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the bright side of the sun ;; joining - Printable Version

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the bright side of the sun ;; joining - purgatory - 05-30-2018

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-30-2018

Drinking from the ocean probably wasn't a good idea. Although Caesar had no proof that the NPCs gave him ocean water for his entrance ritual, he was convinced that they did, hence why he had those hallucinations. Caesar fucking despised them for tricking him into doing the entrance ritual, even though that's admittedly something he would do. He just didn't like being the one tricked himself.

Caesar noticed Cronas during his daily rounds of the territory, since he liked to have his nose up everything that went on around The Typhoon. The demon watched them carefully, though didn't exactly have interest in her. They were a child, by the looks of it. Great. Caesar grumbled mentally to himself. Just what we needed. Another fucking child. Whisper already got on his damn nerves. But whatever, a stranger was a stranger, and Caesar had to approach them since they were in their territory. Not that he didn't mind; he loved causing conflict, but he knew that scaring away a potential joiner may have some reprocutions.

"You always talk to yourself in third-person?" Caesar stated as he marched up to Cronas, studying them with black eyes. "Don't answer that, I don't really give a shit. What I do care about, however, is why you're here." He assumed Cronas was their name, considering they said that they were unsure about something. Unless he was assuming wrong, which was fine; he didn't care.

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - Keona. - 05-30-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Wandering was now an ingrained habit in Keona.  The tiny betta had a real problem sitting still, thus, she slipped away and wandered. Oft it was aimless; her goal was to learn about her surroundings, but very rarely did the spotted feline have an actual destination in mind.  Away from camp.  Away before her father - or uncle - noticed, though they often did.

Quite unintentionally, Keona found herself on the path of others.  The rather independent betta knew that others - if they were crew - meant the possibility of being caught.  Avoiding that was a necessary, if she wanted to stay out as long as possible.  While she had been here for some time now, there was still so much new.  Living on land, albeit land close to the familiarity of the sea, was nothing like living on a ship.  She needed to learn everything.

However, small as she was, the child grew tired rather quickly.  She had not made it as far as she would like, but her paws were sore, and a spot on her hind leg stung.  Ants were not under the betta's realm of knowledge, though she knew what crabs were, and crabs were far worse.  Perhaps a tiny crab had pinched her.  So under her breath, the rusty spotted kitten murmured an apology to whatever crab she had intruded upon, before realizing she very well might run into a tree.

Sightless sea-green eyes flickering, Keona stepped back, ears flattening sheepishly.  So much for remaining discreetly hidden.  Knowing the only crewmate present was Caesar, the fae scooted a little behind the serval, head inclined to one side as she wondered who 'Cronas' was and where they came from.  "Aloha," she murmured, an otherwise quiet child's attempt in proper greeting, finding her voice rather pathetically soft compared to Caesar's sharper tone.  However, she thought the serval rather rudely direct, thus she did not entirely mind.
code by spacexual

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - PINCHER - 05-30-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Traveling, wandering, escaping, disappearing. They all were a form of movement that focused on the idea of moving somewhere that one had to go through. Pincher himself had sprouted from the womb of his mother on the very island that he now inhabited alongside his crewmates. But the majority of his life had been one of forced travels placed down on his shoulders when his father stripped him away from his mother and twin brother, the memory still bringing a heavy lump to form in his throat whenever he contemplated about it. He wished he had been strong enough and old enough to rebel against his father's wishes on taking Pincher, perhaps he would have been different. He would have been different. He wouldn't have been forced to mature at such a young age of how he had to behave, how he was supposed to react in any given situation possible. Many of his father's friends would remind Pincher that it was for his own good but the desire to tell them what he had done convinced him otherwise. His father had stripped whatever joy he had been able to create in the past, the smiles of his two sons were now just bittersweet memories. Donovan and Theuseus had only been children when they had been forced to greet death, to be lurched away in ways that a child should never know about. After that, Pincher's direction of traveling became warped and crooked. The cruelty of the earth had torn the man apart and left him to rot with the rest.

But now he was leading the Typhoon with the opportunity to create something even if the world did not view them as "good". Good or evil, Pincher knew that everyone was capable of holding a shred of darkness, it was much harder to hold a shred of light when so much pain was allowed to be placed upon them. Yet, there weren't many litters to blossom out of the group, his members still settling down and getting to know each other. The only children he had managed to meet was his own and Keona, perhaps some faded faces of other children had passed along but were now mostly forgotten for no one gave care for the ones that did not stick around. Life went on and on and on. So when he managed to finally catch sight of a child, they would always be out of place. Children growing up with cutthroat pirates? It wasn't exactly the safest environment but that did not mean the Typhoon was heartless. They looked out for each other even when there were times that they would be ready to slice at each other's throats if situations became tense with heated hate. He was never exactly sure how he felt about children, his fear of connecting quickly colliding with his dream of having heirs or at least someone that carried a part of him like the way he carried a part of his deceased sons with him.

The lazy bubbly splashing sound of foamy sea water flooded the hearing of Pinch as he was bobbing lazily up and down in the shore, his paws calmly doing a fluid motion that kept him upright. His lean muscles easily worked against the pull of the sea, his sleek figure used to this feeling as if he was sleeping. He was enjoying a moment of peace to himself, his body tipping back to rest against the water in a relaxed floating position, his vibrant electric blue eyes locked up to the sky that was streaked with long dashes of ivory clouds. Perfect weather for a summer day. The perk of living on the island is the feeling of relaxation even if they were supposed to be at war with another group. Pincher enjoyed the cool water also being a source of comfort when the days got too hot and the jungle too humid, his automatic piece of heaven. He was slowly slipping into subconsciousness when he heard distanced voices speak, ones he recognized as his crewmates but one had stood out causing the charcoal colored canine to rise from his state of relaxation, his gaze now focusing on the two figures, caesar's tall serval figure and keona's tiny body hardly visible. Deciding to see what they were checking out, the captain stepped out of the water, crystalline beads of salt water dripping off his soaked body as he trotted towards them.

"The hell is going on here? Oh." Pincher's low rumbling voice joined the two other distinct voices as he stepped between Keona and Caesar, his figure looming over the kitten that had found shelter in the cool shade. His piercing half-lidded cobalt blue eyes honed on the child, wondering how the hell this one had gotten here. They seemed alone, no parent or guardian searching for them and Pincher didn't remember meeting them before. He raised a fictional eyebrow, a quizzical expression lacing his facial features as he knew Caesar tended to be very sharp-tongued to anyone. "Don't mind his tone, kid. But do you know where you are?" The doberman inquired, his pointed velvety ears pricked as he waited for a response from them.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - purgatory - 05-30-2018

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-31-2018

Caesar inhaled sharply as Crona didn't seem to comprehend what he meant. He knew Keona and Pincher had came over, and he forced himself not to snap at the child (mostly because the Captain was around). "No." He said in a stern voice, as if he was scolding Crona, even though they did nothing wrong. Well, to him, they did. But in reality? They did nothing, they were just being a child. Besides, Crona didn't seem to been alive very long, so it was only natural that they didn't know what 'third-person' was or anything. "Third-person is speaking of your name. Like you're doing now." Where they able understand that? Probably not, and Caesar wasn't prepared to be able to take that. "And no, aloha is not food. It means 'hello'." God, this was frustrating. But it was good to know that Crona could count; at least they realized that there were four people here. "You didn't answer my question." Caesar went on quickly, getting irritated now (as if he wasn't already).

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - Keona. - 05-31-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The betta's maw turned downward slightly into a small frown, brows creasing.  After a moment, she seemed to tilt her head, hoping her eyes were more or less level with the other kitten's.  She assumed 'third person' meant the way they were talking, but to be honest, Keona had never heard anyone speak like that, nor heard the phrase.  It was all guesswork for her.  It didn't matter either, not really; as long as they understood each other, it didn't matter how one talked, right?

At Crona's inquiries, she began to smile a little, a tad perplexed, but not too bothered that they didn't know what Aloha was.  Food?  "No, not food." Of course, Keona was still learning too; what if there was a food called Aloha?  It certainly sounded interesting.  "Means hi.  Or bye," and... Something else... Once more, she furrowed her brow.  "Oh, or love! Also means love you... But I was saying hi." Hopefully that was not too confusing.  Personally, Keona loved the word Aloha; it just sounded happy. Unlike Caesar, she noted.

Still smiling, the betta murmured, "oh, my name's Keona." It was not, afterall, fair to know someone's name and they not know yours, at least, she was fairly sure that was true.  It was what she was taught at least.  "Are you staying here?" The feline, who often - somewhat without thinking - avoided other children, hoped they were.  The way they talked was interesting, and it was no fun being on one's own.
code by spacexual

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - purgatory - 06-01-2018

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-01-2018

Caesar was getting upset, yes, though that was only because he was getting frustrated with Cronas. But they were only a child, of course they wouldn't know or understand why - hell, there wasn't even a 'good' reason why Caesar was upset in the first place; he was just a mean bastard, plain and simple. "Yes, it's odd." The Strike replied back. Good, if she brought it up, then the issue might be resolved. Or not. But at least he wouldn't get yelled at for snipping at Cronas's speech pattern. Maybe. "Normal people speak in what's called 'first-person'." Since they didn't understand what third person was. "Which is kinda like how I'm speaking now - see that; I said 'I' not 'Caesar'." Was that how you explained things to an incompetent child? Hell if he knew. But at least Cronas seemed to actually answer him this time. "Yes, I'm satisfied. Thanks." He grunted. "But I dunno, I can't see a reason why you can't stay." He shrugged. It wasn't like he could deny them for being incompetent.

Re: the bright side of the sun ;; joining - purgatory - 06-02-2018