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Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood - Printable Version

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Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood - Orion - 09-01-2022

[align=center][Image: 8nSmONT.png]

Hello everyone! We need a leader for Tanglewood and The Typhoon. Brief descriptions are being provided below for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on-site, reply below, or on Discord!

A quick note on activity requirements for leaders: Usually the requirements (as mentioned in the guide tab) is for a leader to be active every four days. This, obviously, has been pushed to the side due to my own issues and inability to monitor these things. After all, we all would be without leaderships if that was true at the moment. I may revisit this rule due to the site's activity. At this point we're just looking for someone who can at least post semi-regularly and push events forth throughout these groups.

[Image: ReS3w7U.png]
Rhosmari, Ciabhan's roleplayer, and I talked about rolling back Cia's leadership, saying Morrison is still a leader. Then handing leadership off to the next leader, saying Morrison has retired... but if not, I would step up with Morrison again. Given my activity though, I do not think that is fair though. Hence these applications.

— Captain [leader]: The highest position in the the Typhoon; the overseer of everything in the group. They are expected to understand the basics to each division as they are the ultimate head to each one. They are in charge of every decision made within the group. Their word is the law and they are referred as "Captain Name or Surname".

[Image: LffB3Z6.png]
— Luminary [leader]: The highest in the hierarchy of powers, and in simplest terms, the leader. Capabilities include hosting clan-wide meetings, promotions and demotions, managing politics and raids,  among other common tasks.

What does Beasts of Beyond Look for?
- Activity: A HP must be active and comply with Beasts of Beyond's activity rules on-site to lead properly. Not only this, but an active HP attracts other characters and brings a welcoming environment. Review the activity requirements (leaders only) here within the guide tab for more information.
- Character: Characters with a compelling concept, rather than a bland Mary Sue, can give a clan a whole new vibe.
- Open-Minded: Having an open heart and mind is key to roleplay. With this, a user and their character can easily adapt through situations and embrace new ideas. Whether these ideas come from staff or many users, we want to see the community thrive due to the input and output of our members.
- Plotting: To keep things 'fresh' and 'new,' HPs should engage in a multitude of plotting. This includes plotting with other groups, attending monthly meetings, and discussing plots amongst your group. Group-wide plots, along with site-wide plots, also encourage activity and involvement that keeps a community going.
- Taking Charge: As a community HP, you should be able to effectively communicate and decipher your group's needs. This includes independently hosting events and recognizing the downfalls/how to improve the group as a whole.
- OOC Connection: Communicating out of roleplay is also a big factor. This not only allows the characters to get their IC opinion in, but also the true opinion of the OOC users themselves. Along with this, chatting can lead to interesting plots or opportunities for you and your group.
- Experience: While not required, HP or IC experience would be preferable. This allows staff to oversee past experience and analyze your capabilities. Nonetheless, new applicants are very much welcomed!

Application Form
Please remember to include these aspects: username, character name and bio, potential plots/ideas, and why your service as a HP would be beneficial. Here is a basic form to get you started. You may use post templates and images as you wish, but please stick to the basic format.

[b]Username:[/b] Not your display name. The one you login with.
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character description/bio:[/b]
[b]Position you are interested in:[/b]
[b]Potential plots/ideas:[/b]

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - Wolfberry - 09-01-2022

Username: Wolfberry
Character name: Mara Deighe
Character description/bio: A spitfire she-wolf with the blazing tenacity - though perhaps not the power - to part the water, if necessary to get what she wants. She's a natural swimmer, with large webbed back paws and a sleek shark-like tail fin, and a nicely pointed dorsal fin between her shoulders. Her main objective in life is to have as much fun at whomever's expense it may come, and her secondary objective is to make as many friends and have the best crew any sea-faring woman could ask for.
Position you are interested in: Captain of the Typhoon
Potential plots/ideas: > Throw a party! Sparring, drinking, festivities! It will bring the group together and allow everyone to put on display whatever skills and talents they wish to show off!
> Get into mischief with one (or both) of the two most prominent adjacent groups! (with plotting and collaboration of course)
> Steal hearts and minds of the masses!
> Constantly better herself and the group to be more cohesive and more effective!

I'm pretty chock full of muse, I am dedicated to seeing the groups thrive, and I like to think I'm a pretty friendly and enthusiastic person. I'm good at reining my excitement in and focusing, which makes it easier for me to meet a post requirement since I don't spread myself extremely thin. I'm communicative about my intentions IC and OOC, and I love to interact and see the results of plots!

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - wifewoof - 09-01-2022

Username: one-chan
Character name: Sherbet Flóki
Character description/bio: Sherbet
Position you are interested in: Co-Leadership as Captain of the Typhoon
Potential plots/ideas: So, with how the last leadership was going to try and bring back the pirate-y nature of the Typhoon, I want Sherbet to do something like that! I also have a lot of feelings on how it should show more mixed culture and such from the Palm Glades being absorbed, esp considering Sherbet was originally from there :O I have more ideas but so the app isn't super huge, I'll leave those as mysteries/will dm at a later date for thoughts
• Me & Weeping have had a lot of ideas intersect and had the idea of possibly having Sherbet & Sorbet do co-leadership of the Typhoon! Between both of us having similar ideas, we also have different ones to implement and bounce off the other, as well as being able to split the leadership work between both roleplayers & characters! It'll also help if one is inactive due to irl reasons, or low on muse/suffering with writer's block, one leader can always be active. Weeping can add anything else about co-leadership if they wish <3
* Sherbet will aim to encourage everyone to play jokes and tricks on crewmates, but especially to trick any animals from groups they aren't currently enemies with. Maybe even make it a competition for an "Ultimate Trickster" title.
* Aiming to bring back raids, and make them more common. As pirates, raiding and fighting should be a priority. With raids, higher rank or those who have high combat prowess, will be given free reign to set up raids and target anyone who isn't an ally. Maybe even make shp rank for raiders who excel at fighting/leading raids, they'd work closely with The Officer rank but would still be able to run/lead their own raids (might work best as a title maybe?)
Job Board
* I really like the idea of a job board a high position takes care of. They'd add weekly, monthly, or even just extra tasks characters can claim! The amount of these actually finished can also count towards an eventual promotion to semi-high, or high, position.
Revival of Culture
* Sherbet would work towards bringing back the culture and traditions, and create more of them, to celebrate life in the Typhoon. He'd work more in depth with modifying how the Calypso Carnival goes about celebrating while still keeping it's core values of celebrating the 3 Divisions. Likely to create activities that align more with each Divison and have other hp/shps host other events that fit the current Division being celebrated as well as still other activities for those of other Divisons or Unaffiliated.
Festival of the Sea (name undecided)
* Possibly bring in another (smaller) celebration where at the beginning of spring, the whole month of March & April will be dedicated to pure mischief and love for the ocean. Fishing, pranks being pulled, and activites having to do with the sea. Most commonly, Fishing competitions, scavenger hunts, sandcastle competitions or just to build them, swimming, and other such activities. This is in part inspired by some of the thoughts I've had about how the Typhoon absorbed Palm Glades and vaguely remember thinking on some of the activities for festivals and such! It makes sense that a few activites/events also were absorbed, or re-branded to fit the Typhoon aesthetic. It doesn't help Sherbet was also orginally a Palm Glades member, so he is particularly attached to some of these (modified) traditions that won't be celebrated again.
* Titles can be rewards for competitions won during festivals/celebrations, for outstanding activity & helping others, as well as being top raiders. These could see a revival to bring a kinda reward for activity back, as well be either a stepping stone for shp/hps or simply a title to cherish. Titleholder's can be given a special shell necklace, which would also signify that the two groups merged, or they can choose to have a special earring made.
Festival of Color
* This could be mixed with how Palm Glades did the sand painting for raids! I have a lot of thoughts of how the Typhoon and Palm Glades should show more merged culture lol This festival could be modified to be two separate events of fighting it out with paints/powders and smaller category competitions of who is the most colorful, who has the prettiest, who looks the brightest, etc etc. This could also have a title for who wins the main color paint event!

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - SirDio - 09-01-2022

Username: AstralBeing200x
Character name: Seven
Character description/bio: Seven is the Medicinal reaper of Tanglewood and a strong-willed woman. Despite being a blind tigress, she strives to be more than just that while also bringing others around her up.
Position you are interested in: Luminary of Tanglewood.
Potential plots/ideas: I got a few, bear with me.
1 - Improving the paths around Tanglewood's swamp, making it more navigatable and easier to set traps up in.
2 - Set up alliances and neutrality with other groups, shift some trades around
3 - Improving the defense of Tanglewood's Town, as well as a better warning system. Something like a bell or something to signal enemies.
4 - Rely on individual strengths and improve on individual weaknesses, striving to strengthen the power of Tanglewood in both Combat and Diplomacy.

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - teef - 09-01-2022

[align=center][div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; font-family: book antiqua; max-width: 460px; height: auto; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; color: lightgray; font-size: 16px;"]Username: venture. (or) adventure.
Character name: Aesior Opheles
Character description/bio: [ link ]
Position you are interested in: luminary of tanglewood
Potential plots/ideas: i've got a lot,,,, dont mind me lol
- New Beginnings ;; the town of tanglewood has fallen to the wayside and is in dire need of repair and cleanup. old and unsafe buildings will be torn down, their lumber used to fuel the fires of the swamp's tavern and homes come cold days. new buildings will be constructed and the forest will see some clearing in the northern direction as work progresses. the northern side of the forest and the more solid landmasses of the group will be deforested, the lumber from that will be used in the repair and re-construction of the town, while the new ground itself will become part of the territory, housing a greenhouse, orchard, and new silos with the potential addition of a watch station to the tallest tree in the area that was cut down. the old signs of the territory will be updated and renewed, with new signs going up where it's considered necessary.
- Farmer's Market & Revitalization of The Farm ;; the farm that tanglewood has called its own hasn't been touched for quite some time, leaving the fields to grow and grow, becoming a considerable fire risk without proper tending. the time for harvest has come, and with it, the chance to repair the broken fences and shelters, so as to bring back a sense of order to the farm. come the finish of harvest, the fields will be set to burn in a prescribed burn to free up the choked growth of the fields and the encroaching forest.  when spring comes, the fields will be sowed with various seeds, adding to the rye and wheat usually grown there, adding a greater diversity to the food reserves of tanglewood. come the end of harvest and in the summer, a farmer's market would be held with invitations to friendly groups, where the members of the groups can trade or sell off their goods, including but not limited to food and fruit items. this is a good time for craftsmen to introduce their products and craft, looking for apprentices to mentor. the farm is in need of revitalizing for the group's own uses and it's ability to use the products in trade, including the trade of non-communicative and feral livestock, furthering opening job opportunities.
- Craft Hall ;; a potential new addition to the titles and jobs of the tanglers, and a branch out to those that they do trade with. the specialization in any craft would be welcomed, those who are considered to be masters would be given Master Craftsman as a title, and they would be charged with finding apprentices that they would wish to take on in apprenticeships, allowing for exchange between groups of the beyond with trades, skills, and crafts. this is not for crafts alone, but it will expand into medicines, espionage, merchantile skills, etc. a new hall would be built for those of any training to bolster their craft/trade/skill to those around them, inclusive of all.
- Wild Cards ;; there are many ranks of tanglewood that need to be filled and bolstered, with various potential faces for new ranks and greater ranks among the members. with this, there would be the introduction of the wild cards, a new stepping stone rank to higher positions where promising members are reflected, and are placed for consideration for growth into those of reapers and vassals. this is the rank for those that the higher ups deem worthy of ascending to a higher rank, similar to shaderunner but it focuses more so on the political side of things. consider this rank as a mixed bag, where the possible promotees are trained under the luminary and current high ranks, in politics, battle measures and more. (this could admittedly use more work, i'm struggling to describe with the words i want so this is good enough for real lol)
- Replacement of Pranking Tradition ;; the practice within itself is light hearted but has seen little use or attempt to use within the group and upon allying groups. a tradition to replace it with would be raid-training with an allied group, where both groups hold faux raids on each other to train the members of the group, to keep them on their toes during peacetime lest they grow too relaxed. this could also be the opportunity for sparring and battle training.
- Expansion ;; with the development of new land, therefore more land is viable to explore and new landmarks to discover. this will be given to the group as a suggestion for what new landmarks they would like to see within tanglewood, and other plots that they might like to see enacted. this expansion could do many things, but i would like to include the discovery of more waterways, perhaps a bit more remniscent of the everglades or the swamps in the carolinas for example where theres waterpaths; potentially allowing for development of a water faring portion of society where boats are involved etc. there is opportunity for many things with this.
- Weather Mishaps ;; with the beginning of winter approaching and fall arriving as we are now, it wouldn't be amiss for weather to begin to turn up the dial for chaos upon the island, and even within the swamp. with tangle's swamp being a saltwater swamp, it's basically the first to accept the damage of any typhoon, hurricane etc that sweeps its banks, and with that, i thought it might be interesting to introduce a weather plot, as minor as it may be. within the group, it would give cause for some of the other plots above to come into place following a big storm that causes damage to the territory, and for the tanglers to potentially reach out to other groups in search of alliances or aid to get through the difficult time and recover. perhaps a tropical storm could overwhelm the territory and it's denizens.
- Alliances, Trade, and Ambassadors ;; the search for groups to ally themselves with is on, and with mixed tensions and high tempers about the murder of ximen, it would be smart to reach out to either of the other two remaining groups, the typhoon and the pitt. with the potential to reach out to each group, there is room for growth of attempting to rekindle old friendships and create new ones, but with it comes the prospect of trade, a means of income and interaction that has fallen behind in recent times. as a merchant himself, aesior would wish to further improve the means of trade that the group has, and would want to see more ambassadors reaching out to the other big three, seeking to enrich the swamp with more than what they have already. such means of seeking ambassadors and trade opens other options as well of course, and brings with it new challenges for the group. for the time being he would like to see that the group stays chaotic neutral with the tendency to act against those not seen as allies. with time, he may see to push the group towards other alignments, depending on situations arisen by the other big three. this could perhaps push in a new age of trade, business and profit (if we wanted to do a site currency used IC this may be a way of introducing it. perhaps even a trade carivan)

Why I would be a beneficial candidate: i have the experience of leading what was once the rosebloods before the group's fall, as well as writing the character bai shi as previously a marauder and currently as the councilman of arms, both within the pitt before taking a break from the site. i have also written the leaderships of four unofficial groups with two being dropped for various reasons. the one detriment to my candidate position is that i am taking four classes within my first university semester and i am not sure on when i would be able to write posts. i would be looking to promote other roleplayer's characters to higher ranks so that they would be able to help carry the group's activity in the times that i'm not available, or to perhaps even try out a co-leadership with another roleplayer of staff's choice. i am fairly active on the discord otherwise, and i tend to have the most muse for aesior at any given time.

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - Cobra - 09-04-2022

Username: Cobra
Character name: Boots
Character description/bio: tags
Position you are interested in: Captain of the Typhoon
Potential plots/ideas: Boots loves the pirate theme of his home, but he also wants to mesh in some of his old fishing villages traditions. That, and he will likely, if chosen, have the voice of his crew heard. He believes that he can not lead without their support. He will have an open door to his crewmates and wants them to bring every idea to him.

1. Traditions - He will bring them back, and will add a few more. Such as flying red, white, or black flags when sailing or to raids. Shanties when on the sea, game nights, and a fish market.

2. Boots, thanks to his family, believes the ocean deserves respect and will offer small gifts to the waves before fishing or sailing. He will likely try to introduce this to others, though not force it on them.

3. Raids on enemies. This will be more for supplies, treasures, or fun depending on the situation. Why work for things they can just take from their enemies?

4. Weekly Tasks - This could be used to help with activity and to better the clan in some ways.

5. Crew votes on major events, changes, allies, enemies, and such.

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - Casphian - 09-07-2022

Username: Casphian
Character name: Sorbet Floki
Character description/bio: Sorbet bio
Position you are interested in: Co-leadership Captain of the Typhoon
Potential plots/ideas: Sorbet will be very focused on revamping and bettering the Typhoon. He will be working on including more of the Palm Glades into the mix and encouraging the members to better themselves and letting go of any demons that they bear, including new comers. He will be working closely along side his brother for a lot of this.

Co-leadership: Quietly has already mentioned this but Sorbet and Sherbet would be co-leaders! I don't have much to say on this that Quietly hasn't already mentioned ^^

Pranks: A new tradition will be introduced to the group of doing prank raids on all the groups. It will be encouraged for all members to play as many pranks on the other groups while also going in and stealing the supplies of the others. Along with this a new monthly tournament would be held for the Typhoon. This would be a week long event of pranks and mischief to see who would be given the title of Ultimate Trickster. Along with this, during the Raids all members would wear the Sand Battle Paint that is worn during the festival or changed to a different type of battle paint.

Entrance Ritual: Sorbet will be big on encouraging anyone new to go through the Entrance Ritual. He believes that joining the Typhoon should be a fresh start for anyone who comes, and so he will strongly encourage going through it to rid themselves of their demons that follow. He also encourages anyone already apart of the Typhoon to go through the Ritual again if they have anything that is weighing down on them, wanting this to be a place where fears of the past can be let go. He wants the Typhoon to be a safe place for its members.

Children of the Group: Adding a few things to include the kids more into the group. Starting off with the Mapmaking, Sorbet would add a new tradition that would be for the kids. This would allow them to make their own maps and to follow them. This would help to build their confidence and push them out of their shell, along with this it would help them learn how to make maps for when they would go through the actual Mapmaking tradition. The adults of the group would be encouraged to help the kids but for the most part leave them to make their own map with helpful tips along the way.

Seashell Necklaces: To help include more of the Palm Glades the idea of bringing the seashell necklaces would be fun. The necklaces would be incorporated with titles that will be added. Anyone who holds a title will be given a seashell necklace

Calypso Event: This will be expanding and instead of taking 2 months will now take up 3 months. The main activities will be focused more on the divisions while the smaller will be focused around those who don't have a division and the younger. Along with this the Sand Battle Paint will be included and will be used during any competitions. Sorbet will also be adding an event for sandcastle building and the animal to build the best castle will be awarded the title Architect.

Titles: The idea titles being included and given out is one me and Quietly quite enjoy. I also feel like it would help to include more of the Palm Glades into the Typhoon seeing as it really hasn't been incorporated.
Ones that we have discussed:
- Ultimate Trickster: Given to those who win the prank war tournament
- Raid Leader: Given to those who lead any Raids, they will closely beside The Officer  and would be the ones to go to during Raids and anything Raid related. For now will stay as a title but if enough interest is shown has potential to be an sHP
Ones that I think are nifty:
- Architect: Given to those who win the sandcastle building contest
- Jack of All Trades: Given to those who mastered hunting all types of prey, including aquatic, forest, and airborne.
- Battle Medic: Given to those who have proven themselves to be adept at both fighting and treating injuries.

* More titles will be discussed and thought out when the time has come along with the last three in the list.
* More plots and ideas would be discussed later this is just a small starting point for ideas that are had right now

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - Orion - 09-07-2022

Thank you for the applications everyone! A decision will be made shortly in the next day or so. Until then, feel free to keep submitting applications.

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood [APPLY NOW] - Orion - 09-09-2022

Hello everyone! As promised, we have discussed our options and have decided to choose two special characters for our leaders.

For The Typhoon, we have decided on [member=1079]Quietly [woof][/member] with Sherbet!

For Tanglewood, our choice is [member=3043]teef[/member] with Aesior!

Congratulations to our choices.

To those who did not get anything, you are more than welcome to message me or your newfound leaders to inquire about other positions within the group's hierarchy. A lot of you had AMAZING ideas that I would love to be thrown into the mix. I'll try and find a position that suits those plots 100%.

Re: Leaders needed for The Typhoon + Tanglewood - teef - 09-09-2022
