Beasts of Beyond
WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - Printable Version

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WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - Ares - 03-09-2023

The beast was lost. So incredibly lost. Drifting around like some sad feather in a lonely wind. The deinonychus, tired and mourning, found herself at the border of the swamp, caring so incredibly little about it all.

Ares snorted, skinny body on the verge of collapse as she heard noises from further within the swamp. She simply looked away, a sad groan leaving her.

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-10-2023

Having been trying to get used to his domesticated cat form again, Cory was out for a hunt today. It was something that helped him to clear his mind in moments like he had experienced as of late. He didn’t want to think about everything going on. Nothing was right, and yet everything was in place as if Dherog had aligned the stars for him. It was a flurry, a cluster. The feline knew he needed to do something, or he was going to go insane.

Trudging along, the cat felt an unfamiliar scent whisk into his nose. A soft growl crept up in his throat as he pursued the scent, slinking deep towards the ground just mere moments before popping his head up again. When he did, he saw what he was going after was not prey at all. It was a stranger.

Name and business.
code by spacexual

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - Ares - 03-10-2023

Feathers shuddered as she heard Cory speak, a pang of fear rushing through her for a moment. But it soon died down and was replaced with grief. Name and Business. "Ares..." she rumbled, weakly moving her head to look at him. Last time she saw him was months ago, before he had left for something.

Hollow eyes looked at the feline almost sorrowfully. But she was too weak to stand again.

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-11-2023


They were nearly unrecognizable to the former Luminary. His eyes widened as he observed their frail form, feeling a bit sorry for them as he frowned. Recalling he had some fresh prey with him, the feline moved closer to the feathered creature with sad eyes. Then, he pawed his prey over to them. “I…I’m sorry. You look as though you feel awful, what happened to you, Ares?” he inquired in a soft voice, rummaging around in the medicinal pack he held upon his side. Pulling out some water he scrounged up in an old container, he offered that as well. Never had he seen them in such a dire condition, they looked close to keeling over at his feet. He was going to try his best to help them. It’s the least he could do after disappearing on them all so suddenly.
code by spacexual

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - Ares - 03-11-2023

She watched with weary eyes as he handed her food, water. Said he was sorry, asked what happened to her. And her eyes widened, as though struck by thought. With tear-filled eyes she snapped up the prey, choking it down. "Too... too much. I don't know why I came back." She really had no reason to. Neither place was home at the moment.

Pausing to drink some of the water, she looked up at him. "When... when did you come back..?" She hushed, slowly gaining a little bit of strength. Maybe, if she was brave enough...

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-12-2023

A pitiful gleam rested in his eye as he listened. Too much? Didn’t know why she was back? Well, Cory could relate to that. As she ate and drank a bit of relief washed over him. At least he was sure she wasn’t going to die here, that was first and foremost of importance. Rummaging around his pack, he offered her a little more meat.

About a week ago, my venture brought me nothing good,” he told her, a frown misplacing the reassuring smile that once fell upon his face. Then, he would glance about for some clanmates to help him escort Ares to camp. Nobody was around yet, so he decided his best option was to keep her comfortable.

I know this might not be home to you, but let us take care of you until you’re better at least.
code by spacexual

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - tanglewoodian - 03-13-2023

Dion had loved Ares deeply. Perhaps he still did. Perhaps that was why her leaving him behind had hurt so very much. Why he longed for her company day in and out. Yet, he gave up that dream when she came back with another. Someone she had clearly chosen over him. He realized she did not love him as he did her. That hurt the cold hearted beast and he was still salty.

Yet, as he came upon Cory and Ares, he did not feel the hatred he so desperately wanted to feel. He felt an odd concern for her as she looked horrid. She had never looked this way before and she was all alone. The hybrid moved forward slowly until he was stopped beside Cory and let his eyes scan her. "Ares.." He paused and took a moment to think over his words.

That gruff voice not the best for offering comfort. "If you need to talk, i am here. For now, please rest. We can get you back on your feet and better soon." Then you can abandon me again. The thought was bitter, but unspoken.

actions | "speech" | attacking
if i told you what i was

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - Ares - 03-13-2023

As more food was given, she dipped her head gratefully and ate it a bit more quickly, listening. A week. With a grumble, she nodded. And then, before Cory had started again, a painfully familiar figure had approached. The tears she was doing so well at containing fell, and she let out a sorrowful noise -- some sort of chuff. She knew he was hurt, especially by her bringing Serendipity to the border last time. She couldn't pick apart why, and didn't want to.

She was quiet as the two spoke. Dion was there for her, she could rest and get better. Wiping tears from her eyes and reptilian cheeks, she huffed, shaking herself and allowing feathers to scatter. On shaking legs, she hoisted herself up, steadying herself before turning to look at the two. "Yeah... yeah- I could stay a while."

Re: WILL NEVER KNOW // beast(?) At the Border - aesior - 03-16-2023

"Child?" Came the quiet voice from the lion as he walked, the clamor of NPCs having reached him on his walk through the swamp. Aesior hadn't thought he would see Ares again, not so soon. He had yet to have heard of her visit to Tanglewood while he was unconscious. Uncertain steps led him forward, still not used to the fact that he could not see from his left eye, halting whenever he thought he heard something or sensed something approaching from that side. It was like losing a limb, a memory that came unbidden. How many lives had he lived? Had the thing inside him lived?

Shaking his head slightly so as not to agitate the raw wound though covered as it was, the mute-toned lion slowly walked forward, his ears perked as he fixed his one-eyed gaze on the creature that he recognized as Ares. It had been some months since the fateful night that caused her to turn and run. Since his back had nearly been broken. Since Cory had left. A troubled breath stirred in his chest as he caught sight of Cory, ears flattening for a moment before standing upright, "Have you come home, little one?"

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[align=center]"speech" | thoughts / writing