stuff!" That was about accurate, right? Maybe there would be someone else who knew more about it. "So I have some face paint and candy and stuff here, if anyone's interested." "Gay" and "straight" and everything in between were not foreign concepts to Pierce, but they meant very little to him- he, unlike some others, had never really had to see much of a difference in treatment of these different people in his lifetime, aside from a few select individuals, so he couldn't quite understand the real point of a pride month; he just thought it was a nice idea for everybody to celebrate something about themselves together.


Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - Character Graveyard. - 06-07-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Upon hearing the unfamiliar male's call for a meet-and-greet, Vanessa had gotten up from the place she had been sitting and she walked over to Pierce, listening to him speak, offering a small smile of greeting.

"Nice to meet ya, Pierce. I'm Vanessa." She said, taking a candy from the bowl the male had kept it in before she sat down. "Can you pass me the face paint?"
© madi

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-07-2018

Oh, right, Snowbound was... a thing. To be truthful, Caesar didn't entirely like Snowbound stating here and was honestly tempted to shoo them away. But, of course, Pincher had to be 'Mister Nice Guy' and allow them to stay. But that didn't mean Caesar was going to do anything with them.

"No face paint for me." Caesar grumbled as he came over, tail flicking irritably. He definitely didn't like Pierce's description of this 'Pride Month', since he wasn't the type of person to be happy with himself. Or, well, truthfully happy with himself. He lied and told others he was happy. And he definitely didn't truly 'love' anybody, either. "But the name's Privateer Caesar Cipher. You enjoying the stay?" Might as well pretend to be nice.

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - Keona. - 06-07-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The child had no clue what 'pride month' was but it sounded fun.  And paint... What was paint?  And why did it go on their faces?  If it meant supporting something nice however... Keona scrambled over, albeit somewhat shyly, angling her head towards Peirce's voice and making a point of ignoring Caesar's presence altogether.  She had come to the recent conclusion that she did not really like the serval, though she wondered why he didn't want the paint.  Was it bad?

"Paint me?" The kitten decided she might as well give it a try.  It didn't sound bad; it sounded more like something fun given the way it was being offered.
code by spacexual

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - purgatory - 06-07-2018

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - bubblegum - 06-08-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie was pretty happy that snowbound was staying! they were all nice folks so far, and it meant she could hang out with mister jacob more, which she liked. he taught her a lot of things already, and papa sure seemed to like him! he hoped mister jacob would keep visiting a lot even after his group went home, along with the rest of the bunch. there were lots of friends she could make! it made her want to visit snowbound to see what it was like. probably pretty different from the typhoon. being away from the water seemed so odd to her, since their island was so isolated. she wondered if it was just as pretty there. the call from pierce made her think that maybe she should ask. but, the words he said distracted her.

the kitten knew about most sexualities solely because of the good influences in her life. she was still pretty young, so she didn't think too hard about who or what she liked, but for now she figured she wasn't straight, since she liked most people! but, she didn't really know what the whole "pride month" thing was that pierce had brought up. she felt proud of herself when she did good things! did that count? she didn't think she should be super proud of herself all the time, since she wasn't probably wasn't perfect all the time. she felt proud of her papa and crewmates all the time, though! and she liked spreading love! and candy and rainbows! wow! this sounded really nice.

the kitten trotted over excitedly, swaying back and forth eagerly. "oh, i would love some face paint! and candy! thank you very much!" she said with a happy smile to pierce. "my name's goldenluxury roux! but, i just go by goldie usually. nice to meetcha." she then introduced politely, nodding once.

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - PIERCE - 06-08-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
The slender tom's tail waved slightly behind him as Vanessa arrived, honey hues fixed on her face and head tilted a bit to the side to listen as she spoke. "Good to meet you, too, Miss Vanessa!" he'd greet warmly once she was finished talking, his smile broadening. "Do you want me to, uh, help you with them? I can do anything you want," he offered, absently picking up a tube of pink in one paw. Shortly after the unfamiliar femme arrived, another Typhoon member came over, and Pierce's attention quickly shifted over to him. He didn't seem super friendly, but Pierce decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he was just having a bad day. He could relate to that.

"That's a nice name!" the young man complimented brightly, before continuing to answer, "Uh, yeah, it's really nice here- and you guys all seem really cool, too." This place and its people were different from what he was used to, for sure, but that was okay. Different was okay- that was kind of the point of this face painting thing, anyway, wasn't it? "You want some Skittles?" Pierce offered the dish to Caesar, not sure if he was into sugary foods or not.

Next to arrive was a little girl, one that reminded him of his own, back... wherever she was. He missed her desperately, and the occasional moments of panic when the possibilities of what might have had happened - or currently be happening - to her still came, but he figured now wasn't the best time to dwell on it. As long as she was with her Uncle Rid, everything would be okay. Eventually. "Sure, love! What's your name?" he questioned, grabbing his stained palette as he began squeezing a few assorted colors on it. "What do you want?" Another small child showed up, and Pierce felt his smile grow wider at the sight of them. How many kids were there here? Knowing him, half of them would become little "Parkers" by the end of the week.

"Of course, sweetie. It's nice to meet you, too." He pushed the bowl of Skittles toward the two kids as he spoke, dipping his paintbrush into a bit of crimson. "What do you want, Cronas?" the dappled feline inquired, blinking slowly down at the little cat. Following Cronas was a slightly older kitten, another unfamiliar one, though a welcome presence nonetheless.

"Hey, Goldie- help yourself to the candy! It's very nice to meet you, too. Do you want anything specific or should I just go for it?" He was willing to do anything from a little design to full-face- whatever all these fun, interesting new people were into.


Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-09-2018

Skittles weren't exactly his forte, either, but... he had to eat at some point, right? Caesar frowned at Pierce's offer before finally giving into his temptations. The demon too a couple of Skittles, clearly not entirely happy with them. They weren't meat, and he wasn't a big fan of sugar in general, but hey... it was somethig, right? "Thanks," The demon muttered, trying to hide the fact he wasn't so happy over the situation.

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - purgatory - 06-09-2018

Re: ORDINARY WORLD | open, pride + face paints/m&g-ish - Keona. - 06-10-2018

✯ — female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The kitten blinked, seeming to realize she had forgotten to give her name.  Rude.  Sheepishly, she scuffed the ground with her paw.  "'m Keona." Her brow furrowed as her nose scrunched up.  What did she want?  Oh boy.

The striker didn't know what he was offering, nor would she know what that looked like even if she did.  Her tiny sharp teeth nicked the inside of her cheek as she tried to narrow in on a thought.  "Butterfly?" It'd been a while, but Keona still remembered the strange weight on her nose when one of the colorful insects had landed on her, much to her bewilderment, as well as Papercutter's.  "Can I 'ave a butterfly?" The child inquired, twice as confident, as made the executive decision.  Hopefully her father didn't mind she'd have paint on her face.
code by spacexual