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devil in the wing ;; trying to fly - Printable Version

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devil in the wing ;; trying to fly - Agrimony - 07-13-2022

it's alive with the beating of young hearts
she needed to get out of the house. she needs to be productive. she needs to move and find something to keep her mind off sol and her family. so, the pup slinks out of the room swiftly. paws carrying her to the beach as they often did. it was there that she sat and looked out on the waters.

her wings opening and closing behind her. open then close. over and over the butterfly wings flapped. her mind was focused on that alone and she was slowly rising. but, after a moment and only a few small inches off the ground, she flopped back onto the sands.

it was going to take time, but she would strengthen her wings and fly one day. for now, she would repeat this action. lift a small bit, then back on the ground. over and over.

code by Reggan

Re: devil in the wing ;; trying to fly - jasper - 07-13-2022

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MEMORIES TURN INTO DAYDREAMS! -- fae borzoi. cotc.
the sound of wings sliding through the air, or more properly, air over wings, would grab at his attention and pull his eyes to shore where he watched zuri attempt to fly, his gaze softening. standing from where he laid in the shallows of the water, using the water to swim earlier when few were around. shaking his pelt free of water, spreading his own once-beautiful wings to let them dry, yawning as he stretched, coming ashore. coughing slightly to clear his throat as he sat down after a quick groom, "you're trying to learn how to fly?" he would ask the girl with a soft expression. it had been ages since he'd learned, though his learning was bent on necessity to survive, all but thrown from a height by his less than caring father. although, his kin had learned like that for the longest of times, he refused to teach his own children in that manner.

after a moment, he hummed gently, "well, why don't i give you a paw? i know how to fly, though i don't know if i can do so very well right now" he laughed, gesturing to his wings as he fluttered them slowly, "you can touch where they meet my back if you'd like, to feel how the muscles move. it'll give you a look into how they function, but you're already doing well in hovering."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #7A8B8B. -- BECOME A TABOO!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: devil in the wing ;; trying to fly - Agrimony - 07-13-2022

it's alive with the beating of young hearts
the arrival of jasper was enough to distract her and make her loose her focus., thus, mid hover, she stopped flapping and fell the few inches to the sands. letting out a soft gasp before standing up fully and letting those dull eyes fall on jasper fully. his first question got a shy nod. i want to learn to fly.. it looks fun..

she admitted this in timid tone as her drooped ears flicked up slightly. you.. you can teach me..? she was excited as she moved closer to the older male. fluffy tail wagging and her mind off her troubles for the time being. are you sure it is okay..? she asks as she stops short. not wanting to push her luck.

code by Reggan

Re: devil in the wing ;; trying to fly - Brutei Tsune - 07-15-2022

The oriental feline padded toward the two, a kind smile on their face. "My, what a convention we have here." They purred, looking to Jasper, then Zuriela. Flying, huh? They hadn't done that in a while, even with their wyvern form.

"Flying is quite fun when you get the hang of it. I fear I've gone a bit rusty." Brutei chuckled, then craned their neck to look at their shoulders. Could they sprout wings? Maybe. Did they want to? Kind of. But some forms were meant for land, others were meant for air.