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lilac and roses ;; joiner - Printable Version

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lilac and roses ;; joiner - Cobra - 07-06-2022

silent paws stepped on solid earth. tail swaying behind thin figure as she moved. the young coyote was still searching. fearful her mother was dead. her siblings gone. she missed them. she needed them. yet, she felt so far off. maybe it was time to face the facts? she wandered away and would never see them again. the distracted woman only stopped when the smell of something strange reached her nose. causing her to stop and look around herself.

this was a boarder. this was a group. this could be her home. a base for her to stem her searches. so, she forced herself to sit. to take a moment to rest and see. maybe this was for the best. maybe.

"speech" - word count;; 120


Re: lilac and roses ;; joiner - Brutei Tsune - 07-15-2022

The wyvern landed gracefully, head swiveling around on their icy neck. They definitely saw someone - it wasn't their imagination. "Is someone there?" They called out, moving forward on sturdy wing tips and strong hind legs. It was then that the 7 foot tall wyvern noticed the Coyote, and their head lowered. "Oh. Hello, small one. Are you lost?" Brutei tilted their head, silvery eyes looking at the girl.


Re: lilac and roses ;; joiner - Cobra - 07-17-2022

the wyvern caught her off guard and she let her eyes flick up to the stranger. ears perking as she studied the wyvern calmly. i am silentstep kinsella. her voice was even and soft in tone. she wasn't to worried as this wyvern seemed rather chill for the moment.

i came here to join, if i may. she was playing nice as she did not need to start a fight. the woman would simply hold out hope that she was welcomed here. if not, she would leave without a fuss. though, finding a new home she liked seemed unlikely.

oh well. she just had to hope they wanted or needed members.

code by Reggan

Re: lilac and roses ;; joiner - Romulus - 07-17-2022

Romulus was still recovering from his previous endeavors, but was slowly beginning to get out his cave and wander around. Thankfully, he was seeing familiar faces dotting the territory and new ones popping up as he walked around. Things were still thriving and he was thankful for that. The kingpin felt satisfied. A smile may have even appeared on his usually stoic facial features as he passed through the camp and headed out to the border for a simple patrol. What he did not expect was company.

As he strolled through the jaws of the serpent and out onto the flatlands of the connecting mainland, he spotted a familiar wyvern and a new face along with them in the distance. The leader paused in his steps. His slitted gaze watched as the wyvern stepped forward, asking the necessary questions. Carefully, he traversed forward. He kept to the shadows and bushes within the area. The coyote's silhouette appeared harmless, but the kingpin walked with caution as they came into clearer view. Ears swiveled off the back of his head and poked out of his mane, beginning to listen to what the other had to say.

A joiner? Their streak of activity was going to continue presumably. The lion pushed through the underbrush and appeared before them, offering a dip of his head to Brutei as he settled next to them. His attention turned back to Silentstep quickly though. "I'm sure we could offer you a place to stay," he started off with. "Where are you coming from, Silentstep?" He couldn't place the other's scent due to feeling under the weather still.

Re: lilac and roses ;; joiner - Cobra - 07-17-2022

another joined them and she dipped her head. ears flicking as she looked up to see the new arrival. the offer was good and the question was met with a hint of sorrow in those eyes. no where. i lost my way when i was younger and lost my mother. i have been wandering for many moons until i came here. she admits with that soft tone of voice before shaking her head slightly.

i figured it was time to give up on finding mother and siblings. so, this seemed the best place. she added as if trying to convince them and herself. she was still upset about her lost family. she wanted to see mother jasper and her siblings again. alas, she held no hope.

code by Reggan