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I don't need God. // Alexandre - Printable Version

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I don't need God. // Alexandre - SETHIRAM - 02-18-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
The serval ruled out that shit had hit the fan. And even so, the wounded woman was next in line to go tend to the prisoner Seven had so rightfully beaten into the ground. She wished she had been there to see it, but the serval had heard the curdling scream that Seven had let out, and it chilled her. It reminded her too much of a past she wanted to leave out. But some things stayed. The hooked tooth that was wrapped around a cord and tied around her neck jostled with each step as she entered the dungeon.

The basket of very bare and essential food items swayed gently as she continued, eye adjusting to the darkness as she walked. The other eye had been patched up, leaving her muzzle to remain torn and scarred. She didn't really mind -- her own stench of sickness overwhelmed the smell of blood any time of the day. The spoils of war.

"Food delivery." She chimed, halting at the metal rails that held back the prisoner. She dropped the basket, sitting down to wait for the Typhooner to approach.


Re: I don't need God. // Alexandre - Alexandre - 02-27-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Alexandre had been stuck in the dark depths of the library's bunker for quite awhile now. Despite talking to every passerby or prisoner xe could, the feline never felt the delightful eyes of Tanglewooder that mattered. Not Aesior, not a high position, just simpletons. Xe was getting quite frustrated, not to mention since their diet had not been attended to either, especially since they were already deathly skinny as it was.

At the sound of the jostling of the lock on the bunker and the light shining down in the distance, Alexandre's head perked up from his paws. For a moment, xe laid there silently, only to let out an exasperated sigh moments later. "Finally," xe proclaimed slyly. "Someone to talk to." The feline pushed themselves off the dirty floor and onto their dark paws. Xe shook out their fur to look somewhat presentable, despite mostly remaining in the darkness of their cell. Alexandre had to look perfect to a degree, especially for a visitor. Perhaps they knew of xer services.

The domestic cat peered outside the metal bars, spotting Red as they approached with a basket. Orange eyes looked at it's contents carefully and xe let out a sigh at the realization of nothing being able to consumed by his vampiric kind. "Pass," Alexandre simply said. A dismissive paw flicked outwards in disapproval. "I live on a liquid diet and, unless you feel like donating, I don't believe I'll be eating." Xe considered shooting forward though. Those instincts xe had tried suppress for the longest time always lurked in the back of xer mind. As xe learned to accept them though, the urge subsided. Thus, xe could be choosy.

"I wouldn't mind a chat though," xe mentioned. "I would kill to have a friend now." More like someone to use for pleasure and to listen to xer problems, only to find a rightful solution. Perhaps this one could lead xem to Aesior? Anticipating her response, hoping it was not dismissive, xer head craned and tail lashed lightly from side to side.

Re: I don't need God. // Alexandre - SETHIRAM - 02-27-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
Red shuddered at Alexandre's appearance, horridly skinny. And, though she was silent, hearing their xer voice was a sort of shock. Memories came forth, and Red shook her head. "You look terrible, kid." She managed to chuckle, looking to the basket. A living diet. The humor in her eye faded. "Ah. One of them." She shrugged. No biggy. Pushing the basket away, finding her own appetite gone, she focused back on Alexandre.

"Tell me something interesting and I'll consider donating to your cause. It's been dull above ground despite all the tension." She sat down, fiddling with the tooth.

Re: I don't need God. // Alexandre - Alexandre - 02-27-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Alexandre furrowed xer brow at the mention of 'kid.' Xer complexion was young, but not that young. Instead, xe took it was a compliment and met the other back with a sweet smile, showing off their sharp canines in the process. In the process, the domestic feline threw aside the 'terrible' comment that contradicted their supposed generation. "Why thank you,"  xe weakly purred back. "This filth enhances my features."  So did the hunger that ate away at the flesh on xer body though. Maybe that was why they really looked young. After all, the cat was reduced to bones at this point, but not the worst xe's been in, thankfully.

Alexandre's tongue ran over their teeth unconsciously at the smell of the other's musk, despite normally appalled by their muddy scent. 'One of them' needed a fixing. Certain instincts, though held back, were starting to rise in the back of his mind. "'One of them,'" xe snorted back. "The only one that matters." Any other vampires around held no sway. The feline had no interest in normally dealing with miscreants that could not compare to xer power, especially a mere mortal like Red, but when they had something of interest, then they could negotiate. So, they did.

For a moment, the vampiric succubus considered their options. Play the game or strike... Oh my. Why not? "We vampires do not have holes in our teeth that are used to suck blood, unlike popular belief," xe offered as a fact. "Instead, we rake our teeth against our victim's arteries and lap up what we can." If it was gushing though, xe often just let the blood flow into their system. Alexandre could only hope that Red would allow xer to do that to them.

Re: I don't need God. // Alexandre - SETHIRAM - 02-27-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
Red chuckled, holding a paw to her mouth for a second, almost tempted to touch the scarring. "It's a good look on you." She chided, lowering a paw and eying Alexandre like a hawk. Xer arrogance made her one eye narrow. "not to me." No vampire really mattered to her except him. And he was gone, in another place. None could ever compare. That, she knew. Not even she, who was demigodess by blood, compared to the perfection.

The fact, though, made her grin. Not a new fact, but it was nice to hear. "Sick and tired of people thinking that. I've lived with one for a few years, so..." She trailed off, then sighed. Scooting closer to the bars, she stuck her foreleg, scarred with carvings like vines, through them. "Go ahead. Take too much and I will cut you." She hummed, watching Alex, though her mind was somewhere distant.

Re: I don't need God. // Alexandre - Alexandre - 03-25-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Not to me? How peculiar. Alexandre's gaze narrowed in interest. Xe was usually the only vampire around the mainland, especially after xer family left. Only recently did xe meet a new figure among them. Thankfully, an answer came. Red had lived lived with one for quite awhile. Alexandre's head craned, noting how strange the coincidence was, but kept the fact to xerself. If xe could benefit from, then so be it... and they did. There was not much to comment on past that when another factor was presented before the vampiric succubus moments later. An offering of blood.

As the other offered out their foreleg, Alexandre's gaze shifted up and down from their face and back down to their leg. Were they sure? The Typhooner did not necessarily care, but was confused by how nonchalantly they offered themselves. Not questioning it any further though, the feline leaned down with teeth bared and fangs at the ready. With a paw caressing at the other's, xe would attempt to gently lift up their foreleg a bit higher. Fangs tried to pierce at through their skin, ultimately aiming to have a steady flow of crimson liquid into his mouth.

Once satiated (or denied), the feline would pull away and lick at their maw. "Thank you," xe kindly responded. Alexandre did not say that genuinely often. "I used to have someone offer me themselves for quite awhile, but that has gotten infrequent." Rosemary was a blessing, but they weren't often around as much as they used to be. Perhaps xe was being greedy, but xe also needed to eat... and, if suitable, xe would never harm another. Even so, it seemed unavoidable. Hence, Alexandre learned to embrace it.

Xer gaze wavered for a moment. "Did you used to have that with your... vampire?" Friend? Foe? Lover? Alexandre was not sure, but xe hoped they would tell xer more.

Re: I don't need God. // Alexandre - SETHIRAM - 03-26-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
She knew Alexandre wasn't dumb enough to refuse a meal. But xyr eagerness had shocked her, evident only in the sudden widening of her good eye. Still, she let xem eat xyr fill before pulling her paw back, eying the bite for a moment before planting her paw firmly on the ground. Red listened to xem as xe thanked her and went off for a moment about how xe had someone offer their blood for xem before. With a gentle nod, she lifted her paw and licked at the wound.

"Once or twice, really," She started, running a tongue over the scarred foreleg. "He never really wanted to take from me, but when things got dire, he didn't have much of a choice." She grinned, shaking her head. "Funny -- He was a bit of a pirate, too."