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DREAM SWEET IN SEA MAJOR ♥ goldenluxury - Printable Version

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DREAM SWEET IN SEA MAJOR ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 06-04-2018


NAME. goldenluxury "goldie" roux
SEX. female
GENDER. female
AGE. 7 months / ages every 13th
SEXUALITY. pansexual, she thinks
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. panromantic, she thinks
CLAN. the typhoon
RANK. reaver (hp)
PARENTS. pincher roux x guru


CURRENT BODY. bengal cat
INJURIES. sharp, deep mark on her head, scratches along her face and shoulders, deep bite marks on her back, shoulder and neck, and burns all over her body
as a kitten, goldie is quite small and chubby. her paws are too big for her tiny body, causing her to trip over herself a lot. however, as she ages, she quickly grows that out and grows into a very buff, tall bengal cat. her fur as a kitten shines a golden color, giving her name, although becomes slightly more copper while she grows. she has a white belly, paws, muzzle, and tail tip that mostly fades out as she grows up. her eyes are a cold, striking green and remain this way throughout her life.


as kitten, she is quite energetic and friendly. she is very loyal to her friends and family and always want to be aware of how they're doing, causing her to be clingy as a kid, but grows more independent as time passes and she figures the world out. while goldie isn't afraid to talk to people and certainly doesn't mind it, she does grow tired of it after a while. she doesn't mind silence between others, but is often the one to initiate conversation, as to avoid others potentially feeling uncomfortable. she is able to read emotion quite well, and isn't afraid to comment on it. she is able to take over a leadership role in any sort of situation, as she is direct, although generally avoids stealing the spotlight from anyone. she is very adaptable and isn't afraid to be bold and take risks, however can also be intensely stubborn with some of her beliefs. she always tries to keep herself busy with whatever she may be passionate about at the time (which is many different things as a child). since she can be so caught up in her day-to-day activities, she tends to be pretty bad at commitment, as she grows bored of it. while she is extremely loyal to her friends and family, she struggles at making plans with them or even paying attention to them at all at times. despite this, her motivation to work hard comes from her love for her friends and family and causes her to hold them up in a higher position than she would ever see herself. all in all, goldie is a dedicated worker and loves celebrating her passions.
STRENGTHS. adaptable, quick-witted, unafraid of stepping up, ambitious but not power-hungry, passionate, courageous, relaxed, independent (as an adult), noble
WEAKNESSES. can be very stubborn over certain things, too direct, bad at commitment, too workaholic, reserved emotions, easily bored


mention [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] when attacking
physically moderate / mentally moderate

none discovered

the typhoon's religion -  haitian vodou

voice - moana
faceclaim - 1 / 2 / 3
- currently 10 years old in AUs
- usually wearing lightweight clothes like shorts, skirts, tank tops, and dresses
- usually either barefoot or wearing flip flops

goldie is still learning about the world and is very trusting towards most adults she meets. she is easy to manipulate if she considers that person to be decent and she naturally respects all adults, unless she is given reasons not to.

she is extremely loyal to her friends and family, willing to drop absolutely everything for them. if someone claims to be a member of her family, she tends to trust and like them more than others, even if they may not actually be a decent person.

thanks to the large amount of love and support she is shown at a young age, she believes that the world is full of good. this makes her want to return the favor to the world and be just as good to everybody else, giving her a positive outlook on life and people.

her favorite colors are all warm colors, with the exception of blue, as it reminds her of the sea along with her brother and papa.

her favorite animals are whale sharks, humpback whales, and dolphins. she also loves sharks, manta rays, butterflies, and parrots.

she is actually quite adventurous, but her loyalty to her family and crewmates keeps her from running too far from the island and represses that side of her.

goldie is a member of the gryffindor house. she is unafraid to speak up and help others when she needs to and is a popular classmate. she tries to get along with most others, although isn't hesitant to cut out others that she dislikes and is fiercely loyal to her friends and family. she is in the wampus household and fits well within it as a fighter. she has been assigned a 13¾" rowan wood wand with a unicorn hair core and reasonably supple flexibility. her wand is drawn to her clear-headed and pure-hearted nature and is incredibly strong in combat. it would be impossible to turn the wand to the dark arts and it is strongly loyal and protective of her. it would be very difficult to break the wand. her patronus is a grass snake.

- she was born with coldblue
- she grew up energetically, constantly tripping over herself and trying to learn more and more about the world as fast as she could
- guru disappears after a few months, and she grew closer to her father
- her first illness arrives and lasts for about a week
- she focused on knowing the territory and clan better after recovering from sickness and grows even closer to pincher and her crewmates
- she begins to learn how to cook thanks to the help of pincher's fiend, jacob, who she refers to as "mister jacob"
- she begins to have restless nights, and bad dreams, as well as become overall more worried as pincher gets badly injured
- she starts to teach herself basic medical knowledge
- she is promoted to striker
- she is the first to find pincher dead
- she wakes up injured with no memory of how this happened
- her papa returns from the dead and she is the first to find him

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 06-05-2018

♥                        ♥

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 06-06-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 06-23-2018

♥                          ♥

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 06-23-2018

♥                          ♥

♥                          ♥

♥                           ♥

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 07-03-2018

NAME. goldenluxury "goldie" roux
NAME ORIGIN. when goldie was first born, her fur shined a golden color. this, along with the typhoon's theme of pirates, inspired her to be named directly after it. she stays fitted to this name even after her fur becomes copper as she ages, as she finds great interest in shiny, golden things.
SEX. female
GENDER. cisgender female
AGE. 6 months / ages every 13th
GROUP. the typhoon
RANK. privateer (hp)
ORIENTATION. she isn't sure, but she believes she's pansexual / panromantic and leans towards girls
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. singe / too young
PARENTS. guru x pincher roux
OTHER RELATIONS. niece of rosemary roux, niece of reus roux, adopted niece of roxanne roux

CURRENT BODY. bengal cat
INJURIES. sharp, deep hole on the top of her head (slowly healing), scratches along her face and shoulders (healing), deep bite marks on her back, shoulder, and neck (new), burns all over her body (new)
ACCESSORIES. always wearing a blue feather earring given by pincher, a necklace given by roxanne, and a bracelet given by roxanne
DESCRIPTION. as a kitten, goldie was quite small and chubby. her paws were too big for her tiny body, causing her to trip over herself a lot. however, now that she is aging, she is quickly growing into long legs and buff muscles. her fur as a kitten shines a golden color, giving her name, although has now darkened into a bit more of a copper color. she has a white belly, paws, muzzle, and tail tip that mostly fades out as she grows up. her fur is medium length her whole life and generally kept clean and neat, as she tends to it often. her eyes are a cold, striking green and remain this way throughout her life. they seem to give off a glow, especially in the dark (this is due to a mutation she received from her father).

PERSONALITY. goldie is an ISTP. she is fiercely loyal to her friends and family and always want to be aware of how they're doing, causing her to be clingy as a kid, but grows more independent as time passes and she figures the world out. while goldie isn't afraid to talk to people and certainly doesn't mind it, she does grow tired of it after a while. she doesn't mind silence between others, but is often the one to initiate conversation, as to avoid others potentially feeling uncomfortable. she also understands the importance of communication and making relationships, so she makes sure to do so often. she is able to read emotion quite well, and isn't afraid to comment on it. she is able to take over a leadership role in any sort of situation, as she is direct, although generally avoids stealing the spotlight from anyone. she is very adaptable and isn't afraid to be bold and take risks, however can also be intensely stubborn with some of her beliefs. she always tries to keep herself busy with whatever she may be passionate about at the time (which is many different things as a child). she loves making others happy and receiving praise, which is a big part of her workaholic habits. if she keeps herself busy and helps out others, then they could be happy and less stressed. this causes more problems for herself in the end, but she doesn't seem to mind. since she can be so caught up in her day-to-day activities, she tends to be pretty bad at commitment, as she grows bored of it. while she is extremely loyal to her friends and family, she struggles at making plans with them or even paying attention to them at all at times. she tries to make up for this by giving them lots of presents all the time. despite her struggle, her motivation to work hard comes from her love for her friends and family and causes her to hold them up in a higher position than she would ever see herself. all in all, goldie is a dedicated worker and loves celebrating her passions.
— voiceclaim is moana
— faceclaim in human AUs is audreyana michelle (1 / 2 / 3)
— she has a third eyelid that protects her eyes from irritants due to a mutation in the roux family.
— her eyes have a certain glow to the due to a mutation in the roux family.
— she calls people she respects a lot "mister", "miss", or "mix" (with exception of close family, since they generally get their own special titles anyway).
— she tends to overwork herself quite often and can't stop moving due to her workaholic nature.
— whenever others show concern for her, she generally brushes it off and says she is fine and/or uses excuses to reassure them.
— she will not hesitate to defend those she cares about in any situation. she doesn't care if she is attacked in the process, so long as the other is okay.
— she avoids conflict, but she isn't afraid to let people know when she doesn't respect them - especially if they do something she doesn't approve of.
— she generally trusts adults very easily and takes their words to heart. if she doesn't respect the adult, then she ignores them a bit more but still considers their words.
— she is actually quite adventurous, but her loyalty to her family and crewmates keeps her from running too far from the island and represses that side of her.
— she trusts her family instantly. if someone claims to be a part of her family she will instantly hold them higher than someone who isn't, even if they may not be a good person.
— she avoids crying due to being told that she is weak for crying.
— her favorite colors are all warm colors, with the exception of blue, as it reminds her of the sea, her papa, and her brother.
— her favorite animals are whale sharks, humpback whales, and dolphins. she also loves sharks, manta rays, butterflies, and parrots.
ALIGNMENT. goldie is neutral good. she does the absolutely best that she can and tries to help anyone, but will not always follow every order or advice she is given. she has little bias and instead follows what she believes to be right.
POTTERMORE PROFILE. goldie is a member of the gryffindor house. she is unafraid to speak up and help others when she needs to and is a popular classmate. she tries to get along with most others, although isn't hesitant to cut out others that she dislikes and is fiercely loyal to her friends and family. she is in the wampus household and fits well within it as a fighter. she has been assigned a 13¾" rowan wood wand with a unicorn hair core and reasonably supple flexibility. her wand is drawn to her clear-headed and pure-hearted nature and is incredibly strong in combat. it would be impossible to turn the wand to the dark arts and it is strongly loyal and protective of her. it would be very difficult to break the wand. her patronus is a grass snake.
code by spacexual

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 07-11-2018


goldenluxury "goldie" roux is a 6 month old female bengal cat. goldie is covered in burns and injuries all over her face, neck, back, and tail that are bandaged and healing slowly. she is always seen wearing a blue feather earring, blue necklace, and blue bracelet. goldie is clearly physically exhausted and weak due to her tendency to overwork herself. she is currently a privateer of the typhoon. she is the proud daughter of pincher roux and guru.

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

— general
NAME. goldenluxury roux
NAME ORIGIN. when goldie was first born, her fur shined a golden color. this, along with the typhoon's theme of pirates, inspired her to be named directly after it. she stays fitted to this name even after her fur becomes copper as she ages, as she finds great interest in shiny, golden things.
— also often goes by goldie, gold, golden, and dee
SEX. female
GENDER. cisgender female
AGE. 19 months / ages every 13th
GROUP. the typhoon
RANK. captain / leader (hp)
— holds the "token" title
— previously striker, privateer, reaver, dealer, and quartermaster
ORIENTATION. homosexual / homoromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single / not looking
PARENTS. guru x pincher roux
OTHER RELATIONS. adoptive mother of ccliv, step-daughter of jacob roux wickliff corleone, niece of many, half-sister to many
— heir of the roux family
— full relations here
— important notes
- her voiceclaim is lady urbosa, though with a hint of an irish and southern accent mixed together.
- she has a companion harpy eagle named lynn that is assumed to be around her age and is full size.
- she has a third eyelid that protects her eyes from irritants due to a mutation in the roux family.
- her eyes have a certain otherworldly glow to them due to a mutation in the roux family.
- she often smells like a mixture of sea salt, food, and flowers.
- she is able to befriend and train near any wild creature she comes across on the typhoon's island and within the ocean with ease.
— this is possibly due to the fact pincher is demigod of the rough seas.
- is actually super knowledgeable on marine life; she could probably list every single fish that she passes while swimming in the ocean.
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. golden tiger
CURRENT SIZE. 8'0" (length)
ACCESSORIES. always wearing a blue feather earring given by pincher, always wearing a silver-chained necklace with a shark tooth given by pincher, a necklace given by roxanne, a bracelet given by roxanne, and a necklace given by solveig (she switches out the necklaces every day)
— out of all of her accessories, the girl is almost never seen without her blue feather earring. she takes delicate care of it and even washes it.
— she also uses the bracelet given by roxanne as her charm bracelet, simply adding onto it as necessary.
GOLDEN TIGER DESCRIPTION. perhaps the most noticeable physical trait are her eyes, her left a striking cold green, reflecting the ones she holds in her bengal cat body, however, her right eye is an even icier blue, comparable to her father's own eyes. her pupils remain as slits, seemingly unable to dilate, and they have a constant otherworldly glow protruding from them. her fur is thin for a tiger, feathery at her ears and tail tip. it shines a golden color, tawny stripes cutting through it. she has large white and tawny wings, similarly shaped to a seagull. finally, attached to her legs are tawny fins and webbed paws, allowing her to swim through the water with ease. her fur has an almost droopy look to it and is very soft to the touch.
BENGAL CAT DESCRIPTION. as a kitten, goldie was quite small and chubby. her paws were too big for her tiny body, causing her to trip over herself a lot. however, now that she is aging, she is quickly growing into long legs and buff muscles. her fur as a kitten shines a golden color, giving her name, although has now darkened into a bit more of a copper color. she has a white belly, paws, muzzle, and tail tip that fade. her fur is medium length her whole life and generally kept clean and neat, as she tends to it often. her eyes are a cold, striking green and remain this way throughout her life. they seem to give off a glow, especially in the dark (this is due to a mutation she received from her father). she seems to radiate a divine grace wherever she goes, almost to the point where it is intimidating, though it seems to melt away as she interact with others, often holding a genuinely kind aura.
— personality
detailed description:
— generous, optimistic, friendly, witty, judgmental, confident, overly workaholic, perfectionist, rational, understanding, calculative, loyal, ambitious, daring, sometimes too stubborn, relies too heavily on feedback, lacks self-care
BEHAVIORS. has separation anxiety, holds back tears, represses problems, trusting of family, protective over others, copes by working, does a bit of everything, doesn't acknowledge herself, constantly grateful
— ever since her papa died and returned, she has developed separation anxiety and goes out of her way to be with her family and friends, tracking their behaviors, and feeling uncomfortable if they are out of sight.
— she avoids crying due to being told that she is weak for crying.
— whenever others show concern for her, she generally brushes it off and says she is fine and/or uses excuses to reassure them.
— she trusts her family instantly. if someone claims to be a part of her family she will instantly hold them higher than someone who isn't, even if they may not be a good person.
— she will not hesitate to defend those she cares about in any situation. she doesn't care if she is attacked in the process, so long as the other is okay.
— goldie copes with everything by working. she feels great? awesome, time to work super hard! she feels miserable? that's okay, working will distract her!
— goldie doesn't really understand what she's passionate in so she tries to do literally everything to both be more useful and to share hobbies with others.
— since goldie is so focused on everyone else, she never really takes the time to think or acknowledge herself. she doesn't realize when she's growing unhealthy because she doesn't take the time to. she doesn't realize when she's growing upset because she doesn't think about it.
— goldie feels as if she has been given a very fortunate life. she has a large family that loves her, others are generally accepting of her, and she's been given a lot of help. she feels quite grateful about this and constantly tries to hold the world in a good light because of this. constantly wants to give back to others.
FAVORITES. her favorite things tend to reflect her life on the island and hold the theme of the ocean.
— her favorite colors are all warm colors, with the exception of blue, as it reminds her of the sea, her papa, and her brother.
— her favorite animals are whale sharks, humpback whales, and dolphins. she also loves sharks, manta rays, butterflies, and parrots.
— she absolutely loves apple juice and sort of lives off of it. if she's not drinking apple juice, then she's probably drinking coconut water.
— goldie doesn't really have a favorite food - she loves to try all sorts of foods and can't decided what she likes best.
— other
POWERS. goldie possesses electric elementals, like her papa, and is currently working on learning how to control them.
RELIGION. is a believer of norse mythology gods, though is not a devoted follower.
FIGHTING. she is quite physically strong, even a small slap could leave a mark from her. she is physically difficult. she doesn't know much about mental manipulation but has a strong mind and heart, so she's mentally moderate. please tag [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] when attacking.
INVENTORY. a blue feather earring given by pincher, a necklace given by roxanne, a bracelet given by roxanne, and a necklace given by solveig, a cutlass scimitar sword given by bakugou, a wooden toy sailboat, a couple gold doubloons, a dream catcher given by beck, whale shaped ocarina given by silus, teardrop shaped pendant given by silus, brown glass turtle given by silus, a little basket, and a growing collection of other treasures she keeps inside chests
AWARDS. won favorite character, friendliest character, cutest character, "most likely to trip and fall into a volcano", "most likely to win president", "most likely to be teacher's pet", and "most likely to sleep in class" in the typhoon's july 2018 choice awards.
won favorite character, friendliest character, cinnamon roll, best friendship with beck, "most likely to put pumpkin spice on everything", and "most likely to make scarves for everyone" in the typhoon's september 2018 choice awards.
ALIGNMENT. goldie is neutral good. she does the absolutely best that she can and tries to help anyone, but will not always follow every order or advice she is given. she has little bias and instead follows what she believes to be right.
HUMAN AU. her faceclaim is audreyana michelle (1 / 2 / 3) and she is currently 18 years old and 6'0". she is usually wearing lightweight, casual things and doesn't usually wear shoes or anything more than sandals.
POTTERMORE PROFILE. goldie is a member of the gryffindor house. she is unafraid to speak up and help others when she needs to and is a popular classmate. she tries to get along with most others, although isn't hesitant to cut out others that she dislikes and is fiercely loyal to her friends and family. she is in the wampus household and fits well within it as a fighter. she has been assigned a 13¾" rowan wood wand with a unicorn hair core and reasonably supple flexibility. her wand is drawn to her clear-headed and pure-hearted nature and is incredibly strong in combat. it would be impossible to turn the wand to the dark arts and it is strongly loyal and protective of her. it would be very difficult to break the wand. her patronus is a grass snake.
— history
- she was born with coldblue
- she grew up energetically, constantly tripping over herself and trying to learn more and more about the world as fast as she could
- guru disappears after a few months, and she grew closer to her father
- her first illness arrives and lasts for about a week
- she focused on knowing the territory and clan better after recovering from sickness and grows even closer to pincher and her crewmates
- she begins to learn how to cook thanks to the help of pincher's fiend, jacob, who she refers to as "mister jacob"
- she begins to have restless nights, and bad dreams, as well as become overall more worried as pincher gets badly injured
- she starts to teach herself basic medical knowledge
- she is promoted to striker
- she is the first to find pincher dead
- she wakes up injured with no memory of how this happened
- her papa returns from the dead and she is the first to find him
- goes out for a short swim only to be attacked by a barracuda. she's swam so far from shore and lost so much blood that she eventually grows unconscious before she can make it back. she wakes up hours later, struck by lightning in the water and discovers her own electric elementals in the process that help lead her back to shore.
- since she is still fatally injured by the time she reaches shore, she prepares to say final goodbyes as she falls unconscious again.
- she wakes up, surprised to find she is still alive and talks about death with pincher.
- a few days later, she is promoted to privateer
- the same day, the typhoon is hit by a tsunami and they are forced to evacuate to higher ground. since she's still healing and can't move, pincher has to carry her in a basket.
- she forces herself to begin to move around more instead of rest due to the tsunami, causing her injuries to heal at a much slower rate.
- she begins to collect things she finds as she plans to hand out gifts to everyone.
- her adopted aunt, roxanne, goes missing after the tsunami and she finds her wings wash up.
- after a few days of searching for roxanne, her aunt returns.
- she becomes an envoy (ambassador) for snowbound and makes her first visit.
- jacob and pincher get engaged
- she is promoted to reaver
- snowbound drops them to neutrals and she defends her home, feeling betrayed.
- she falls ill due to overworking and not taking care of herself, forcing her to actually rest and allowing her injuries to finally properly heal.
- she is temporarily demoted to get time to heal as well as given the title of "token".
- she finds a harpy eagle with her papa and decides to keep it, naming it lynn.
- is the first to strike in a scuffle with a snowbounder in an attempt to protect her crewmates.
- gives out presents that she'd been preparing for a month for each member of the typhoon.
- is the flower girl to pincher and jacob's wedding.
- makes her first capture to a girl in the ascendants to get them back for capturing jacob.
- is attacked by a crewmate and threatened to keep her from telling anyone.
- her sister, cleo, and brother, silus, are captured in the ascendants, but she can't quite do anything about it due to her injuries.
- she is promoted to dealer
- begins to live in paranoia decius will attack someone again.
- hallucinates more frequently, sleeps even less, and refuses to rest whatsoever, halting her healing altogether.
- begins to make a routine of checking up on every single crewmate, relying on a walking stick to move around.
- begins to come up with plans to kill decius.
- silus and cleo return and she apologizes profusely for not aiding their escape. cleo makes it clear she is not willing to forgive so easily.
- jacob has his children with pincher and disappears not long after.
- is instructed by a voice to stop an individual who intends to hurt the typhoon and offer the voice the silk the individual is wearing. kills someone for the first time in the process.
- begins to stress her body even more by deciding to look for jacob, wanting desperately him to return.
- takes in a new, ghostly crewmate, beck, after he is attacked by his mutated venus fly trap. he stays in her hut.
- jacob returns.
- she becomes so overwhelmed that she decides to start isolating herself for a few hours each day, actually slowly starting to allow her body to heal in the process.
- goes for a walk on impulse and accidentally kills a member of the pitt over bracelet cuffs. returns with them and immediately has a breakdown. accidentally spills what decius had told her to keep secret.
- isolates herself for a few weeks, staying inside with beck and only going outside every so often to check up on things or see her papa.
- begins to grow more comfortable with the idea of sleeping and rest in general, body becoming much more physically healthy.
- the pitt begins to attack the typhoon, capturing two members, and she wonders if she is the cause behind it.
- she is soon ambushed by stryker. she accepts her punishment, knowing she is guilty, and lets her take her, assuming that he is just going to kill her and then they would leave the typhoon alone.
- however, this belief that she'd just be killed, is proven wrong as her memories are wiped and he brings her into the pitt as a slave, saying he is going to better her, and then kill her.
- about a week later, the typhoon launches a rescue raid for her and another captured member. since she has no memories, though, she does not fully recognize them and grows scared and disoriented.
- her papa immediately attacks stryker brutally, to which she responds by trying to shove him away as she does not remember him. she prepares to run as stryker orders her to leave, but once she sees her papa get struck in the same spot he'd bled out from before, she regains a memory, and lets him take her home.
- after a few days pass, she reintroduces herself to a home she does not recognize.
- news begins to spread that her mother, guru, has been publicly executed in place of goldie, since she was rescued before he could do it to her.
- she remembers guru as stryker places her corpse in the typhoon. she passes out.
- immediately after she wakes up, she decides to try and go to the pitt, but is stopped as she sees the ghost of guru in front of her, and then dead eyes surrounding her. this is her mental manipulation project images.
- she tries again, a few days later, but ends up in snowbound. she rekindles her friendship with atbash cipher here. this encounter causes her to stay back in the typhoon for now, but she still feels tempted to leave and go to stryker. she wants to fix this.
- is given a cutlass scimitar sword by bakugou.
- as the rosebloods come to the typhoon in hopes of aid as they have no healers, goldie offers to help. she is ordered to stay, but goes behind pincher's orders and comes to help anyway, but this interaction ultimately leads to the rosebloods being dropped and goldie being scolded.
- she lays low the next few days, trying to fix her mistake.
- a pittian by the name of leopard attempts to capture her, but she fights him off quickly, chasing him out of the island angrily.
- she takes off her bandages, as her back has finally healed, but she also regains her memories of how her back ended up like this in the first place. she sets the abandoned shack she was attacked in on fire.
- is promoted to quartermaster with bakugou, but does not feel worthy. before she can say anything about it, though, she ends up needing to help defend pincher and bakugou as caesar strikes out against them both in anger that he was not promoted.
- not long after, goldie finally goes to speak to stryker, wanting desperately to fix her mother's death somehow. she ends up only sticking up for herself against him finally, though, and leaves with a bitter taste in her mouth.
- she remains in the typhoon, determined to become a good quartermaster now.
- their territory is set on fire by stryker and she immediately grows furious with stryker, deciding that she would make him pay as soon as the fire is dealt with.
- she goes to the pitt and attacks a random member, making this only the beginning of her plans to punish stryker and the pitt.
- returns to the island afterward and remembers her meeting with a goddess, immediately goes to speak to pincher afterward.
- grows into her position of quartermaster, dedicating herself to being a good one.
- decides to throw purple dye over stryker as a prank.
- starts to meet with a male cat at night. ends up pregnant and killing him.
- kills yes man, the original leader of the pitt.
- pincher steps down, causing her in turn to step up from quartermaster to captain.
- gets into fight with stryker and ends up miscarrying.
- the typhoon's island's volcano erupts and she prepares them for the worst.
- they evacuate from the burning island and sail to mainland.
- she hosts a rescue party to help anyone who may have ended up stranded, but ends up getting trapped and dying.
- is revived by the gods, given her memories back, and placed into a new body.
[Image: e_by_spacexuai-dchou1u.gif]

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 07-27-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
[img][/img]texthere "speech"

Re: WHO WE ARE ♥ goldenluxury - bubblegum - 08-04-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux is a 7 month old female bengal cat. goldie has deep injuries in the center of her back, and mostly healed burns all over her body. goldie has trouble moving due to spinal cord injury. she is always seen wearing a blue feather earring, blue necklace, and blue bracelet. goldie is temporarily demoted from her position as reaver of the typhoon to recover. she is the proud daughter of pincher roux and guru.

goldenluxury "goldie" roux is a 7 month old female bengal cat. goldie has deep injuries in the center of her back, and mostly healed burns all over her body. goldie has trouble moving due to spinal cord injury. she is always seen wearing a blue feather earring, blue necklace, and blue bracelet. goldie is temporarily demoted from her position as reaver of the typhoon to recover. she is the proud daughter of pincher roux and guru.