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all that glitters is not gold || open, joining - Printable Version

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all that glitters is not gold || open, joining - array - 05-28-2018

A faint blue flame flickered through the forest. The apparition appeared in one spot for just a moment, before it vanished, and reappeared a few meters away. This process continued to repeat, the wisp continuing on her way, until suddenly it was gone, almost as if it had vanished into another dimension without a sight or sound. In it's place, however, stood another figure. Not nearly as ethereal as the blue flame had been, but just as exquisite. A young feline, around the age of eight months it seemed, with such beauty one could believe she had been sculpted by the gods. The calico flecks of her pelt seemed vibrant, in a way that it seemed they had been freshly painted upon her hairs by a grand artist, perhaps Da Vinci himself. Each atom arranged into the perfect model. Though of all her features, the most alluring seemed to be not her form, nor her coloration, but her luminaries. A set of piercing blue eyes, quite unlike what one would imagine on a calico, but still maintaining that same sense of pulchritude as the rest of her appearance. Those orbs seemed to hold a glow about them, just the slightest hint of the presence of something larger than this world.

How long had it been since she had a place to call home? It seemed that word had been on her mind a lot more through the recent seasons. Over the decades, she had always felt that she was a monster, a hideous beast atoning for her the mistakes of her life. She hadn't deserved a home, for no place truly accepted her. Instead, the wisp had had a plethora of different hideouts, places in which she had spent her time learning, searching for a way to stop the madness that was her existence. But that had all changed recently. She had found a way to return to a more ordinary form, and she had found herself able to socialize, as though she were not this sickening being that she believed herself to be. She had found a place within this strange world where others had accepted her, but even so the truth of what she was continued to frightened her. She did not wish her own misfortune upon those friends, and yet, it seemed as though just that had happened. The land had been ruined, leaders had died. Nothing good had come from her stay within that group, and so, the wisp had left. It had been for their sake, for their safety. So many lives had been hurt at the hands of the bad luck that spread to all those around her, she had wanted it to end. And yet, here she was again, wearing another disguise, and finding herself at another such border of a clan.

Perhaps she was not yet ready to return to the ways of isolation yet again, her brief time in the limelight having left her greedy. It was not that she wished to ruin more lives, but that she could not find the same serenity within loneliness as she once had. Her language studies had continued, and she had begun learning of more modern medicines too. She wished no longer to hurt, but to help. It wasn't as though she had meant to cause any harm in the first place, misfortune just happened, but now she was ready for it. She knew that there was no way to stop the inevitable death of those still living, however, she wished to prolong it for those who still had a chance. If she happened not to ruin any lives beyond repair this time around. The spirit's luminous blue gaze was raised up at the cloudy sky, her poise as faultless as her structure, and begun to quietly hum a Romanian lullaby. Though it was not a tune she knew from her life, she remembered hearing it before on her travels. After learning the language, it hadn't been too difficult to learn the song, especially for someone who had as much time to do as she pleased as Aileen. And so she waited, a slightly translucent form waiting to be spotted, waiting to be accepted by the living once again, she craved it.

Re: all that glitters is not gold || open, joining - Nayru - 05-28-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Though Nayru often times believed she led a rather mundane existence, there was no denying her ethereal and undoubtedly divine qualities. She was not a ghost nor was she a wisp, but she was certainly otherworldly, her mortal form just capable of containing her golden soul. The signs that she was not a mortal had always been there, staring blatantly in her face as she continued to pray and devote herself to silent Goddesses. The idea that she was perhaps praying to herself had never once crossed her mind nor did she think it would ever. Her discovery of her true identity would come, later though. The stars above did not see her as prepared enough to handle her destiny yet.

The tiny medic had been wandering listlessly through the territory as she always did, collecting herbs and studying the few flowers that thrived on their dangerous land. She was halfway out of it, her mind occupied by thoughts concerning a field journal in particular. There were so many varieties of plants all around her and Nayru needed to keep up. What better way to do so, she mused to herself, then expertly detail every property of the flora that surrounded her?

She had already planned out the journal she intended to keep such research in when a ghostly figure caught her eye. She was no stranger to ghosts - not after being led by one - and, intrigued, wandered closer to the fae, cerulean gaze wide. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Name and business?" Nayru would inquire softly, hesitantly, unsure if the being before her was an apparition created by her own mind or something else, something entirely itself. She would rear upon creamy haunches and wait, hoping that this stranger proved to be the latter. She had had enough of strange visions and nightmares as of late. She didn't think she could handle another.

Re: all that glitters is not gold || open, joining - Morgan - 05-29-2018

Morgan entered in full armor, padding over to Nayru to check that she was alright. As she was the only proper medic in Tanglewood, her safety was a priority. As one of Tanglewood's Proxies, it was Morgan's job to make sure of it. The samoyed came as backup, having sensed someone unfamiliar not far from where the young feline was roaming. Though it made a point to be welcoming to newcomers, it still had to remain cautious to make sure its comrade was protected.

The samoyed nodded as the medic spoke and added, "This is Tanglewood." It stared down the stranger from beneath its mask, readying itself for any response.

Re: all that glitters is not gold || open, joining - COSMIIX - 05-29-2018

Next to approach was Amunet, much like Morgan, she never forgot to be caution or welcoming whenever there was someone new and unknown at the border. The golden Goddess would stand behind Nayru blinking her golden visionaries at the stranger and twitched her whiskers briefly, she would nod slowly. Nayru and Morgan seemed to have this handled pretty well so, she would take a seat waiting for the stranger to answer her clanmates inquiries. Her tail would curl around her golden talons, she could feel the sheathed sword hanging from the belt near her waist prodding at her side, she didn't think she would need to use her sword anytime soon but she supposed that she should never look or underestimate someone she's never met before. Victory had learnt that the hard way when she had first met Guru, she still didn't like that past interaction how she had been so hospitable towards the caracal only to be stabbed in the back. She wondered if the war was still going on, it felt like a while since the Typhoon had came contact with Tanglewood.
© madi

Re: all that glitters is not gold || open, joining - Luciferr - 05-29-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Another to aproach, otherworldliness lining his aura - he full well knew what he was and perhaps it spoke to something that Tanglewood seemed to be a magnet for he and others like him - or even all those supernatural - but it lined his burning soul, the snap crackle of fire and the acrid tang of ash and iron, carried with him everywhere.

a soft brush of fur the colour of embers and charred land against Amunet as the wolf beast joined the group with a nod to his fellow Proxy and a slight tense wariness in his countenance - always wary and watching for a threat to his own, a threat the nine foot beast didn't think was here but one could never be sure.
