Beasts of Beyond
TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - Printable Version

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There's really just one thing that we have in common

Whisper played the roll of a child impeccably well. In all manners of speaking she was a child. In body, in mind. While other parts of herself were more refined, honed and dangerous. Whisper was a pup, a child shown the brutal face of the world and the corruptible just. Above all she was still a child. Still small and innocent, and it was just irony that when she finally manifested back into the physical plane it would be as a child. She was different from her origonal body though, canines longer than usual and wingless. Whisper had her wings since she was four moons old, she learned how to fly as a nobody, gliding over sand dunes until she was near soundless. Her adolescent filled with making it trackless. Her older years too busy ripping them out trying to get them back-- Whispers wings were a representation that she was free. A childish illusion that she clung to when she was despairing. Then again, it wasn't here that needed thoese wings anymore. In all essences Whisper was freer without them. She saw those pair of feathered limbs as what they were. Something necessary for someone else. She didn't need them anymore. Now, flightless, smaller. She had little defense against the loner lands as she faced through it, little ways to protect herself from the rouges that saw a small child as a snack. But it was fine- whisper may look like a kid but she wasn't was she? No.

Whisper had grown up in a very sandy area, where thin toed felines and birds could easily be swept off their feet, but here was where her form was different. Her fur was blacker, her eyes a clearer blue- four instead of two. Her feet were... claws. Still covered in fur, but less the pawed feet of canines and dragon feet, each toe extending into sharp hardened points with nerve endings. It made her feel more steady in her walking. She couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to swim- without the slight webbing in her orional's form. In her other's form. But then again- she would probably cross that bridge when she got there. There was no other real differance. The scars were the same. One just under her throat, three across her chest, various small ticks across each wrist joint, a gash on the back of the leg. They looked months old, but then again, whisper's form only looked months old itself. five, if she had to guess.

It made traveling harder, but whisper was commuted to it, to becoming something of a nomad for a while. Traveling until she found somewhere to settle. It made the treks longer to get anywhere substantial, settlements and civilizations. It also gave her more time to try and test her own bodies abilities, to familiarize herself with gravity and physical things with her own mind and how open it was, how large and expansive- how full how dangerous. Hushed echoes of insanity crept from every corner of her own mind. Safe places no longer open to her, but a voice. A voice and a body- she was free, and she wasn't alone. If she ever needed to she could run back to her mother. To someone who would understand her. She would have to admit- the mother-daughter relationship was a clever rouse. A good cover story, so far she hadn't had to explain anything mother brushing off inquiries with nerves, shushing the child that Whisper portrayed. It was suffocating and controlling, but Whisper and her mother worked well together. Shearing a mind tended to do that- they had the same thoughts. It was just slightly irritating when put into practice. Hence the reason she was so quick to leave home. Quick to run from her mother's influence.

It wasn't much running away as it was exploring. What? she was curious, she was still the bumbleing little pupy she seemed to be, but there was a determined lilt to her eyes. Through the rough edges of territories that were hostile, and now on the edges of a swamp of all things. She had a mentor once, a white wolf that was quick to smile, and yes- mother looked the part, but Argus wasn't Sorrowl. Sorrowl was a nomad, and whisper had always wondered the appeal to it. What was the point of moving so often? Settling down getting comfortable, only to move? She shook her head softly. Stopping along the edges of the border. Well, there was only really one way to see the appeal, was to live it. First stop: Tanglewood.

Hello? Whsiper called out, not hearing anyone, but she could be wrong, there always could be someone around the corner, and she had a voice that carried when she wanted to.  My name's Whsiper! I came to join, this is the tanglewood, right? Whsiper fell back into her excitable nature, letting the puppy everyone immediately saw be the first impression anyone would get of her. Just a go lucky puppy, right? In all manner of speaking, she was just a puppy anyway.

Re: TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - Luciferr - 06-02-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
/is this more ectended family ooo, also heyo whisper, that fancy is fine af

Fenrisulfr had spent the majority of the day aimlessly patrolling the outer borders for lack of anything else to do or commit to - the Typhoon had yet to even mobilise a response in so long he almost thought they'd forgot them perhaps - but War would be foolish if he didn't account for the possibility that, that was what they wanted.

he'd been on the side of one too many tricks of the sort to discredit that.

ears pricked forwards and his head rose when a voice caught his attention, high and small - a child - and Fenris picked up the pace padding closer somewhat mildly relieved that the voice came from and stayed at the border - the gators wouldn't get an unknowing snack today seemed.

the canine like beast stopped as he brushed past the leaves and spotted the culprit - canine, small, large fangs and black as pitch, hm - Fenris inclined his head, the words coming back to him, a name and a purpose without an interrogation beforehand,

well, points for skipping past that stage of the usual run of the mill.

"Correct, this is indeed Tanglewood" he eyed her momentarily with a brisk nod "Fenrisulfr Grimm and welcome - though I have to wonder what brought you to us? and alone at that" there was something of a frown there, he didn't see any parents or family with the pup and concern tinged his voice - but then it seemed a running trait in his family to be overly invested and concerned in these matters.

oof can't match the muse ;-;


Re: TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - ARGUS - 06-03-2018

There's really just one thing that we have in common

Whisper was familiar with war. While she was only five moons physically she had spent one too many lifetimes in a clan that specialized in it. Where one would climb up the ladder by creating a big enough pile out of your enemies bodies. Born on the backs of orphaned children, of revenge. Whisper lived those days in near isolation. With nothing but the ghosts of her enemies as company. At least, that was what she would say about it. People tended not to look too deeply into children anyways. Thinking kids are simple minded, still learning about the world around them. Her 'origin' story was enough to further push people away. While she has never been privy to pity, she knew that it was useful in keeping people from asking too much. When they were too busy feeling sorry for you they would drop the subject in attempts to make you feel better. Her being a child no less, she was almost made to exploit it.

She would not call the hostilities between the typhoon and taglewood a brewing war, more of a aggressive rivalry. But she has only seen one side of the supposed 'war' Through different eyes no less, it was a wonder if on this side she would see something different. She was well aware of the value of perspective. While Whisper wasn't interested in becoming a spy. She was rather more interested in the differing views. Whisper was too youg to be of any use in raids from either side of the "war" anyway.

Whisper had seen a crocodile once or twice, but she hadn't much considered them something that could be domesticated. So she was weary stepping any deeper into the territory without someone at least prooving to her she wasn't crazy- a log moved when she showed up, so she wasn't too keen in seeing it move much closer towards her. though she was interested in joining, she just thought it would leave a better impression without a trail of dead reptiles on her way to camp to actually meet the locals. Thankfully she was met by one of the people that lived here.

He looked familiar, not in that she would remember him but in a way that showed genetics. She was saved from trying to puzzle out the familiarity when he introduced himself. Bright smile seeming to shine brighter at the name. Grimm? Any relation to Lucifer? The puppy didn't look much like a dragon herself, but she assumed it was due to the lack of real blood relation. Either way, it's nice to meet a kin! She didn't necessary reveal her relation, still unsure on that herself- but she was a... step daughter, right? Would it be alright to call her an adopted sibling out of necessity? She left it alone for now. Tackling the other question with a slightly more subdued frown.

I uh. My parents are... dead Her biological ones were, at least. She seemed a little put off about the question, dimmed. It didn't matter anyway her real parents were never there for her. Her parents have been dead for a long time and even when they were alive, when they were suppose to be happy they left Whsiper alone- They weren't good parents, so I'm glad they are dead. One of my friends was a nomad so i wanted to travel. So here i am! It was easy to fall into a negative head space, where she could quickly turn into something vile. But whisper had control of her emotions. She could divert her focus away from it- so she did. What about you? Do you like your family?

//no worries! xD And yeah, technically? o.o I think I'm getting the hang of fancies... kind of. you can nab a code of it for yourself! I put it in my storage so feel free!


Re: TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - Nayru - 06-03-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"My mother is dead too."

Nayru had silently joined the group before speaking, her cerulean eyes overshadowed by some indistinguishable emotion - potentially sadness. Perhaps Whisper's words hit too close, managing to stir something in the small medic that she had long since repressed. Mother had never been terrible to her... no, everyone described her as a true angel: compassionate, caring, selfless. It was her father who was the awful one, denying her of every right to be a child and then laying his expectations upon her frail shoulders and belittling her every time she failed. Heir to a throne of nothing... the title still haunted her, even now, even when her life resembled something moderately okay, happy even.

She swallowed, thinking carefully about the next words to leave her mouth. [color=#6b7e99]"My father was the terrible one so I understand where you're coming from," She supplied. This conversation was awkward for her and admittedly, Nayru didn't know why she thought it was good to give a complete stranger the run-down on her parent situation. Maybe it was because she craved to not be the only one with rocky relations to the ones who birthed her. Even Freyja, her sister, had a healthy relationship with the female who had taken her in after their father had cast her out. In that sense, she felt completely and utterly alone.

Regardless, embarrassment heated her cheeks and she looked away, a low hiss emitting from the alligator that she had forgotten was perched on her head. Right... yes... Chad didn't like quick, jumpy movements like that. He got antsy, aggressive. Hoping that she didn't succeed in riling him up too much, Nayru glanced momentarily at Fenri and then back at Whisper, the ghost of a bittersweet smile touching her pale maw now. [color=#6b7e99]"I like my family here. They're nice, so nice... you're part of it now, you know," Nayru extended, still sounding painfully awkward. But the attempt was there. [color=#6b7e99]"My name is Nayru, it's nice to meet you."

Re: TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - Luciferr - 06-03-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

/aha sweet! an you've got more a knack for it than me cx, hope u don't mind me using it for fenris an luci when I eventually get his muse back? I added tags etc along the bottom, but ur sig is still there!

Fenris' ears twitched and a slight blink of surprise before he nodded "Yes, he's my father" and then a slight smile of true delight at the pup's next words caught on the war god's face - ah this one was kin to him, it had been too long since he'd run across genuine family - adopted into theirs or not, - of the grimm variety even if the whole of tanglewood was like one large family community, no matter how they annoyed the other.

he chuckled "Indeed, well met" those his face grew more serious as she answered his questions, his lips pursing at the thought of such a thing, glad your parents were dead? truly they must have been horrid to little whisper then,

that was no stranger, his family had there fair share of relatives that were...less than decent people.

their...grandfather..for one.

Fenris grimaced in distaste before realising the pup had asked him about his, to which he offered a slight smile with a nod of his head "My family are or...were..I guess for most of them wonderful - though we had a fair share of awful family members, which the less spoken about those ones the better really" his face brokered no arguement, those horror stories weren't for first meetings yet after all "No doubt if you know Lucifer, you know my father is overly protective and a parent to the extreme in most cases" and it seemed these days he'd be taking after him.

must be something they inherited from grandmothers side, hm, the parent gene? an amusing thought.

he nodded to whisper "Well your one of ours now, we'll look out for you" his eyes glanced sideways as vigenere joined them with a nod to the dream demon before another voice joined them and Fenris inclined his head with a smile as Nayru joined them and a small glance to her baby gator before nodding in solidarity to the nurse's words.

"You're part of this family now anyway, we can lead you back to camp if you'd like? we can point out the markings you'll need to learn on the way for where not to stray" he offered, the war god idly glancing about, wondering if Morgan or amunet would show up to this little meeting.

/oh no big bro fenris to smol whisper lmao

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]


This family of theirs kept expanding further and further yet she did not seem to mind it at all but rather the opposite, she liked that Tanglewood was slowly growing. She would walk over until she was near both Nayru and Fenris, her fluffy tail briefly brushing against Fen's more spiky appendage that just so happened to be his tail. She would smile at Whisper only to introduce herself with a slight incline of her cranium "I am Amunet. It is a pleasure to meet you," There was a bit of a pause before she added with a bigger smile and happy glow in her golden pools "Welcome to the family then,"
© madi

Re: TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - ARGUS - 06-03-2018

There's really just one thing that we have in common

Whisper was capable of violence. She was forced into a home that trained monsters- and within the domain whisper has risen in the ranks. She had been alone for the most part, training and honing her abilities that one day she may face war and show off her ability. Throughout her life she has killed many. To the point that sometimes it was harder to tell what was blood and what was water in her home. Their river had run red with the stuff, and some of them had already converted to near vampirism just for the sheer joy of it- the lack of resources to feed on beside your enemies corpses.

She was never proud of killing, never proud of a single death that she thought she could've changed. Her parent's deaths still hurt her, even when she hated them. Born to a time that made family everything- whisper was alone. She had no one but a empty milk den and a mother's back as memories. She had never hated her parents in life, always distantly hopeful that they would come back- that they would cure the indescribable loneliness within the small warrior but as her heart eroded over time she became more vicious, more volatile and self destructive. In the end, when she heard the news of their deaths. Of her brother's death. She only laughed.

She was told family was suppose to save you, meant to cure all of the ugly in your heart where whsiper's only seemed to fester. Where she only got worse slowly over time until she started to hurt others, had to learn to hunt, to protect herself to live for herself. Whisper always had a bit of hope for reunion, that her mother would come back and save her. That her father would smile at her with his grey eyes and welcome her back. When they died, whisper woke up and stopped dreaming. Faced the reality that was around her and moved on.

Vigenere Cipher, it did not take her long to match who he related to in the typhoon. She wondered what it meant that Caesar's brother went into a clan that was at war with each other. At least she appreciated the other's brutal honesty. Four eyes blinking up at the feline and offering the other a unashamed smile. Thank you for the welcome, Vigenere! She was interested in learning more of the seeming family of demons. Just what had happened to make them seem so... distant she wasn't sure.

Funny thing was, people always tended to describe someone differently when they "turned traitor" and left bloodclan. Most of them loyal to a fault, and Whisper was the same once too. She was loyal to her blood home she had looked down upon people who left, but now loyalty to a place, power hungry people were those she did not trust. People who climbed up the ladder for power and respect where not people to be humiliated, prideful, crossed once was enough was enough to send whisper straight. It was one of the appeals of beinga  nomad. She didn't have to worry about people trying to out do her, just that the place she chose to stay in was a welcoming one.

Bright eyes focused on the medic. Watching the other closely, so someone else was hurt by their family? Whisper felt a little better admitting her own story then. And... warm. The last statement by the other was an open offering and whisper felt honored. Think of this place as home? As family? She blinked slowly. smile falling from her face but, not because something was wrong no- she just... didn't know how to express herself here. I'm.. sorry you had to go through that too. I'm glad that you've moved on from it though. Glad you think of this place as such. The puppy drawled, keeping her voice quieter, more sincere.

Home... family. She had had many homes, many families. She just hopped that this one would last. She matched grins with the other Grimm, her eyes turning back to focus on the drake as he offered to take her to camp. Maybe
a tour would be in order, she had no idea where anything was. That sounds great! She made a little jump in the air, springing almost half way Fenris' height. And the child was back again. Whisper aiming to latch onto the other grimm with a happy little smile. Aaa I am really small! we might be able to get there faster if i am on you're back...?

Whisper spotted Amunet before she spoke, the equally towering new clan mate was easy to spot lumbering closer. She took in the other's seemingly unconscious movements with a raised eyebrow, turning her attention to Funrisulfer in a questioning- reevaluating look before turning back. Hopefully before any of them caught on to what she was insinuating. Well met Amunet!

/ack Rushed near the end! Oof guys. I just introduced her here and yall'r already hitting me in the feels. thank you for the welcome guys!


Re: TOO MANY WAR WOUNDS AND NOT ENOUGH WARS // O, joining - Luciferr - 06-14-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

/late sorry :0

Fenris was thankfully experienced in the handling of small siblings so it was a credit that the sudden launch didn't even beget a flinch or a surprise as the smaller canine latched onto him - no the war god merely snorted in amusement, glancing briefly to Amunet at her words and then Vigenere with a roll of the eyes

yes they all were quite a patchwork family no? "I'll keep that in mind Vigenere" he drawled, gaze glancing back to Whisper as she grinned up at him and with a put upon - though you could tell he didn't really mind - sigh he acquiesced "Oh very well, climb aboard - mind the spikes" the last was directed pointedly because damn if Fenris was going to accidentally skewer a family member - blame dad for having far too many spikes in the genetics,

though mom hadn't been lacking spines and plates either, hm.

with that presumably settled, he flexed his claws with a hum turning to Amunet and Vigenere with a nod before angling to pad in the direction of the village "Guess I'm the family bus - dad would be so proud" wolfish bus and dragon taxi - seemed yet another startling trend.

/The grimm's are just serial dads and transport lmao

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]