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DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - Printable Version

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DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - Nayru - 05-29-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Nayru hadn't intended for this to happen...

Not in the slightest, actually.

She had just been in the swamps, collecting herbs for her ever growing supply and thinking about this new development with her sister, when a strange noise alerted her. She'd peer into the gloom with wide eyes, a paw lifting to fetch the hidden blade in her left arm's bracer. She'd use it if she needed to, she didn't quite know how yet but that didn't matter- not if her life was in danger. Moments would pass and the medic would hold her breath, remaining still. Whatever had been there must have lost interest or moved on, thank the Goddesses. That was enough gathering for today though; she was thoroughly creeped out.

It wasn't until she returned to town that a low hiss alerted her she was not alone.

And that brings us to the present.

Nayru would turn quickly to stare at the baby alligator who had somehow chosen her, of all people, to follow home. It looked confused but by far more alert than any of its counterparts. She would have been a bit endeared had it not been for the fact that this was a baby and their mother's were notoriously protective.

[b][color=#6b7e99]"What do I do? What do I do?" The medic frantically inquired, trying to shoo the thing away to no avail. If anything, it seemed to want to get closer to her, hissing in a fashion that could almost be considered happy.

[color=#6b7e99]"Please go away."

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - COSMIIX - 05-29-2018

The sound of hissing and Nayru speaking had caught the attention of the Goddess, her curved ears would twitch briefly and would slowly rise to all her paws with her front talons digging into the soil underneath her. Victory's gaze surveyed the area before it caught sight of Nayru with something small, scaly. It made her curious to the point where she tilted her head to the side wondering what it could have been, she walked over slowly in order not to scare away the creature. A baby alligator. It was much cuter than its larger and meaner counterparts but, Amunet knew that the mothers of these little ones were well known for being quite protective of their babies. Well, little did that mama gator know was that Amunet was protective of her own young. Her whiskers twitched gently in a bit of amusement before she would rumble in a gentle voice "Greetings dear," There was a brief pause as she finished with a small nod in the direction of the hissing reptilian "Whose your new friend?"
© madi

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-29-2018

Zimavich had a different approach. He looked down on the drying gator, and tilted his head.
Not normal?
The bear slumped down, his gaze locking with the alligator in a test of will. Like he had done before in the pool.

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - Bean - 05-29-2018

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - Morgan - 05-30-2018

Morgan stepped into view, curious about the sudden gathering of its allies and surprised that they were crowded around an alligator. It readied its ice, four streams of water joining together into a set of spears. Alligators were no joke, and even a little one could be a threat to a smaller animal like Nayru.

Iota's initial words made the samoyed nearly drop its icicles. It growled, preparing to attack if need be. Nobody was going to die if it could help it.

However, the huge polar bear's impromptu staring contest shook the dog back to reality. It was not the only Tangler capable of fighting, nor was it the only one who considered the danger. Morgan withdrew its weapons and turned to Iota to reply, "We wait."

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - Nayru - 05-30-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
The alligator only appeared ecstatic to be in the limelight, relishing in the attention given to it by Nayru's fast approaching clanmates and vocalizing its joy with little hisses. The medic, on the other hand, looked as if she'd rather be anywhere else, distress written plainly across her features. [b][color=#6b7e99]"We're not friends," She informed quietly, once more trying her hand to shoo the thing away. It only hissed giddily in response. [color=#6b7e99]"Why is it so interested in me? Does it think I'm food? Does it think I'm its mother?" She wasn't ready to be a mom- not yet and especially not to a tiny reptile that would eventually be able to swallow her whole.

Nayru was grateful for Zimavich's arrival, a sigh of relief falling from parted lips as the bear occupied her "new friend" with a staring contest. The gator seemed especially set on winning which was good- Zima would put up an excellent fight and hopefully give them time to address the severity of the situation. At Iota's words, the goddess's heart would sink, the frown already present upon her features contorting them more now. [color=#6b7e99]"It likes me... that much is obvious. I wouldn't mind raising," She paused, then shuddered, [color=#6b7e99]"Correction: I wouldn't mind caring for it if I knew it wouldn't be a danger... In fact, it'd be an excellent specimen to study so we truly understand alligator behavior. I just... I don't know."

Morgan seemed to have the best idea of all of them and Nayru would nod in agreement at its words. [color=#6b7e99]"Maybe we can train it? Can alligators be trained?"

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - ▷killian◁ - 05-30-2018

Killan entered at the wrong time, of course, only catching the 'maybe we can train it' comment. His hazy eyes scanned over the little group and he didn't hesitate to trot up to the baby gator and stick his nose in its face. "We're training it? We should make it fuckin'- fuckin' eat people! Like we go to fight and it's this huge ass bitch who just chomps away at our enemies!!"

The hounds tail whipped back and forth in his excitement as he nudged at the gator, sniffing it and maybe even licking it. It smelled funny, okay! He wanted to know if it tasted salty..


Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - beck. - 05-31-2018

    Alligator encounters were becoming quite a common event out here, huh? He supposed he deserved it for deciding to claim a reptilian-infested swamp as his little project's territory, but he figured that if no one bothered the alligators, then the gators would leave them alone. But apparently, since people had to go stirring trouble, now there was an alligator in camp, based on the angered hissing not too far away that disturbed him from his work. Casting an irked glare over his bristling shoulder, the poltergeist caught glimpses of a crowd gathered around the corner of an ivy-strangled house. His brow furrowed at the lack of actual fighting, screaming, or sounds of flesh being torn apart -- why were they so calm about a gator in camp? Pulling himself away from weaving together a hunting net with an ache starting to rear its ugly head in his replicated muscles, the poltergeist cautiously limped over to the sudden cluster of his peers all ogling at what he thought was a threat.

    Shoving past Amunet with a muffled apology, he was greeted with a miniature version of an alligator, halting to stare down at the hatchling in bewilderment. Freckled snout crinkling, he sent a wide-eyed glance towards the distressed Nayru before his expression faltered and he gave a morbid giggle, "Who knows, maybe y'all killed the mom with your little water-cleaning party." He wouldn't doubt it. Interference with nature was generally a bad idea when one considered the domino effect an alligator massacre had to the rest of the swamp. He slumped back onto muddied haunches, maintaining a safe radius away from the baby gator just in case. At the mention of training their own attack gator, Beck's eyes glinted with a wicked light, a sharkish grin splitting his maw. "If ya can train it, go for it. I wanna see that gator rip some arms off," he raspily cooed down at the hatchling, recoiling to make room for Killian's investigation of the creature.

Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - Luciferr - 06-01-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"would provide a significant amount more protection if it could be trained" the large wolf beast mused as he stepped up to join the growing crowd, seating alongside Amunet watching the little baby reptile - hm, oddly cute, they reminded him of his littlest sister actually, but then Lillith had often had similarities to reptiles, hm.


Re: DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN AND SNOW / open, new "friend" - COSMIIX - 06-01-2018

"I believe it ca be trained in some way. You'll need to award something every time it does what you want it to do." She murmured gently feeling Beck shove past her but he apologized so she didn't mind it and the fact that she basically towered over anyone else aside from Fenrisulfr, who had approached, she would lean against him watching the reptilian with a bit of an interested expression. Her whiskers twitched "Well, they'll need a name. If you want them to respond to you." She finally added with a small nod of her cranium, her curved ears would angle forward "Have any ideas, sweetheart?" The question was directed towards Nayru as she sat there curiously, she almost wanted to run her paw over the small gator feeling her maternal instincts kicking in but she resisted this urge quite surprised that she hadn't searched for a gator companion of her own or a clutch of them. Just imagining that made her thoughts travel further and it made her face grow warm, she let out a soft chuckle.
© madi