Beasts of Beyond
open [★] POW POW - Printable Version

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open [★] POW POW - Keona. - 05-30-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Perhaps it was a bribe to keep her within the camp's boundaries, or perhaps it really was a decent present... Keona was not sure what to make of it exactly.  Her father and uncle told her it was a parrot.  Parrots are a kind of bird. But birds were not... Squishy like this, or she did not think so at least, nor did the texture feel like feathers.  It was a different kind of softness.

For over five minutes, the usually hyperactive betta just sat, pawing hesitantly at the foreign plush object, pushing and nudging it around with her nose.  A toy, she was told, but... Were toys supposed to be larger than her? Based off the so-far truth that most everything was often more than twice her size, the rusty spotted kitten was not entirely shocked.  Once the initial perplexation wore off, Keona, still rather tentatively, hit the soft bird a little harder, with her claws carefully sheathed.

Honestly, she did not want to ruin something her father and uncle found for her but... Tail flicking excitedly behind her, the betta dropped to a crouch, each blow on the motionless toy more confident than the last.  Finally, Keona properly pounced on the bird, finding herself quiet content to just lay on the plush, sightless sea-green eyes gleaming brightly.

Maybe she should give it a name... Plush animals needed names, right?
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] POW POW - tristitia - 05-31-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Striker tags
Huh, she seemed to act a bit like Valemon. A bird, huh? She remembered her brother, crying about the silly bird. So, she watched Keona paw at it, though not trusting it, and then suddenly pushing harder. And, then, she pounced on it. Oh, was she using it as a hunting toy! A chuckle escaped the usually dull-eyed lioness. “So... what are you going to name it?” Sekai asked, eyes twinkling.
© madi

Re: open [★] POW POW - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-01-2018

Caesar didn't understand everybody's fascination with plush toys. They honestly unnerved him, especially if they moved on their own. But he also didn't like them for their symbolism: that the owner was a child. Or at least child-like. That was the stereotype he gave the toys himself, anyway; maybe that wasn't their true symbolism.

"The hell's it need a name for?" Caesar snorted at Sekai's question as he came over, having overheard her talking to Keona. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the toy, flicking his tail tip absent-mindedly.

Re: open [★] POW POW - Keona. - 06-02-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona huffed softly, tail lashing once to the side.  She rolled to the side, taking the larger plush with her, sightless hues narrowed in fierce thought.  As something came to mind, the betta grew steadily more straight-faced, until with absolute calm and certainly, decided: "Manu." Which, naturally, meant bird.

At Caesar's inquiry, the fae rolled her eyes.  "Why not?" She challenged blankly, which of course meant the betta would not accept any sort of 'reasoning'.  There was simply no stopping the tiny kitten when she began asking why's.
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] POW POW - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-02-2018

One of Caesar's ears flicked at Keona's response, clearly not happy with the result. "Because, oh, I don't know, its not alive?" He shot back, as if that was a perfectly good reason to ruin a child's dreams.

Re: open [★] POW POW - Keona. - 06-02-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The betta did her best to mimic Caesar's earlier snort, clearly unimpressed with his 'reasoning' skills.  "The bay has a name... But the bay isn't alive," she pointed out simply, whiskers twitching.  "Why did we name the ship? Ship's not alive." Perhaps the striker simply did not understand names.  "Names aren't just for alive things."

"They're for things... That're special to us."
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] POW POW - SÉAMUS - 06-02-2018

Well this was... A situation.  The older rusty spotted cat flicked his ears back as he arrived on scene.  He was happy to see Keona liked her present; Kian had been right that he may keep her in camp.  Perhaps that had not been a good idea... Now she was butting heads with Caesar.  The fae bit back a sigh.  What a drag. Though it was hard not to chuckle, watching the Striker try to reason with the girl; Seamus knew from the start she'd argue back in an instant with her own logic.

"Can't argue with her there," the pirate announced, accented voice full of unrestrained amusement. "I see no reason not to name it." Besides, kids were kids; they named their toys.  Some people, he supposed, just had different opinions... Of course, Seamus wasn't about to let anyone ruin something for his niece.  That just was not going to fly.

"I for one, am glad you think it's special enough to name, Sib," he added warmly, before his sea-green eyes turned sharply towards the serval.  "Nobody decent'll have a problem with that."

Re: open [★] POW POW - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

"The bay has living things on it." Caesar retorted, as if that answer made any sense whatsoever. "The ship is also the same." Yes, it made total sense. The demon rolled his eyes at the kitten's answer. "Why's it so special to you, anyway?" He didn't understand it. It was just a toy. Caesar heard Seamus, and his tail tip flicked irritably to show he heard the other pirate, but made no comment.

Re: open [★] POW POW - Keona. - 06-03-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Keona's eyes sparkled, clearly pleased that her uncle was happy.  "I named 'm Manu, Uncle Sea! Do you like that name?" The betta wondered why neither her uncle or father had named the plush - they found it afterall, which gave them first dibs in her mind - but she was immensely pleased that the idea of her giving it one made her uncle happy, no doubt meaning that her father would be too.

A trace of annoyance finally flashed in her pale eyes, ears flicking back.  Admittedly, she had enjoyed arguing with the Striker, thinking it rather funny, but she was growing bored... A little angry.  "Stars've names," she snapped, tail lashing to the side.  "Why'd we give them names?"

The petite faerie huffed.  "Da and Uncle Sea gave it to me." Ergo; special.  "It'sa gift."
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] POW POW - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-03-2018

"Fun fact, sweetie, stars are living things, too." Caesar replied in a matter-of-factly tone. They don't have a conscious, like the bay or ship, but they were technically 'living' in a sense. "They're constantly aging and using up energy. Ergo, living." Because that made total sense, too. "That doesn't explain why it's special. So your father and Uncle gave it to you, so fucking what?"