Beasts of Beyond
anxty llama ;; fight - Printable Version

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anxty llama ;; fight - Agrimony - 07-17-2022

it's alive with the beating of young hearts
was it normal for her to feel the way she was feeling? why did it hurt her so much for sol to be gone? why was she so upset about it? sure, she was his friend, but it was odd that she couldn't escape the feeling of loss. it hurt like losing her mother and brother did. it simply made her feel so many emotions and she hated it.

despite the warnings given, she left camp. she was not alone, but the npc feline with her was rather small. so very small. zuri was the same size as they were. so, she was sure this was not the best choice, but they wanted to go out and they followed her happily. they were an adult and she had no reason to fear.

so, off they went with the pup collecting herbs they cam across. avoiding the huge flytraps and simply moving along. no one spoke. not until a strange smell hit her, but the warning of the npc was cut short. the pain cry that followed made zuri turn in time to see a huge hellhound holding the now dead npc. fear filled her and she backed away.

ears pulled back and her teeth showing. she was scared and she knew she was in trouble. the thump of a body on the earth made her bolt. she ran. she flew over the earth. yet, she was not fast enough. teeth in her scruff made her panic and the flames swallowed her. a pained yelp and she was dropped. turning to face her now burnt attacker.

her own blood dripping from her scruff onto the ground. she pulled her ears back and raise her hackles. trying to be scary. flames still licking her pelt and swirling about her. they were not hot to her, but she would burn the other to a crisp if they tried to touch her. they circled her. she twisted to keep an eye on them.

round and round they went until zuri jumped forward. the hellhound was not expecting the smaller being to do so and let out a mixed yelp of surprise and pain. her teeth met their mark on the hounds leg and the flames burnt away the fur there.

leaping back and showing teeth with blood on them, the hound seemed to question if this was worth it. after a long moment, the pup started backing away and the hound advanced only to pause. ears twitching and turning to run off. zuri took a deep breath as her flames flickered and then died. only the ones on her ear tip and tail tip remained.

she felt lightheaded as she ran back to the npc. shaking them softly and curling up with them. blood still leaking from her scruff as she waited there. wondering if she would be okay. if they would blame her. she was scared and alone.

code by Reggan