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IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - Printable Version

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IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - tristitia - 05-28-2018

Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - COSMIIX - 05-28-2018

The sound of whimpers had caught the attention of the large femme, her golden pools would open from the sudden noise. Curved ears would angle in the direction of the whimpers, she would walk forward with a small frown tugging on her maw. She could hear that there was someone out there and then that's when she spotted a white pup bruised and scratched up. The last time there had been any type of pup on the border was when Noah had joined but that had been months ago, the large Goddess would approach making sure that there wasn't any predators around that she didn't want to disturb or let their presence be known. The winged Goddess was finally nearby and her wings would move a bit before she finally said in a gentle voice "Hello little one. Are you lost?" Her tone and voice was gentle, she could already feel her maternal instincts kicking in and she lowered her body to the ground not wanting to startle the little one.
© madi

Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - Morgan - 05-29-2018

Morgan tailed Amunet through the territory, staying far enough behind not to get her attention. It had sensed the presence of the same little creature that Amunet had noticed, and followed its fellow Tangler as backup.

As it turned out, the stranger was but a pup - even younger than Morgan itself. The samoyed kept quiet as Amunet approached the pup, taking small steps toward the pair. Once it heard the Firebrand speak so gently, it took on a matching tone and whispered, "Is it hurt? Is safe...?" It took a step more, stopping near the jaguar's side.

As Morgan made itself known, its mask faded away into a cloud of shimmering, sparkling mist. The glittery fog surrounded the three, providing a particularly pretty and safe cover from the outside. The dog remained silent, knowing it could not speak well enough; its comrade would have to do the talking. It stared at the mismatched eyes of the pup, its own blue ones lit with curiosity. It knew abandonment, and it knew it well.

Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - tristitia - 05-29-2018

Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - COSMIIX - 05-29-2018

She took note of the submissive posture and would blink her pupilless pools for a moment, she would nod lightly to the pup listening closely to hear that the puppy was indeed lost. Teaglachen? She didn't know what it meant but the word itself made her interested even just for a moment "Teaglachen?" She repeated, the word feeling strange and foreign on her tongue as she tried figuring out what the word meant. It didn't take her long to put the pieces together and her eyes lit up momentarily as it came to mind, Teaglachen must have been some kind of thing connected to family but, of course, Amunet was no intellectual when it came to some of these words that she had never heard before. It made her curious as to what language it was. Seeing Morgan approaching, the jaguaress would nod lightly in the direction of the Samoyed with her gaze still concentrated onto the young lupine. She seemed to be fumbling with her words and Amunet would finally speak once more with a light nod of her cranium "We can take you back to camp if you wish, sweetheart. You'll be safer there and Nayru can help you with your minor scratches," Her voice was a gentle murmur as she unfolded her wings spreading them over the two for a moment, in all truth, she was simply stretching her wings but if she needed to then she would fly the pair back to camp.
© madi

Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - Luciferr - 05-29-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"Camp is far safer for you than the wilds of tanglewood, little one" was uttered as the largest beast among them softly padded over, settling beside Amunet with a nod to Morgan and a slight worried frown upon his face at the sight of the lost pup - who would take the little one? - though he felt sympathy for her situation, he too had been cut off from their wider family - it was only a small comfort his father existed in these lands when the ache of his siblings missing spaces ate at him if he went too long alone enough to ponder it.

he shot Amunet a brief look - his own instincts, a strange trait of over protectiveness that seemed to be as virulent in his lineage as the accursed taint was, prodding him upon this discovery.


Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - tristitia - 05-29-2018

Re: IN CONVERSATIONS PAST && o, lost pup - Morgan - 05-30-2018

Morgan's tail wagged the moment it sensed Fenrisulfr nearby. After letting him speak his piece, the samoyed leaned in closer to the pup. "Tanglewood is home. Many friends," it murmured, its words coming straight from the heart. "The danger is gators, and traps. We can protect you."

The misty, sparkling air shifted, opening up in the direction of town. Smiling wide to match its kind blue eyes, the samoyed whispered, "Not alone. You are safe." It nodded to its fellow Tanglers, taking a half step back to give the pup some space.