Beasts of Beyond
I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - Printable Version

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I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - aesior - 01-02-2023

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Time was not kind. For the past three months the Luminary had gone into retreat after the storm had wrecked Tanglewood. It had not been a good choice, his group had suffered for his disappearance but the tom had been ill, too ill to move from his bed. He couldn't even muster the strength to change bodies so that he could speak with those who had come to visit him when he was facing an uncertain fate. Today though, ill as he was, he could move and he could walk around. It was better than anything he'd faced before and he knew he couldn't keep putting it off. Sooner or later, The Typhoon would be delivering news of the boats he'd commissioned from them and he had to be ready to receive them, and with a crew for the boats as well.

Hauling himself to unsteady paws, the tabby tom would stiffly trod a few steps from his nest and pick up his cloak made of rabbit's fur and shrug it on over his thin frame. Nose dripping, he would turn and wipe at it with a tired huff as he headed towards the door of his home, barely remembering to snag his veil on his way out the door. He hated the looks he got for the scars decorating his muzzle, the way the others glanced away quickly when he caught them looking. Taking careful steps down the stairs of his home, the Luminary would watch as he placed his paws one before the other, breath misting around his muzzle. Looking up to the skies he would frown, had it really gotten this cold already? Shuddering as he pulled his cloak tighter to himself, he would plod into the center of town and to the marble statue. Sitting down at the foot of the statue, he would take a moment to catch his breath before forcing his body into a shift. Moments later a dark lion sat in his place, breathing hard before lifting his head and roaring, "Tanglers! We're having a meeting!", he broke into a coughing fit as he waited for the group to appear.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - Atticus Roux - 01-02-2023

The winter time brought the cold, literally and sickeningly. It appeared that their luminary was subjected to that distress when Atticus spotted them in the distance, coughing as they announced their next meeting. With a frown, he paused in his steps. Perhaps it was better for them to rest, but Aesior seemed like a determined soul. Instead of interjecting, the domestic feline decided to sigh and wander forth.

There had to be something important Aesior had to say if they were that sickly and hosting a meeting.

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - Seven - 01-02-2023

[b]"Promise that you'll continue resting after this meeting, Aesior." The Regent spoke with motherly authority as she shuffled by Atticus. Her blind gaze stared up at Aesior's form, ears flicking. Seven had been doing her best to keep Aesior at least away from death's door, and it seemed her attempts were successful for now. Sitting herself down closer to Aesior, she ran her tongue over her muzzle for a moment.

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - aesior - 01-05-2023

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
There was a gentle sort of tender amusement in his face as he observed Atticus and Seven show up to the meeting. Watching as a few more faces trickled in, the lion pushed himself to his paws with a nod to Seven's words, "I'm afraid my dear, that resting will not be so easily as achieved of an option. Alright Tanglers, listen up. Got a few important things to spit out. First up, thank you for taking care of the group while I've been incapacitated in my sick bed." he rumbled as he looked over everyone. A deep bone rattling cough took him for a moment, forcing the Luminary to widen his stance as stars danced behind his eyes. Seven was sure to have his tail by the time he was done talking.

Licking his lips he straightened up again, "A warm welcome to those who are new to Tanglewood. I apologize for not being here to greet you when you first joined us. If you haven't found accommodations yet, feel free to ask around. When the soil has thawed, we will go about building more houses and continuing our clean up.", another pause as he took in the new and unfamiliar faces, coughing into his forepaw before setting it down and inhaling. "Onto more .... exhilarating business. Some of you will remember that Alexandre of The Typhoon came to us after the tropical storm had passed and told us of an island that had previously been undiscovered. Another amount of you would know that I have traveled to The Typhoon some months past. In my visit there, I commissioned boats from them, and in turn traded some of our lumber and metals. They should soon be bringing us word of the boats' completion and delivery. They do not know why we wish to have these boats. I wish to use them to further explore the waterways that have been exposed to us within our own territory, land that is closer to home. I also want to visit this ... undiscovered island that is within Tanglewood's range of waters. I do believe that we will find members of The Typhoon on this island."

He paused a while to catch his breath, licking his lips and lifting a paw to use his claw to lever a piece of bone from his teeth and flicking it to the ground as silver hued eyes swept those gathered and the change in the mood. Eyes narrowing slightly, he cleared his throat, "I will be presenting the members of The Typhoon I expect to be there with a paper. That island belongs to us, and they just happened to have the equipment to reach it first. They won't be alone in this." another all too brief of a pause.

"When they bring us the boats, I want nobody to enlighten them to the true secondary meaning of what these boats mean to us. They are to know that we plan to use them to explore the waters within our territory. The Typhoon already has a large enough swath of territory, they can stand to keep their paws off of our rightful land. We will be taking the island. I will not see any murder or death done by our own. If I find that you have killed, there will be a punishment. You may capture any Typhooner too weak or incapacitated to escape. Tanglewood, keep your wits about you. Burn their ships if you must. This island is part of our territory and we will not allow them to keep it for themselves. I want a crew for these boats, step forward and announce yourselves or come speak to me privately. That will be all for this meeting lest I lose my voice completely. Tanglewood is entering a new era, may I see you into the future and in good health." he got to his paws and began to move away from the city's center, towards Seven. He must speak with his medically inclined second in command about his expectations for this pot of trouble he was going to bring to a boil. Tanglewood would show that they were not to be doubted, not to be trifled with and certainly not to be backstabbed. There would be payback for what they'd been made to suffer. He would make sure of it.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - Seven - 01-05-2023

While most would either be against or for this onset of chaos brought by the discovery of an island, Seven was only really frustrated with the fact that it had to happen. The Typhoon couldn't leave well enough alone, and Aesior was far too ill to be going into combat by seven's standards. Even with his lion form.

She would be useless as a sailor and, thus, when Aesior announced the meeting to be over, the blind woman watched Aesior approach. Voice just barely above a whisper, she leaned toward him. [b]"I'm not sure whether to take your tail now or wait until this whole debacle is over."

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - SETHIRAM - 01-05-2023

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
Red was just a little late to everything, but had arrived just in time to overhear the need for sailors. Green eyes lit up and she pushed her way to the front of the crowd. "I've dealt with ships before. I just need a good crew to follow."

/low muse + its late here aaaa

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - Casphian - 01-05-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken had lumbered into the meeting later than the rest, having been out a bit farther from the camp when he heard the meeting being called. He shuffled his way towards the back corner, settling down as he listened to Aesior speak. He already knew about the island, having been there when the other feline showed up on their lands. He would most definitely hop on the opportunity to head to the other land, it would be fun to rough up the typhoon if he needed to.

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - LUCINDER XIU - 01-09-2023


the hotheaded son of the former luminary approached the meeting with a clear head and good night's sleep. he was a little late, but he heard there wouldn't be any killing. capturing was allowed though, and that brought a fresh wave of happiness into his brain. his tail curled. burning their ships? flames licked his skin and he bathed in the warmth with a devious smile forming, the flickering of fire casting evil shadows across his face. "i'd like to join the crew, aesior." he spoke loudly.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 2 years & 5 months

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - tanglewoodian - 01-22-2023

diesie gwynne
member of tanglewood
"golden child"
penned by cobra
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    the little male was not sure about all this. so, he hung back to watch the leader. it seemed the group was going to war. fighting made him nervous and he was far to young to get in on it. six months old with not training. he would simply look to see who was going to do what.


code by teef

Re: I'M NOT GONNA SIT IN THE DARK ANYMORE ⚘ January Meeting - tanglewoodian - 01-22-2023

dion flay
member of tanglewood
"combat ready"
penned by cobra
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    the male made his way over and paused. eyes studying the group before he gruffly moved forward. not one for boats. mind if i swim alongside? he mused as he looked to the ones volunteering. he was sure he could keep up, and even if he did not, he could be a surprise attacker after the first waves.


code by teef