Beasts of Beyond
run away ;; escaping danger - Printable Version

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run away ;; escaping danger - Nickodemus Mistletoe - 07-19-2022

grass. trees. brush.

he was not a picky eater and that was good considering he was in a snowy biome that most would think was a frozen hell. alas, he was still having to eat pine tree needles or dig up frozen grasses. the occasional root or two was also common. in fact, this was what the deer was doing now. jangling along as ornaments clinked against chains. the normal for him.

though, the snarling and rapped feet he soon heard, midst his noise and the hunt for roots, brought his head up sharply. head turning in time to see wolves coming at him. without a second thought, he leaps forward. bounding away as fast as he can. the clanging loud as he ran. running was all he had and he knew the land well enough.

ducking left and leaping up a few ledges. a few hops and bounds and he was losing them. the yapping was soon a distant memory and he stood under a pine tree. ears perked and waiting. when he finally felt safe, he would start sniffing for any roots or grasses under snow once more. until something heavy landed on his back.

lucky for him the chains all over him stopped the bite and claws. he bucked sharply and tossed the mountain lion away from him. ears back he would leap over the stunned predator. bounding away with reckless abandon. until he was almost home. he stopped, knowing he was clear only to spot a bear in the distance. a rather annoying situation, but he would not stick about long.

trotting away to camp, he had only a few scratched to show for his efforts of getting a meal.

code by Reggan