Beasts of Beyond
unhand me ;; attacked - Printable Version

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unhand me ;; attacked - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 07-19-2022

patrolling with geki was her favorite past time. she enjoyed the grumpy brute and she knew, deep down, he like this too. today she was a good bit ahead of him. they were headed along the southern boarder and she was squeezing in and out of rocks that geki had to climb over. that was why she was alone when it happened.


she felt the teeth in her back and she was lifted. a scream leaving her as she glanced over at geki, climbing the last rock between them. the fox started shaking her and she flailed in an attempt to free herself. this worked and she hit the ground. running towards an angry looking geki without thinking.

code by Reggan

Re: unhand me ;; attacked - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 07-19-2022

the tiger followed after kabe. listening to her as she bound ahead. keeping an ear out. when she vanished past some rocks he wanted to yell out for her to wait. but, based on the scream, he was to late for that. the cry made him leap up. clambering over the rocks and jumping to the ground. kabe was being shook by a fox, then she thrashed free. anger raged in his eyes like a storm.

she ran to him and he leaps forward. roaring in anger as he clears the distance and brings a massive paw down on the fox. a crunch and weak yelp. the tiger ducked his head down to grab the fox. shaking it as it had kabe. only, all the thrashing in the world would not stop him from shaking the life out of the thing.

once it was dead, he threw it to the ground and turned to run back to kabe. kitty? was all he said as he neared her and used that same murderous maw to lick her wounds tenderly.

code by Reggan

Re: unhand me ;; attacked - SirDio - 07-22-2022

Re: unhand me ;; attacked - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 07-24-2022

the tiger heard a voice and decided now was a good time to call this patrol. grabbing kabe by the scruff, he would leap down, rock to rock, until he was beside the wyvern. setting the blood stained white feline down and looking up at the larger beast.

fox attacked kabe. i killed it, but she looks rough.. he admits as he lowers his head to lick her fur softly. the most gentle action the tiger has ever shown. lifting his head, he would pull his ears back slightly. i don't think it will kill her.. but perhaps we should get her to a healer?

code by Reggan