Beasts of Beyond
STANDING ON THE EDGE, FACE UP // Joining - Printable Version

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STANDING ON THE EDGE, FACE UP // Joining - SETHIRAM - 10-22-2022

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
The serval moved with grace, long legs stretching over fallen branches and large rocks until she halted at the border. The smell of sickness hung in the air, but she was very much healthy. It wasn't something Red could alleviate, she had to deal with it. Even the strongest scents of perfumes could do very little to muddle the disgusting scent. She could only scrunch her nose and shake her head.

If her presence at the border wasn't going to draw anyone over, it was going to be the scent. Or her own voice, which was bold and strong. "Hello? Is this place open to joiners?" As her voice echoed, she could only hope they could handle the sickening smell. Maybe she would fit in with the swamp.

Re: STANDING ON THE EDGE, FACE UP // Joining - aesior - 10-25-2022

and they saw trouble in my eyes
"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
Disease was not a scent he was a stranger to. For too long, the Grim himself had once worn the scent of death and disease like it was a personal perfume but those days were supposedly behind him now. New days brought new things and new experiences, and with this new day, there was a stranger upon his borders.

Inhaling, the tom would wind through the bushes separating him from the border, basket in his jaws as he walked, reaching out in an attempt to make contact with the woman, "You chose a strange place to appear. We are open, yes, but what could you bring to our people?" Pushing his frame from the thorny bushes, peat squishing under paw as he drew himself up, feeling rather short as he gazed at the taller woman, tail slowly flicking behind himself. His own paws were stained by green, the scent of burnt nicotine and smoke hanging around his frame, a scent he usually covered with flowers or attempted to. Certain stresses had led to the renewal of a bad habit recently, but he truly didn't give two shits. Glancing her over, he snorted faintly to try and clear a scratchy throat, reaching out to her mind in an attempt, "Name's Aesior. I don't have a voice." he would attempt to speak. If none of his attempts reached her, he would seem a strange creature for approaching and just staring at her.

they were quick to recognize the devil in me.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- luminary.
credit @/teef

Re: STANDING ON THE EDGE, FACE UP // Joining - SETHIRAM - 10-30-2022

Sweet dreams are made of this,
Who am I, to disagree?
The noise of foliage moving made the serval turn her head, earrings clinking against each other. Emerald eyes watched the smaller grey feline as he walked, and for a second she expected spoken words. But when his voice reached her head, her eyes widened. Awe shimmered before she straightened herself. Her smile was a small one, tail flicking behind her. "Where I'm from, I'm renowned for being a diplomatic person - I can help alleviate tensions between groups. Perhaps even spy on them if you want. I'm handy with herbs and finding them, making them into things that heal, and things that hurt. Poisons and such the like."

Sniffing the air and, upon finding that her own scent wasn't being reviewed with disgust and that his scent was somewhat similar, only with no illness, she grinned. "Well, I'm Red. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aesior."