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trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Printable Version

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trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-04-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
After being led to Tanglewood to drop off the boats that Alexandre had suspected were for an island exploration, Morrison had led the feline and a few others back to the fateful island to drop off supplies and relax for a bit. Things were beginning to look like home, after all. For the few months they had known about the island, The Typhoon was beginning to build buildings and put up landmarks to put their mark on the land. This, though, did not stop others from feeling they were rightful to the land. 'Finders keepers' did not always reign true, after all.

Despite this, Alexandre had no care in the world. In fact, the feline was laid back on a rock with his stomach to the sky and the sun beating down on their light-colored chest. They had finished carrying supplies off the ship, so why not relax? With tail swaying and eyes closed, they remained stagnant. Still. Unmoving. The world was closed off to the vampiric succubus for the first time in awhile.

With a sigh, they let out a purr. "I could get used to this," came their delighted mumble.

//  In short, this thread is about Tanglewood using their new boats to find the island after conveniently following the path of Morrison's own ships. After arriving, they are disgruntled to find what they consider their land taken by The Typhoon. Despite this, The Typhoon believes that since they found the land it's theirs to keep.
// Please allow me to post a second time to allow The Typhoon members to post before Tanglewood members start to arrive on ships and post properly. Thank you!

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Scyllios - 01-05-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── The world was always closed off for the maned wolf. Vey hardly went anywhere within The Typhoon after their island initiation thing that... went hardly as well as vey wanted it to. And the whole being swept away by the tropical storm didn't help at all. Scyllios wanted to go outward, expand vis horizon. Which meant going on a ship and going to this island that was revealed.

Ve stared into the sky with mute numbness, though. It felt a little wrong, but in the name of conquest and exploration, vey'd push it away. Shaking out vis fur, ve continued putting up supports for a building, humming a small tune.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Morrison - 01-05-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
Morrison was satisfied with his quest across the seas. In response, he found himself laying down at the edge of the water with his paws in the sand and nose barely touching the salt water. Every now and then, the water would rise up to touch his snout and bubbles blew out of water as he exhaled. A short cackle would exit him afterwards. For an older lad, he had to find enjoyment in the little things... despite just going on a boating adventure. Even so, to a retired pirate like him, there was not that much he hasn't done or seen on a boat. That was normalcy to him. So, rather than being fixated on the boats or roaming the island, he laid still, blowing bubbles.

Orange eyes looked out at the horizon for a few moments more before turning his head to look at the others. Alexandre was laying around doing nothing, which appeared to be the usual for the sly feline, and Scyllios was finishing up putting supports on a building. Morrison, in response, figured his own break was over. With a sigh, paws pushed up from the sand and lifted his chest upwards into a sitting position.

For a moment, his eyes shifted away from ve. Ears pinned down on the back of his head as he got a quick headcount of those who came, noting each's position and what they were up to. One appeared to be missing. Juniper? Where could she be? The older lady had taken a liking to Morrison and he was doing the same, admittedly. Cocking his head to the side, he let out a call. "Lads, has anyone seen Juni?" The canine rose to all fours. "Sherbet told me not to lose anyone and I'll be damned if I end up on the pike like Stryker."

//Tanglewood can now post!

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SETHIRAM - 01-05-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
Red lived a long, prosperous life before, knowing a Pirate and being wholly in love with him, knowing enough about working on the seas to the point that she was given permission to sail to the island on one of the lead ships. it felt nice. Like reliving a dream. She felt empowered, up until she spotted boats already on the island.

The Serval felt her lips curl in a frustrated snarl. Guess it was finders-fucking-keepers in this land, too. Earrings clinked as her ears flattened down, emerald eyes staring outward past the boat and onto the island. The Island occupied by Typhoon forces. Pirates. She snorted, then snarled, then nodded to a few members of the boat crew. "Keep us at this speed, give me a second."

Turning on a heel, she strode toward the back of the ship, leaning over it to practically scream toward the ship behind her, hosting Aesior and a few others. "Aesior! We have company up ahead! Looks like our boat-lenders got to the island first!" She looked back at the island, a mix of emotion swirling in her eyes.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SHERBET - 01-05-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
Sherbet, in all his infinite wisdom, decided, 'Hey, sailing on a ship made for trips like this wouldn't be as bad, right?' And, boy, was he wrong. The Captain of the Typhoon was seasick constantly, the rainbow tabby ducking as quickly as he could to the nearest side of the ship to empty his stomach. His fear pounding in his veins as he watched the water roil beneath his very paws, beneath the very wood. By the time this had all caught up to him, it was too late tho turn back, else it'd be a trip for naught. Having kept in the Captain's Quarters of one of the massive ships, Sherbet wobbly stepped out finally. It had been hours of being shored before he felt stable enough on the ground to leave. Stumbling as he skittered down the ramp onto the sandy beach, the feline's claws digging into the rough sand as heard Morrison start calling for Juniper.

Taking in a breath that should not have been able for a cat his size, he slowly breathed out before diving straight in, "Start the search parties for Juniper, I have a bad feeling lads, and I won't risk a missing mate on this voyage." His voice was calm, yet you could hear the beginning of a thread of hysterics, a thread of anger as he had to remind himself it could be all for nothing, that nothing was going to happen.

His green eyes caught the glint of something in the distance. His jaw forming a hysterical snarl, as he began pacing, "Those look mighty familar, eh, crew?" His paws kicking up sand, claws still extended with repressed fear as he felt an unnatural anger rise up his throat, "Be ready for a fight, lads, I have a feeling this isn't a welcome party."

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-05-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
The waves had begun to shift and splash up at Alexandre's rock, causing them to get up from their position and scoot backwards with their hind legs. Chest curling upwards, their head tilted over to see silhouettes on the horizon. It couldn't be. The feline clambered to their paws and stood shocked, jaw parted in awe. A smirk started to curl up onto their features. Oh, but it was.

Perhaps this was their fault. Who cared. The slick feline turned back towards their commander with narrowed orange eyes, ready to speak, but the hysterical captain had already caught sight of the ships. As he spoke, Alexandre could feel their body begin to loosen and claws slowly slid from their sheaths. Just as he had doubted, Tanglewood was on their doorstep. Talking with peace in mind was Morrison's preference. It was not Alexandre's. Smooth talking with a tinge of aggression behind their back, they had another plan in mind.

Dark legs shifted out towards the underbrush and slyly moved into it's contents. Concealed by the shade and the greenery, the feline held his chest to the floor and remained in silence. Alexandre had a plan. A longshot for sure. Even something that would bother his higher ups, but well worth it in the end. Maybe for him. Maybe for everyone. The logistics had been calculated but the outcome was yet to come.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Scyllios - 01-05-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── It was the call Vey'd dreaded. Boats in the distance from tanglewood. The maned wolf halted what vey were doing and watched the coastline, walking over to Sherbet and catching the glimpse of Alexandre dipping into a bush. Fins twitching, they looked at Morrison, vis superior in status and age, then back at Sherbet. Scyllios attempted to whisper into their minds, "We must have expected this."

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SHERBET - 01-05-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
A rough crackling growl left the Captain's maw in a flash before snapping shut at the aquatic maned wolf's words, "I had vaguely suspected, but I had no proof. Looks like we caught them in the act, yeah?"

His green eyes were narrowed and were wild with emotions. His fur standing on end, the usually melting appearance looking more like spiked frozen shards, as he broke his gaze from the boats THEY built. Growling kicking back up, the feline took to pacing again his angry movement kicking up sand and grit, his calm demeanor melted away and out of reach, "I'll be damned if I have to sit on that ship, that deathtrap, again so soon. I'll be damned if Tangle takes the land we found first, and have already started on establishing. I'll be damned. I'll be damned!" Pivoting suddenly, Sherbet stopped. Facing the ocean head on, the Captain of the Typhoon held his head high. The golden hoop earring proudly displaying his emerald for his division, his dual gauges from passing his division test, for overcoming his fear (slightly).

You could see the sheer livid hysterical anger coming off him in waves as he awaited the commissioned boats to shore.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - aesior - 01-05-2023

The brine in the air was somehow a soothing scent, strong as it was and despite the way it assaulted his lungs still recovering from illness, he found comfort in it. Had it been that his husband and he had lived by the coast? For some reason, those long ago memories were just out of his grasp. He couldn't understand why they were like that, but he suspected it had something to do with forgetting to protect his heart from the pain. It was somewhere there, buried alongside many other too-painful memories, treasured things that he had buried in the graveyard within himself. That graveyard was littered with so many pieces of himself that he often wondered how he could carry on.

Lifting his head as he inhaled the scent of the sea, enjoying the feel of the gale in the fur of his cheeks and neck. Some part of him deep inside truly hoped that The Typhoon wouldn't be on the island, that his intuition had been wrong, that Alexandre's words of The Typhoon taking camp would be wrong, that they couldn't be trusted. His mind was far from the potential battle he was sailing his group into just to explore the island that belonged within Tanglewood's borders. It was in a more pleasant time, when he could have enjoyed the sea breeze at any time he wished, a time lifetimes ago, when he'd been a young Grim, before he'd encountered life-changing loss. Back before the Reset as he called it. How did he know he called it that? Shaking his head, absorbed in thoughts and memories that the old and the immortal were oft to do, mind too cluttered by too many insignificant things.

The gentle slapping of waves against the hull was enough of a lull to the tom that he barely noticed the change as tension began to crackle through the air, as voices raised in argument upon his own ship. He was mindless to it, tracing some line of thought that was quickly fraying before being snapped from his grasp all together as he heard the raised voice of his first leading ship's captain, Red. Lifting his head as he pushed his ears forward, straining to hear her words before the wind could whip them away. All of a sudden, it felt like cold ice water was poured over his head and his skin prickled under his fur as he got to his paws.

Striding to the bow of his boat, his body began to change as he weaved between the bodies of his own crew, a low snarl of frustration building before he choked it back, "Clear out of the way!", he would speak as his body finally finished taking shapes. Each step felt like lightning was shooting through his paws for a few moments, memories flashing through his mind in a violent tidal wave. Memories of people who had followed him before. Memories of his family and of his husband before they were replaced with the imagery of graves. Deep was the snarl that wrenched itself from his lungs as the Luminary leapt onto the bow of his boat. In seconds, he was soaring through the air wearing the body of his lion form, heavy paws landing too lightly on the stern of Red's ship, her words ringing in his ears, "We have company!"

Lip curling back to show off a predator's teeth, the Luminary looked down to his first Captain with a heavy snort, "We expected this. Calm yourself, Red. A leader must keep their wits around them. I believe that the scroll has been stored upon your boat, yes?", he spoke in a voice too level and calm for the man who had all but been ready to go to war at the earlier meeting. There was a strange serenity in his head, something he hadn't had for quite some time. Calm waters were a sign of danger, he'd learned years ago, even if it was only inside of his head. Heavy paws led him to the bow of Red's ship, standing to lean against the rail as he squinted at the island that was close enough to make sight of the docked ships. "Bring us as close as we can go. Someone, bring me that scroll. We will try to do this without bloodshed. It looks like they have already begun to build on our island. Using our resources from our island.", he spoke loudly so that the rest of the crew could hear, disdain in his tone. Inhaling as he waited for the ship to draw closer, a sick sense of amusement cording through the Luminary as the form of Sherbet came into his sight, the Captain's fur standing on end made him quite the humorous sight to him.

From where he stood, the strange lightning-like marks along the Luminary's coat and mane would begin to emit smoke as embers began to flicker into life, glowing a dark amber. Once someone had brought him the scroll, the Luminary would wait until the boat had drawn as close as it could to the shore where The Typhoon's own boats were docked before he would prepare and leap again. Grains of sand flew up into the air around his paws as the large lion landed, the sound of water hissing as it boiled away filling the air as he straightened. Casually strolling up the beach like a tourist on vacation, he kept his gaze fixed on the gathering members of The Typhoon with a low laugh leaving him. For some reason, this felt all too familiar to him and he couldn't begin to place why. "Hello, everyone. What a pleasure to see you here, on Tanglewood's rightful island. Captain Sherbet, you look about ready to explode.", he commented as he released the scroll held in his jaws, using one paw to push it across the respectful distance he left between their party and himself. No use ruffling more feathers but he couldn't help himself.

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 01-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
The lioness had been a ways down the beach, out of sight from everyone else. The older lads hadn’t realized how far she had walked during her exploration until she turned around and realized she couldn’t see the others. So Juniper turned herself right back around and began making her way back to the others. As the sight of her group grew into focus so did the figured of Tanglewood approaching. She let out a soft huff and picked up her pace into a jog.

It didn’t take much longer for the lioness to find herself near Morrison, gaze drifting from him to the unfamiliar creatures. “I leave you alone for five minutes and ya go and find trouble,” she said with a teasing tone, trying to lightening the tension in the air a bit.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy