Beasts of Beyond
east of eden / o, joining - Printable Version

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east of eden / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

He had come some way from The Ascendants, that was for sure. He didn't think he would belong in a group like that, even though they all had been very nice there. So, the injured male had made his way to Tanglewood's border, limping and hissing in pain.

The male would sit down at their border, his blue-eyes focused on all areas in front of him, for any possible signs of life.
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Re: east of eden / o, joining - Morgan - 05-29-2018

Morgan stepped up to the border, not even trying to hide itself from the stranger. He was clearly injured; the samoyed knew the unknown feline wouldn't be there for no reason in such rough shape.

"Need help? Tanglewood has a medic," it said, its pointed mask muffling its voice slightly. The wound on the outlander's shoulder could definitely be patched up at least in part by Nayru, so long as she and the strange cat acted fast. "Who are you?" the cream-colored dog asked next, inching closer.

Re: east of eden / o, joining - COSMIIX - 05-29-2018

Well, there was certainly a bit of injured creatures coming to Tanglewood. She would approach slowly taking a stand next to Morgan watching the injured feline through pupilless golden pools and she remained silent listening as Morgan asked the stranger needed help and who they were. It was a good thing that the possible joiner had stopped at the border or his vulnerability would have definitely caught the attention of passing by predators, her gaze was gentle and calm as she drew in a soft breath. She decided not to speak unless she was addressed to but she couldn't help but add in lightly "Yes. Nayru should arrive soon and tend to your wounds,"
© madi

Re: east of eden / o, joining - Luciferr - 05-29-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
The slight scent of heat and fire proceeded him as the second Proxy of tanglewood followed after his fellow border buddy and Amunet, coming up to stand beside the smaller Jaguaress, close enough for fur and plated arms to touch with a nod to both and a smile for the Firebrand before his gaze drifted to the small feline in need of Nayru's efforts - to which he nodded his silent agreement of that assessment, no need to hammer in the point.


Re: east of eden / o, joining - Nayru - 05-29-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"I'm here," The tiny medic extended quietly, carefully, removing the backpack that carried her emergency stash of herbs to thumb through it quickly. [color=#6b7e99]"My name is Nayru, I'm the medic here," She first introduced as she worked, drawing out poppy seeds, cobwebs, and marigold, [color=#6b7e99]"How long have you had these wounds? I may need to treat them for infection." Looking at her clanmates for a brief moment, the cream point would sheepishly smile, [color=#6b7e99]"Could one of you fetch me some water?" She was getting better at this and such showed. Nayru once navigated healing with a fumbling awkwardness that, while still present in some degrees, wasn't nearly as noticeable to the girl as it once was. She still dealt heavily with feelings of failure, but she was learning how to squash them in favor of the good she was doing.

[color=#6b7e99]"Shall I begin?"

Re: east of eden / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

Tired blue-eyes would follow Morgan as they slowly approached, a look of tense in his eyes. He didn't know what to think of the samoyed. It was, weird. To see an animal with ice covering their face. But he wouldn't judge them, at least not out-loud. At the offer of getting his shoulder treated, he would perk up. "Sure and my name?" The young male would close his eyes to think for a few moments. "Thirteen. My name is Thirteen."

The young male would warily eye Amunet and Fenrisulfer as the both of them approached. He was wary, as they were both bigger then him, but maybe they weren't so bad. He'd probably find out in the future. Roxas would nod his head to Amunet's comment before he noticed Nayru approaching with her bag of herbs.

"I don't know how long I've had these wounds." He would mumble awkwardly, shuffling his front paws. "I mean- I can't remember." The striped-feline admitted before sitting down and relaxing his shoulders. "You can start."
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Re: east of eden / o, joining - Nayru - 05-29-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"That's okay," Nayru informed confidently, pulling out a roll of bandages that she had found by chance one day. While they wouldn't hold very long when applied to regular wounds, they worked wonders in setting sprained or pulled muscles. Carefully, she would unwind the roll and then attempt to wrap the limb afflicted by the limp, trying her best not to fumble with the bandages. She needed to appear as if she knew what she was doing... which she did, of course, just not at the expert level.

If she was successful in wrapping the limb, she would then turn her attention to his more visible injuries, pursing her lips. The first thing she wanted to do was ensure that the wound was clean and posed no risk of getting infected. As he didn't know how long he had had them, she also pulled out some burdock root and quickly chewed it up before attempting to rub the poultice on the wounds. [color=#6b7e99]"I'm sorry if it stings," She would extend quietly before doing the same with the marigold. After she finished, she would then carefully apply the cobwebs. [color=#6b7e99]"Here, these are poppy seeds. They're like temporary pain killers. Take two right now and then see me if you have any further pain later on. I will warn you though, they have a knack for making people sleepy," She explained as she offered the male the seeds.

Re: east of eden / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 05-29-2018

Roxas would allow Nayru to wrap his shoulder with the bandages she had pulled out from her bag, relaxing his muscles as she did. Blue-eyes would observe as the fallen Goddess tended to his other injuries. Surprisingly, he did not flinch much as she put the burdock root and marigold on.

"It's ok. It doesn't sting." He would admit, watching the female feline dig around her bag once more. This time, she pulled out some sort of seed. Multiple of them, in fact. He would slowly and gently take the poppy seeds from her, listening to her warning. "Alright, I might as well go lie down somewhere around the territory and sleep then."
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Re: east of eden / o, joining - Morgan - 05-29-2018

"Thirteen," repeated Morgan, its ears twitching as its comrades made themselves known. It nodded at each of them, particularly relieved that Nayru arrived to help. At her request, the samoyed pulled streams of water out from its bracers, leaving minuscule piles of crushed gemstones inside each glass container. The plain, pure water flowed into a single large sphere, which the canine held in place just beside Nayru. "Is this enough?"