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Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Printable Version

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Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - jacob w.c. - 06-02-2018

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WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had spoken to Pincher about this long before now but he'd hoped that, somehow, Snowbound would be able to power through this problem on their own. That somehow they'd find a way to get rid of the humans, cleanse their river, and get rid of the infected prey. But even Jacob had to accept that sometimes what he wanted was too much to hope for. His clan was suffering and he couldn't watch it continue. So, ttey'd agreed that Snowbound's members would be allowed to reside in Typhoon for some time while making trips to Snowbound throughout the week to take care of problems there. It was a perfect setup, really, but Jacob had hoped it wouldn't come to this point. Still, this was better than watching his friends and family continue to suffer under the brutal conditions Snowbound faced. Besides, this would be a good way for them to get to know Typhoon better outside of the few events they'd held together. Jacob glanced behind him at the many members that trailed behind him. He knew not everyone had left at the same time but they'd all be here soon enough. "Pincher? Are ya' around?" the man called simply. He still waited outside the border. Even with the great kindness Typhoon showed them, he didn't want to be stepping over any boundaries, literally or metaphorically, before he was told he could do so.

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - ROXANNE R. - 06-03-2018

Flying over, the winged Siamese would hover above the group looking at them with her only eye before landing in front of the husky with a soft gust of sand flying in the air. She would then adjust her wings at her sides with both of her ears forward, a smile creeping onto her facial features as she mewed "Salutations!" She offered a toothy grin revealing sharp canines that seemed to poke out from her lips, she called them her "love" fangs since she just loved sinking them into the flesh of her food. She would take a seat with her wings slightly spread from her body "Pinch should arrive soon enough," The guy was pretty cute, he looked small and adorable. She resisted the urge to comment on how cute he was that she would gobble him up. She might take a playful nibble, she was certain that no one would mind well, except maybe Pincher since this was an ally after all. "Welcome. I'm Roxanne but feel free to call me Rox or Roxie." There was a brief,pause before she added with a nod "What's your name and what is this ragtag of a group called?" She was quite curious.
© madi

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Owlie - 06-03-2018

Sulfuric, yellow eyes watched them from the height of the trees. The leopard was perched at least 15 feet above, laying on a branch.
So Snowbound was moving in? Good. That meant the other Skywalker child was coming to him.
“Krataa.” The elder greeted, hopping down a branch to get a better look, but remaining in the trees.

He looked carefully at the leader and scrunched his nose. The old man wasn’t impressed.

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - PINCHER - 06-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Problems were always something that Pincher was able to enjoy dealing with even if there were ones that absolutely stressed him out. He found it satisfying to be able to figure out a solution for any problem, his mind always enjoying finding various ways of giving an answer. So when Jacob had confronted him with the human problem that was infecting the icy ivory lands of Snowbound territory, he was able to offer an answer that could aid the ally that he had decided to tie himself to. Part of it was because he wanted to get a closer connection with Snowbound, knowing that the passive tribe was very much different from the warbound crew that thrived off chaos and mischief. The other part was that he wanted to ease the stress off Jacob and if there was any way he could, he would offer. The plan had been settled for Snowbound to arrive soon to the Typhoon when they were ready to migrate to the lush island and Pincher didn't feel exactly worried. He knew most of the snowbounders and was able to tell which ones would butt heads with his own members but the Captain would make sure nothing got out of hand. A little tussle here and there never hurt anyone.

The lithe figure of the sleek doberman was swimming in the main beach area where the Typhoon members relaxed in, his strong legs easily kicking against the crystalline water as he was simply enjoying a swim in the coral reef. He would shoot down and observe the vibrant colorful life of the sea, watching schools of fish scatter with their brilliant scales glinting in the sunlight that raked the water. As much as he missed the dull gray areas where his father's gang had lived, the former hitman had to admit that it was good to see so much brilliant color. After a decent swim, the charcoal colored male stepped out with crystalline beads of water dripping off him when the faint scent of Snowbound caught his attention, Pincher turning his head towards the railroad gate. Deciding to see if it was all of them, the onyx pirate jogged towards the large gate, spotting the winged siamese that he had come to know as Roxanne and at the corner of his brilliant blue eye, the hidden figure of Krataa. He allowed a faint cool smirk to lace his jaws, his own shark-like teeth showing as he halted beside Roxanne, aiming to playfully bump her aside. "This here, Annie, is Snowbound and their chief, Jacob." he answered to the female before turning to lock his icy arctic gaze onto the husky. His sharp stare turned soft, melting and showing warmth that only revealed itself when Jacob was with him.

"It's great to see you again, Jake. Did everyone make it safely?" Pincher greeted with a gentle smile, his silky charcoal pointed ears pricked forward towards the Snowbounders as he glanced over the shoulder of Jacob to spot the other Snowbounders that had arrived with their leader. "We have plenty of room for you guys. You can either take a beachhut near the tavern, a treehouse in the jungle, or a hammock in the Tempest. I'll be setting up an event for everyone to get to know each other if that's alright."
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Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Tena M. - 06-03-2018

✯ — female. snowbound. sand cat. demdji. tags.
Tena flicked her tail as she trailed after Jacob, unusual blue hues darting around in curiously.  She had never been to a jungle before.  It was rather humid, if she was honest, but she was happy to be somewhere the water was fresh and the prey healthy while they worked to solve the problem.

The petite sand cat smiled lightly, inclining her head towards the pirates, a frown briefly crossing features as she caught a glance of yellow eyes.  The Demdji bit back an irritated sigh - she had never met the old leopard, but she had a theory - already wondering if she could just move back already, humans or no.

Determined to be polite for the moment, the sand dweller nodded as Pincher spoke.  "Thank you."

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Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash really didn't want to be here. The demon followed after Jacob stiffly, her paws treading carefully as she walked. She didn't really look up much, except to see where she was going and to make sure she didn't accidentally run into her leader. When he stopped, she did as well, and slowly raised her gaze to the members of The Typhoon that approached. She tensed up as she saw them, though relaxed slightly as she didn't catch a sign of bright yellow fur. Listening to Pincher talk, she decided that maybe staying in the jungle would be the best idea. It wasn't anything like Snowbound and was quite the opposite, in fact, but maybe it was a place Caesar avoided. Or well, that's what she hoped, anyway. "Thanks," Atbash said quietly after Tena, wanting to be polite as well. It was nice of Pincher to offer Snowbound shelter, and there was no way he would've known that she was Caesar's sister - hell, they literally just met! So it wasn't Pincher's fault that Caesar lived here, and of course he couldn't prevent the other dream demon from seeing her if he didn't know the situation.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - lavi s. - 06-03-2018

To be moving in his first days with them was certainly an experience, but the scruffy andean cat didn't mind too much.  Better to move than starve.  Having a safe place to stay while they worked out the issues was better than trying to tough it out. Besides, being a little adventurous - though never quite on the level his twin had always been - Lavi was curious.  The fact Snowbound was allied with a group of pirates was fascinating, as well as said group's home.

Really; he was just glad he didn't have to worry about anyone getting sick here.  The young Jedi trotted up after Tena, having decided to stick near the sand cat out familiarity.  For a moment, he studied her in the Force, puzzling at what was bothering her before noticing the issue himself.  Sithspit.  That was certainly a face he hadn't expected to see.  Lavi flicked his ears, immediately focusing his eyes on Pincher and Jacob as the two talked.

There was a lot of different choices then.  Whichever was far away from the pirates' local Sith was good with him.  Hopefully, the old leopard didn't recognize him immediately, but Lavi could not help his force presence.  At least his newfound friend seemed to understand he was bad news; he wondered if there was a history there.

Not wanting to just echo both Tena and Atbash, the feline dipped his head in gratitude with a smile.
code by spacexual

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - Kian. - 06-03-2018

ϟ The rusty-spotted cat bounded up to the railroad gate, sea-green eyes resting curiously on the arriving Snowbounders.  He offered a friendly wave of his tail as he stood beside his captain, inclining his head.  "I'm Kian, welcome."  The faerie glanced around the group, glad he didn't spot anyone injured or ill yet, but ready to help.

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - arcy - 06-03-2018

Izuku's first impression of the Typhoon's territory is that it's hot, and human. His fur feel thick and heavy, and he's already overheating. If he'd been capable of that in Snowbound, then Izuku was sure he wasn't going to enjoy his time here. It probably doesn't help that Killua had given him a hesitantly negative opinion on the Typhoon, despite the fact they were allies. Though, Izuku was always willing to look past that, and the group had been nice enough to let them stay, so they can't be too bad?
In any case. Izuku's head hurts and he's lagging behind the rest of the group. That's his own fault, though -- he's been trying to find something less bright to look at, because he's walking alone and blinding himself, while less painful, was kinda risky. And, okay, so Izuku is in a very bad mood, but he can't be blamed on this one. Despite all of this, though, Izuku's tail hesitantly waves as he catches up with the group as they stop. They're here, and there's the Typhoon members. The feline squints at them a little painfully, distantly hearing the exchanges. Izuku doesn't think he's gonna enjoy his stay here in the least -- hopefully his bad first impressions will be cleared up, at least.
"Um -- thanks!" Izuku, always one to join the crowd, chimes in a little sheepishly. The Typhoon didn't have to take them in, after all. So, even if nobody seemed particularly pleased with the arrangement(see: the snowbounders), it'd hopefully be better than dealing with the humans at home.
what was i worth

Re: Put your faith // open+Snowbound's arrival // in me - ROXANNE R. - 06-03-2018

Feeling the playful bump from the Doberman, the winged Siamese would spread one of her wings aiming to lightly smack the Doberman on the chest with her appendage, she wore a playful grin as she cooed with a mischievous sparkle in her only showing eye "Why thank you for telling me, Pinnie." She watched the interaction between the Doberman and the husky, her ears angling forward not making a single comment but her face said it all. She would then begin to climb up the Doberman making sure she was gentle throughout the whole process, she flapped her wings a bit until she was on top of the Doberman and rested her paws on top of his head staring down at Jacob with that sly smile of hers "Pleasure to meet ya, chief Jacob." She glanced over all of those that were already there, she would stand up a bit on her toes to get a good look at the little ragtag group known as Snowbound. She spotted a green little feline only to spread her wings a bit and mewing with glee "Well, aren't you adorable? Hell, any cuter and I would've eaten you up." A giggle would erupt from her maw.
© madi