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icecream and candy dreams - Printable Version

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icecream and candy dreams - Cobra - 07-07-2022

[div style="background-color: TRANSPARENT; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ff0000; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]CLOSE MY EYES -
the male was recovering from his little.. episode. he was cleaning broken bottles and empty ones out of his room. straightening up and dusting away. it was not long before he was leaving the room he called home and heading to the beach. he needed a break and where else could he get one? so, he strolled along until he felt warm sands under aching paws.

there he would flop onto his belly and roll. purring softly as he let his eyes shut. laying there on his back in the sun, he had no idea anyone else was watching.


Re: icecream and candy dreams - SHERBET - 07-07-2022

NEW TAB: sherbet - male - feline - tags - typhoon
The ice cream tabby swished his tail lazily as he noticed Boots, a fellow feline he hadn't really seen around much he purposely ignores how he was so busy with his kids, working on blueprints, and "relaxing" when he could. Ever so slowly, Sherbet gracefully stretched as he stood and padded over to the other, his pelt itching from the sand sticking to his melting visage, "Alright, mate?" The male sounded concerned as he loafed near Boots, his tail flicking next to his paws.

Re: icecream and candy dreams - Cobra - 07-08-2022

the male paused when a voice reached him. eyes opening and rolling to his belly once more. "oh~!" he chirped the word as he spotted sherbet. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to disturb you. i'm alright." he offered with a wave of his tail. looking rather flustered as he spoke in that happy voice.

"i can't say we have met. i'm boots. pleased to meet you!" ears flicked forward as boots finally took in the others odd pelt. to him it was rather pretty and unique. part of him was curious about how they were alive, but he would not ask. after all, he wanted a friend. that would put a damper on such affairs.

"speech" - word count;; 114


Re: icecream and candy dreams - SHERBET - 07-12-2022

NEW TAB: sherbet - male - feline - tags - typhoon
"Nah, your alright, mate." Sherbet chuckled, pulling his closer so he can brush the sand off it, "I was just curious bout ya, so don't worry bout it." His stripes swirled as he rolled over onto his back, paws tucked against his chest, "So, tell me bout yourself, mate, what do you do around here?"

Re: icecream and candy dreams - Cobra - 07-17-2022

the words soothed his concerns and he offered a cheerful smile. the male let his eyes fallow as sherbet rolled onto his back. what a curious tom this one was. though he wondered how he was not melting in this heat, he would not ask. i'm flatter~ he teased in that cheerful sing song tone.

the question about what he did made him shrug softly. i am a wood worker. i craft boats and other wooden items from time to time. yourself? he asked with a wave of his tail.

code by Reggan

Re: icecream and candy dreams - SHERBET - 09-05-2022

NEW TAB: sherbet - male - feline - tags - typhoon
"I make blueprints, usually, and oversee them being built on occasion." The feline hummed as he stood for second, and scooted further from the waves before returning to being on his back. Sand stuck to his strange fur in odd places, but Sherbet had decided not to bother with it while he's out. With a flick of his ear, and his head tilting in question, he asked, "What do you do for fun, mate?"

Re: icecream and candy dreams - Cobra - 09-05-2022

Until you kissed my lips and you saved me -

the mention of blueprints made his ears perk and he let his head tilt. maybe i can help build some of your blueprints sometime. sounds fun! the male replied with an excited tone of voice. the next question brought a soft pause to the clumsy tom.

what did he do for fun?

he had no real answer for that one. not much. sometimes i go swimming and other times i hunt for treasues in the sands. he admits with a more sheepish look to his face. i tend to forget to have fun, really.


Re: icecream and candy dreams - SHERBET - 09-08-2022

NEW TAB: sherbet - male - feline - tags - typhoon
Sherbet let out a chuckle before scrambling to his paws (he decided he can't sit still), a mischievous look in his eyes as he placed a paw on his chest, "Stick around me, and you'll bound to catch some fun more often, mate!" With a playful look, he scooped up some of the water from the waves that crept closer and splashed the other feline, his green eyes glittering with mischief and joy as he giggled.

Re: icecream and candy dreams - Cobra - 09-08-2022

Until you kissed my lips and you saved me -

water hit him and boots let out a shocked gasp. but the wide grin on his maw showed he was not upset about it. the male would bounce away a few paces before turning and attempting to swat some water back at sherbet. promise? he mused with a laugh.

the male would wave his tail slightly. i could use some fun. all work makes for a dull life, huh? he mused before crouching playfully. watching sherbet with curious eyes.
