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BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Printable Version

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BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-02-2023

It had been long.

Cory could feel the air swaying against him as his bones creaked, a determinate look upon his gaze as he took everything in. His body was heavy, much heavier than when he had left. Along the way, he had shifted back into his dragon form. It was a large adjustment, but one he desperately desired for the journey he was about to uptake. Luckily, this form proved advantageous. It allowed him to maneuver the lands faster, which is something the giant desperately needed. Cory had disappeared because he was looking for something. Although, he wasn’t sure whether it was a something or a someone. Regardless, here he would reappear, disappointed after a year of persistence.

As the giant lumbered into Tanglewood territory, his beaming eyes trailed off into the distance. Things had changed, he was sure of it. It had been so long, how could they not? With a soft grumble and a complacent look upon his gaze, his head shifted to and fro with each step. Dozens of nameless clanmates glared upon him with a deep seated disgust. They didn’t recognize him, and he couldn’t recognize them.

Where is Aesior?” boomed the dragon. He sat down, hunched over as he awaited the sight of his beloved. “Tell him Cory wants to see him.

code by spacexual

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Atticus Roux - 03-03-2023

Since the March meeting, Tanglewood's official luminary was out of commission. Instead, Seven was at the helm. Atticus could not describe the anguish he felt as he watched Aesior fall before them during the meeting, but also could not push back the feelings of disappointment at Aesior's own greed. Perhaps, in a strange sort of way, it was karma. The feline did not quite know. Surely, though, he was conflicted. As he contemplated the thought while he towed the border's line, a frown lined his maw. Something had to be done. Atticus, though, did not know what. He had faced such a predicament before. What was going to be his choice this time?

A sigh left his maw. Paws trailed forward lazily as he shook his head, practically trying to get the thoughts out of his head. The only thing that got him to stop was the thunderous shaking of a large being's steps trailing past. He paused in his advancements. Yellow eyes turned behind him, noticing the large silhouette travelling in the distance. Confused, the domestic feline slunk to the floor and pushed his small body into the darkness of the underbrush.

As he grew closer, realization began to set in. That form was familiar. They had been gone for a year, yet here they were. Atticus stepped out from the shadows and looked upwards at the other as they spoke, his jaw hanging open. Anger, frustration, and despair started to flurry inside his head. The other had abandoned them, leaving them to perish. Yet here they were, asking for the man they left. Surely, Aesior was the one to suffer the most out of them. Perhaps, Atticus reasoned, that was the reason for their downfall. He could not help but feel rage for the other's loss.

With a growl, the local grump snapped back at the large dragon. "He's unconscious," the Roux replied. "Where have you been?"

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-03-2023

A familiar silhouette brimmed into Cory’s eyesight as he stood, exhaling a large breath through his mighty nostrils. He could sense it. The rage, the fury, deep within Atticus’s mind as he glanced upon him. Cory knew the former wasn’t happy to see him, not that he could blame them. He had turned his back on everything to fulfill some hopeless fantasy. Empty promises that he would be back soon had tumbled past his lips, tarnishing the bond of trust and security he once held with his people.

He listened to Atticus, flinching a bit in sadness as he heard of Aesior’s dilemma. He was unconscious? What did he get himself into? His heart raced but he kept a stone cold expression.

I needed to find someone,” was all Cory could reply, his body threatening to tremor as the agony of knowing something happened to Aesior ripped through him. “I want to see him.
code by spacexual

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Casphian - 03-03-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Dread had been the only thing that filled the Hellhound as of late. Dread and anger. He hadn’t been prepared to see Aesior fall, the sight sending him into flashback after flashback. He had been stuck to Aesior’s side as much as he could be without getting in Seven’s way. He wanted, no needed his pops to wake up soon.

He had finally decided to take a walk today, needing the fresh air and to clear his head. He caught the voice of Atticus, curious as to who he was talking to. So Solsken went to investigate, pressing into the area slowly. He sneered at what Cory said, how demanding he was to see Aesior and he didn’t trust it. ”Well you can’t see my father,” the Hellhound snarled.

He strolled over to Atticus, dipping his head in greeting to the feline. He settled down onto his haunches, turning his glare back to Cory. “Who are you?”

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Seven - 03-03-2023

The tigress had overheard everything from within her home, tending to patients when the words were spoken. And by the time she had emerged onto her front porch, sitting down by her steps, she couldn't help but give Corupttimelines a furied glare. But she said nothing for now. Her ears flicked to Corrupted Flower's words, and she nodded subconsciously. Good on him, loyal to his father.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-03-2023

Another face crept out of the woodworks and to the feet of the massive, scaled beast. His eyes narrowed into slits and he barred his teeth. How dare they tell Cory he can’t see his- his….he didn’t want to get into it right now. However, when the member made their relations known, Cory felt himself stiffen. Father? Oh shit. This was Aesior’s kid?

Solsken was held tightly in the dragon’s vision as he wracked his mind. Who was the other parent? Where did this child come from? How old were they? A flurry of questions fluttered around the tattered mind of the dragon. Now he had to explain himself for the first time publicly. Great. Not to mention, he could feel Seven burning a hole into the back of his head with that glare.

Aesior is a very special person to me. I don’t know how to describe it because we didn’t get that far,” he muttered towards Solsken. Then, evidently a bit flustered, he shook his head. “Just take me to him. Please.
code by spacexual

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Casphian - 03-03-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
”Special?! SPECIAL?!” Solsken all but yelled. He pushed himself up onto his paws, padding over to the dragon with his lips curled back into a snarl. [b]”You have not been here for months if not years so who are you to say he’s special?!” he snapped. The Hellhound snapped his jaws in the air, tongue curling over his teeth.

”Where were you when he needed you? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE WAS HURT?” he snarled. He itched to physically lash out, to hurt Cory. He wanted the other’s blood on his fangs. But he held back, digging his claws into the ground. Oh how he wanted to fade the red liquid.

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - Seven - 03-03-2023

Suddenly the woman stood, tail lashing. "Enough! Corrupted Flower, stand down." she demanded, taking her time coming down the steps, feet falling in great thuds against the wood. Eventually she stood behind Corrupted Flower, anger and exhaustion radiating off her. "He makes a good point. You claim that Aesior was special to you, and yet you left for months. You were not here when we fought against The Typhoon, you were not here when he got injured." she felt anger seep into her words, and thus she halted. Collected her thoughts.

"I do not believe you, Corrupttimelines." and she fell silent. Her blind gaze went from Cory, to Solsken, to Atticus, then back to Cory.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - pere - 03-04-2023

It would be a lie if she said that she knew what she was doing. The commotion of a great tall beast with a rather unsettling countenance and her new groupmates was enough to rouse the lantern-bearer from her small roost in the library. Her steps closer to the gathering of mismatched faces and a pool of names led her to almost miss the scent of volatile emotions on the air. She could pick up on so many different scents that for a moment, she lost herself in trying to pick them apart. Anger, anguish, despair, frustration. There were too many scents souring the air and causing her head to spin.

The lilac point molly shook her head and began to walk towards the gathering of faces again, the small bells and ribbons around her ear making soft tinking sounds, announcing her quiet presence better than she could. She didn't have names for the faces here aside from Atticus, at least, none that stuck. Stepping towards the gray tabby's side, towards the familiar face and perhaps the second most visibly angry person there, she took a deep breath. She had seen the Luminary fall, and hearing all this talk about being special... there were a few clues for her to pick at maybe but she didn't know the whole story. She was worried for the unconscious form that had crumpled after such a struggle to announce the things he had.

Coming to a slow stop at Atticus' side, Pere would lift her gaze to Corrupttimelines' massive body and swallowed. "I know that I'm new here and things are really tense but Sir Dragon, might I suggest that you let things cool down first? Maybe wait until our Luminary is conscious and able to handle this ... tension? If he's as special as you claim, I know that you might be worried but he is in a delicate state and anything that might disturb his recovery would be dangerous to introduce to him. I'm sure you can understand. Why don't you find a home or if you had one, maybe return there for the time being Sir? We're all very wound up and stressed right now, please. When Aesior is better, you can see him, I'm sure.", she would speak up as loud as she dared, well aware that other voices could speak over her own.

Gaze catching the body of Corrupted Flower, she would tip her head. The son of the Luminary and someone who said he was special to him, yet both of their names started with something related to "Corrupt". How strange. Lowering her head slightly as her ears flicked and leaned back, mulling over the younger male's words. Her gaze flicked to Seven as their stand-in Lumianry and Shadow Reaper spoke, ears standing up. It was true that the big dragon hadn't been present, and it seemed like there was some history there, but she bit her tongue to keep from speaking again. It really wasn't her place and she would prefer to not make enemies with her new groupmates, but she couldn't help but to feel sympathetic in a way. He was a stranger to their situation like she was, though he was no stranger to the group.  [/td][/tr][/table]
@ teef

Re: BAREN LANDS | open, reemergence - tanglewoodian - 03-04-2023

A voice the turtle knew and well. One of his two fathers. He moved swiftly towards the voices and right past his allies. Only stopping when he was between Cory's legs. He was happy the other was home and he offered on of his trademark soft hello nips. Turning to look at the others as they spoke. He was worried about his other father. Solskens sibling as he was, he knew Cory was telling the truth. He just couldn't fight this many at once. So, he eyed his brother silently.

actions | "speech" | attacking
there's something inside of me