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do or do not — open - Printable Version

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do or do not — open - lavi s. - 06-06-2018

I'm not good at this.  Lavi sighed, ear flicking.  The scruffy andean cat leaned over the crystal water, a pair of brown hues gleaming in uncertainity and determination.  Their sister had gotten good at swimming at one point in her life, but Lavi had never truly mastered the art of hanging around water.  Previously a tree-dweller, now a mountain cat, perhaps swimming was never meant to be his expertise.  However... He was not going to sit idly while his clanmates and their allies worked to keep them on their feet.

He wished he could still shift.  This was not his birth body, albeit that one was technically dead, but it was not the only form he had ended up in unwittingly.  Being a lion again wouldn't hurt, given the larger size and stronger stature.  Lions weren't meant for fishing either though... Kriffing hell.

Lavi knew he couldn't grab a fish unless he actually dove in there.  What's the worst that could happen? ... Other than drowning, of course.  The feline bit back another sigh, tail slashing to and fro.  He was fully prepared to leap, if he could just convince himself to do it.
code by spacexual

Re: do or do not — open - Tena M. - 06-07-2018

✯ — female. snowbound. sand cat. demdji. tags.
"Hey Lavi!" The demdji grinned, waving a tail as she bounded towards the mountain cat, blue eyes glowing with curiosity.  "Would it help if I pushed you in?" Tena herself, would be rather mortified, should someone try that on her, but since Lavi seemed to be planning on taking a swim anyway... It was more like encouragement as far as she was concerned.

In fact, the ocean border-line terrified the petite sand cat.  The fact she could see deeply into the clear waters only further made her anxious.  Tena had never been this close to the ocean before.  While she could enjoy the fresh sea breeze, the water itself frightened her.  She did not want to be close enough to get pushed in.  Even now, she stood a little ways behind the other feline, teeth chewing the inside of her cheek as her tail flicked.

"What're you doing anyway?"

If he actually knew how to swim, he had her beat, that was for sure.
code by spacexual

Re: do or do not — open - ARGUS - 06-07-2018

Suprisingly or not, fishing was another skill Argus had issues with. That being said she didn't have enough patine to actually fish and much preferred hunting wild red meat then she ever was comfortable sitting back and fishing. If she was forced to fish though- she preferred something akin to fly fishing. Skimming the water's and dawn or dusk along the water's top and simply dive catching fish. Any prowess Argus now had, skills she had to take up living before the desert happened she still had issues with- still had to practice really. Fishing was one of them because you guessed it- there was no real lake to fish in before.

The two strangers were from snowbound she assumed. Not just because of their unfamiliarity o her but the familiar scent of snow from the times the officer had ventured out to visit them in their own home. While she was interested in seeing how they were settling into the clan for now- Argus was distracted quite quickly by the sand cat's words. Fishing huh? Well, maybe she could offer a few tidbits of advice. "Trying to fish?" The officer murmured, her voice deep despite the soft tone she used. Mirth flashing in her eyes as she came to step up beside Lavi.

" Best keep your shadow out of the water, pick up some sand and trickle it over. Hmm, then it's all about waiting for the right time to strike." Argus was offering the advice she has been told when she first tried. Though it was mostly trial and error and a lot of patience to try and fish. One of the main reasons Argus didn't fish but mooched- read stole some fish from her clan mates and fresh kill piles when they were available. "I wouldn't worry much about your first time fishing. It takes a lot of patience."

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Re: do or do not — open - bubblegum - 06-07-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the kitten didn't have to worry about fishing too much right now. she'd learned to catch smaller prey, but even then she didn't do it very often since she didn't need to. her papa and the rest of the typhoon helped provide the food she needed, so there wasn't much urgency for her to learn how to fish at the moment. she did know how to swim, though! even if she didn't do it too often. she preferred hanging out on the island, since that's where everybody else was. but, she did still walk about the territory in case she ran into anybody, which is precisely what she was doing now.

she hopped over to the three that had gathered, tilting her head as argus explained some tips for fishing. maybe she should try doing it too! nah, she wouldn't right now. the kitten didn't feel like getting wet at the moment. besides, she kind of got tired of fish after a while, not that she'd ever tell people that, besides maybe mister jacob. she appreciated the food she got, even if it was the same thing over and over! the way argus explained it didn't make fishing seem like too much fun, though, which made her wonder for a second why they didn't focus more on the island prey instead. but, she realized pretty quickly that fish were probably more efficient, since they tended to be bigger and more abundant. hehe, she'd just learned that word! "abundant".

but, she knocked herself out of her own thoughts, figuring she could offer a bit of encouragement to the male. the male and the female both seemed to be from snowbound, which made her figure they weren't used to fishing. not that she'd really been in the snowbound's territory before, she'd just figured they didn't do much fishing there, based on the name. "i've never fished before, but my crewmates do it all the time, so surely it's not impossible. i betcha' can learn how to do it with some practice!" she decided to encourage with a smile.

Re: do or do not — open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-07-2018

Caesar didn't particularly like fish, and he definitely wasn't too fond of being near the water so much. It wasn't a fear per say, he just didn't like how uncomfortable the water made him. Or how the salt tasted fucking awful and was a pain in the ass to get out of his fur. But of course that doesn't mean he stayed away from the ocean entirely; after all, The Typhoon lived on an island so of course it was practically impossible to stay away.

"Why do you want fish, anyway?" Caesar voiced his opinion as he came over, a disgusted look on his face. "They taste nasty."

Re: do or do not — open - lavi s. - 06-08-2018

The young Jedi sheepishly smiled, ear flicking as he turned to regard the incoming sand cat.  There was not a single doubt in his mind she might actually push him in, though he noticed she was a little fretful-looking.  Given her clear status as a native desert-dweller, he was willing to bet the water made her antsy.  "I think I'll pass," he chuckled nervously, shaking his head.

"I'm... Trying to fish, I guess.  I'm not really sure how to go about it." The mountain cat turned his head sharply as others arrived, blinking as Argus offered some advice.  His eyes brightened as he listened, inclining his head lightly as the wolf spoke.  Glancing back at the water, the feline took a step back, worried that it was already too late to hide his shadow effectively.  He had not really thought of that.  Fish, being underwater, would take different methods of hunting, wouldn't they?  Perhaps he didn't even have to jump in the water.

But they looked a little too far to just swipe out of the water.  He sighed.  Patience was not an issue.  Lavi had spent moons mastering patience; proper mediation required the ability to calm one's mind and body.  If he needed to be still and wait, he could, but that wasn't always the answer, and he had to wonder if perhaps he shouldn't be fishing after all. There was other, easier prey to catch for his clanmates.

So he scooped a little sand in his paw before letting it slowly fall into the water, quieting his mind, just barely tuning into the other voices around him.  A child, another wolf and a serval, the latter of whom rather opinionated.  He shrugged.  "Not everyone hates them," he pointed out mildly.  "I'm not fishing for myself, anyhow, though it wouldn't hurt to try them once." Lavi was not sure if he'd take to fish - they seemed odd-textured to him, and smelled funny - but it was worth a go, and he didn't intend on trying any new food until he made sure others were taken care of.
code by spacexual

Re: do or do not — open - Owlie - 06-10-2018

The Emperor’s presence in the force was leeching and near omnipresent. To other force-wielders, it helicoptered over in an oppressive cloud. It beckoned and cooed and was twistedly sweet, as if it had good intentions to its madness. Yet it still wanted you to know that it was dominant.

He watched Lavi and Tena from the safety of his rainforest canopy, standing on a limb. His tail flickered back and forth as if he were considering pouncing on the children.

He didn’t even remember when or how his apprentice once killed the young Solo. Just that he did it and the Emperor awarded him so. In the mass of the genocide, it wasn’t like they were keeping track.

Acidic eyes watched them, carefully.

Re: do or do not — open - Tena M. - 06-10-2018

✯ — female. snowbound. sand cat. demdji. tags.
Tena's whiskers twitched, a dramatic sigh escaping her lips.  "Pity." She would've loved to see what he would've done.  Of course, the sand cat had a theory; if Lavi was indeed a Solo, odds were he had the Force.  His father and sister have it after all, so Tena figures any attempts to mess with the other feline would be for naught.  He could probably use the Force to move the water, or pull her in along with him.  At least, that was her theory.

The desert dweller leaned forward just a little as the others arrived and spoke, offering advice and encouragement.  If fishing was a game of patience, it was not for her.  Her older brother, Ebra, on the other paw, may enjoy it, if they liked fish that is.  She wasn't sure she liked fish.  Tena glanced at Caesar as he spoke, wondering if she might soon fall under the 'fish are nasty' opinion one day.  She had to try it first.  "Do kinda smell funny," she agreed quietly, amusement flickering in her eyes.

Her curious smile faltered a split second, but only for a fraction, then her chin tilted, eyes flaring with new life; a dare, almost, to the new presence she felt.  Tena was a shamelessly defiant feline.

"Why not just jump into the water to catch them?" If one swam fast enough, surely they could.  It sounded better than just sitting, watching and waiting.  Fishing is really boring.
code by spacexual

Re: do or do not — open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-10-2018

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." Caesar responded to Lavi, rolling his  eyes. They were scaly and slimy and nasty. The demon snorted at Tena's question, as if asking that was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. "Probably because they're terrified of us." He replied in a matter-of-fact tone.