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whatever it takes ;; jasper - Printable Version

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whatever it takes ;; jasper - Agrimony - 07-09-2022

it's alive with the beating of young hearts
it was still hard on her. between finding and losing her family all over again, and solsken going missing. she was just not herself. the little fox was finally coming out of the little blanket pile she made. slinking out and heading to the guru den. she wanted to sort herbs or see plexus, but she soon realized that she was out of luck. seemed like the den was empty this morning. sighing, the pup would trot over to start cleaning some of the nests.

clean areas made for better health. so, she was going to distract herself. maybe someone would come along. maybe she wouldn't be able to stew alone in her thoughts.

code by Reggan

Re: whatever it takes ;; jasper - jasper - 07-13-2022

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MEMORIES TURN INTO DAYDREAMS! -- fae borzoi. cotc.
a sneeze would break the relative peace of the area, a white furred body curled up upon itself in one of the nests, jasper laying there and sleeping restlessly. he'd come to the guru's after the attack that rylios had made upon him, the pain from his injuries and the memories keeping him awake late at night, and it had been easier to be somewhere near someone else. he'd taken a fair amount of painkillers to knock himself out, and to his relief they had, and he was only stirring now. broken ribs hurt like hell, and his head still felt heavy from the attack, his throat and flank screaming the most in pain.

side rising and falling as he snorted to clear his airway before gasping in pain as it caused a shift in the comfortable position he'd fallen asleep in. whining as he opened his eyes, the kinsella family lord would shudder as he tried to stretch, ears swiveling as he picked up on the presence of another. going still, determining with his senses if this individual was a threat, panic slowly creeping into him. was rylios back? he couldn't watch over his shoulder constantly for that son of a bitch. fur rising as he gave a nervous sound, calling out "hello? who's there?"

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #7A8B8B. -- BECOME A TABOO!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: whatever it takes ;; jasper - Agrimony - 07-13-2022

it's alive with the beating of young hearts
the gasp of pain followed by a question made her turn. ears perking as she moved towards the sound. it's just me.. zuriela.. she answered as she rounded a table and came to a stop. eyes on jasper and a frown on her maw. her eyes still dull and lifeless as they had been as of late.

i.. do you want me to get you something for pain.. or maybe a drink or food..? she voiced with true concern as she inched over to jaspers side. cautious and concerned. frankly, if rylios came back, the pup would try her best to protect jasper. she was no fighter, but she had her fire and she was sure byr or plexus would hear and get to them in time.

she would slowly take a seat and let her flame tipped ears twitch. i hope i did not disturb you..

code by Reggan

Re: whatever it takes ;; jasper - jasper - 07-13-2022

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MEMORIES TURN INTO DAYDREAMS! -- fae borzoi. cotc.
zuriela, a small face he'd seen around the camp before in the few times he'd deigned to interact with the coalition in his stay there. a small girl, dwarfed even by his long and tall stature. a weary breath left him, agony bubbling in his lungs as he rested his head on his paws, blinking as she spoke, offering a drink or food. swallowing dryly, "a drink and something to eat would be much appreciated, little one." he murmured softly, offering her a smile.

lifting his head as he steadied his warped breathing, panting softly as he stretched out his neck slowly, "no dear, you didn't disturb me. i just can't sleep very well." he chuckled as he gazed to the young pup warmly, "it's okay. i'm sure i'm a bit scary just laying here like this." he murmured, tail rustling from his nest to rest over his nose, closing his eyes. "ive had too many painkillers to take anymore in a safe capacity." he chuckled.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #7A8B8B. -- BECOME A TABOO!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: whatever it takes ;; jasper - Agrimony - 07-14-2022

it's alive with the beating of young hearts
the pup nodded at his request and turned to go shuffle through the cabinet. she knew where plexus kept water in a jar and foods. he used them for the injured, so she figured she could to. after a moment, she came back to set a jar down with water inside and a second one with soup.

she was glad she didn't disturb him, but his comment on being scary made her shake her head. you aren't scary to me.. i can tell you got hurt pretty badly.. she let her ears droop as she took in his looks. he was definitely not scary. i wish i knew something to give for pain that was safe..

she was sad in her tone, but she did not want to bother jasper to much. i'm not much help right now though..

code by Reggan