Beasts of Beyond
There will come a Ruler // Aesior - Printable Version

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There will come a Ruler // Aesior - SETHIRAM - 02-02-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
The serval stared up at the trees, stubbed tail flicking. The island conflict gave her a rush of energy, and now she had nothing to really do. Getting patched up by Seven, the poor medic, took up at least some of her day. Perhaps that was just her luck.

Noise from nearby made the serval look around, ears flicking. Her green eyes glinted in the bright midday sun. "Who's there?"


Re: There will come a Ruler // Aesior - aesior - 02-05-2023

oh. he'd thought himself alone here. clearing his throat awkwardly, the lion emerged from the greenery, "It's just me, Red.", the male would rumble as he walked into the clearing and shook leaves from his pelt. His head still ached something fierce, fabric settled about his horn and covering the rather ugly wound that he had received during the island skirmish. Everything hurt and he'd sought out some quiet and empty place, away from prying eyes, away from the clamor of Tanglewood main. Everything felt wrong and too raw and he didn't know what to do about it and his head was killing him. So many expectations, so many answers to give and he still didn't know what the hell he was doing. He wasn't meant to lead in the first place, he wished he could go back in time and tell Corrupttimelines that he couldn't look after the group.

Swaying on his paws, he nearly stumbled before sitting down with a heavy thump, "Sorry. Feeling a bit off today. I can leave if you'd like."

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: There will come a Ruler // Aesior - SETHIRAM - 02-08-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
"Oh." Red blinked, looking at Aesior emerge. Her emerald eyes took a good look at his ragged appearance before traveling elsewhere, something she often did when she didn't know what to say or do. An ear flicked and she let her eyes travel to the trees. At his words, she glanced at him for a moment before shaking her head. "No, no, you can stay around." She trotted to a tree and heaved her upper body up, eyes looking for nothing in particular within the tree branches. Birds, the rare rodent, something to catch.

"When Seven is less occupied, you really should get checked by her. She can be brutally honest, did you know that?" She turned her gaze back to his general area, stepping away from the tree. "When I told her how I lost my tail, she called me an idiot."

Re: There will come a Ruler // Aesior - aesior - 03-02-2023

A soft rumble of laughter was rhe first thing to leave his lungs, coupled by a pained wheeze of heavy breath as he sucked in a lung full of air. That hurt more than he supposed it was worth. "That's our Seven alright. She's got a sharp tongue but that's why I trust her as my medic. She will do anything in her power to help those who need it, whether they are willing or not.", he croaked as he laughed again, "Myself being one of her more unwilling patients. I'll get it checked soon, there's just so much to do now that spring has arrived. How are you faring? With your tail?", he asked, gesturing a paw in her direction.

His gaze followed her as she leaned up on a tree and avoided him with her gaze. He supposed it might be quite the sight, he couldn't fault her. Exhaling a short puff of air, "Life ... is crazy. I hope that we can make due with the island ...", he murmured, half as an open-ended thought and half as a quiet concern to himself.

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]