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Store All The Things - Printable Version

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Store All The Things - Cobra - 06-14-2022

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Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 06-16-2022

name ─ sunburn
past names ─ none
future names ─ none
nicknames ─ sunny
name meaning ─ none

gender ─ female
identity ─ female
pronouns ─ she/her
sexuality ─ homosexual homoromantic

physical age ─ 3 years
mental age ─ 3 years
spiritual age ─ 3 years
aging rate ─ random

current group ─ frostguard
past groups ─ loner
current rank ─ member
past ranks ─ loner
job ─ fisher
titles ─ none

opinions ─ all opinions are ic only
permissions ─ permission to powerplay nonviolent actions

difficulty ─ easy
hits ─ 2, 4, 6
misses ─ 1, 3, 5

instigating ─ won't
finishing ─ will
fleeing ─ will
mercy ─ will
species ─ penguin
health ─ 100%
appearance ─ a yellow penguin with a pink belly and blue eyes.

accessories ─ none
weapons ─ none
inventory ─ none
injuries ─ none

scent ─ salt
accent ─ none
pets ─ none

other bodies ─ none
positive traits ─ friendly / kind
negative traits ─ clumsy / trusting
description ─ she is extremely friendly and loves to hang out. she goes out of her way to meet people. she is kind and always offering shiny rocks or whatever. she is clumsy and falls all over. she also has a bad habit of trusting everyone without much thought.
generation ─ 1
parents ─ npc .x. npc
siblings ─ none
children ─ none

relationship status ─ single
ship ─ none
past relationship ─ none

friends ─ none
enemies ─ none

mentor ─ npc
mentoring ─ none

powers ─ none
planned powers ─ none

history ─ she drifted here on some ice when she was younger and found her way to where she lives now.
code by spacexual

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 06-17-2022

name ─ splashpelt
past names ─ splash
future names ─ none
nicknames ─ splashy
name meaning ─ none

gender ─ female
identity ─ female
pronouns ─ she/her
sexuality ─ heterosexual heteroromantic

physical age ─ 3 years
mental age ─ 3 years
spiritual age ─ 3 years
aging rate ─ random

current group ─ frostguard
past groups ─ loner
current rank ─ member
past ranks ─ loner
job ─ emotional support animal
titles ─ none

opinions ─ all opinions are ic only
permissions ─ permission to powerplay nonviolent actions

difficulty ─ easy
hits ─ 2, 4, 6
misses ─ 1, 3, 5

instigating ─ won't
finishing ─ won't
fleeing ─ will
mercy ─ always
species ─ platypus
health ─ 100%
appearance ─ a teal woman with an orange beak. her eyes are green in color.

accessories ─ none
weapons ─ none
inventory ─ none
injuries ─ none

scent ─ swampy
accent ─ none
pets ─ none

other bodies ─ none
positive traits ─ sweet / kind / loyal
negative traits ─ mute / trusting / cowardly
description ─ she is a typical timid and cowardly person. she may be kind and loyal to her home, but in battle she will flee. she can not talk, and is ashamed of it. she is always sweet though and once you get past her mute nature, she is charming.
generation ─ 1
parents ─ npc .x. npc
siblings ─ none
children ─ none

relationship status ─ single
ship ─ none
past relationship ─ none

friends ─ none
enemies ─ none

mentor ─ npc
mentoring ─ none

powers ─ none
planned powers ─ none

history ─ she was an only child and grew up loved. she lived at home until her parents passed away and now she is on her own.
code by spacexual

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-04-2022

GENERAL don't need permission
sora yoru hoshi | sky
female | she/her
24 months | ages randomly
the enclave | sigma
→ her name meaning is; sora [sky], yoru [night], hoshi [star].

IMPORTANT NOTES made my decision to test my limits
ezra | ezra
→ has a hell hound body

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE 'cause it's my business
dire wolf | born a marble fox
60% | many injures
sora is a large dire wolf with a pelt like the night sky. her fur is a midnight blue in color with a spackling of white like stars littered through her pelt. swirls of silver making galaxies in her fur. her eyes are a bright yellow in color.

PERSONALITY god as my witness
entj | chaotic good
gryffindor | libra
no disorders | has two pet birds, one is a golden eagle and the other is a harpy eagle
benevolent. she is a true well wisher and you best believe that she wishes you well. if she says so, she means so and she always hopes for the best for others around her.

focused. she is very focused on the tasks at hand. she has a one track mind when doing anything and is not easy to distract from her goals.

courageous. she has the heart to stand up against threats without flinching. she is not afraid to face the odds no matter what the odds are.

selfless. she does not think of herself at all. in fact, she only ever thinks of the ones she loves and does for them. often forgetting herself.

brave. not much, if anything, scares her off. she can jump from a cliff or face an army without showing an ounce of fear. thus, she tends to lead the charge in battle.

claustrophobic. she does not like small spaces. at all. as a matter of fact, she hates them with a passion. as such, she will avoid getting caught inside a cave or in a small room if she can.

perfectionist. she has to have everything perfect in her life. from her appearance to her home. she can not stand things she does to have flaws.

workaholic. she is constantly working and needs to stay working. she feels a sense of emptiness when she is not doing something with her time.

pedantic. she is very bad about her own small flaws. noticing the smallest detail and wanting to fix anything she does notice is wrong.
→ benevolent / focused / courageous / selfless / brave / claustrophobic / perfectionist / workaholic / pedantic

RELATIONS start what I finished
npc .x. npc | siblings unknown
bisexual biromantic | single, crush on max that she will not admit
friends are max, byr, okami | no enemies
many acquaintances | no disliked people
→ easy to befriend
→ hard to start a relationship with

INTERACTION don't need no hold up
physically extreme | mentally hard
will fight | might not kill
extreme self defense knowledge | weapon preference is swords
powers are fire elemental, shapeshifting | attacks in #b67c00
→ mention [member=23398]Sora Hoshi[/member] or [member=23336]Cobra[/member]

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022


Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022


Re: Store All The Things - Chaos Jinx - 07-05-2022


Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022

GENERAL ain't never gave nothing to me
wade wilson | deadpool
male | he/him
5 years | ages randomly
the band of arrick | member
→ no name meaning

IMPORTANT NOTES but every time i turn around
faceclaim is deadpool | voiceclaim is deadpool
→ he can not die, he just seems to 'regenerate', but he is actually just shifting into a new maned wolf form when critically injured.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE cats got they hands out wanting something from me
currently a maned wolf | birth body is a maned wolf
100% | no injures
a black and red maned wolf. he is tall and lanky in nature. he always wears a belt with two swords upon it. his eyes are white, despite not being blind.

PERSONALITY i ain't got it, so you can't get it
entp | chaotic evil
hufflepuff | aries
attention deficit hyperactive disorder, manic-depressive disorder and onset schizophrenia | he has two voices in his head that talk to him often
wade has conversations with himself, or the inner voices of himself, that is often out loud. he is mentally unstable and has mild psychosis. this makes him extremely unpredictable. he has a photo memory and can remember details others might find unimportant.

he is talkative and will talk you to death if you let him. he has a strong moral code that varies from time to time. sometimes he has good morals and other times he doesn't. he is sarcastic, witty, and goofy on his normal days.
→ sarcastic, goofy, never serious

RELATIONS let's leave it at that 'cause i ain't with it
npc .x. npc | no known siblings
bisexual | single
no friends | many enemies
to many acquaintances | plenty of disliked people
→ easy to befriend
→ easy to start a relationship with

INTERACTION hit it with full strength
physically extreme | mentally moderate
will fight | will kill
extreme self defense knowledge | weapon preference is swords
no current powers | attacks in #8b2323
→ mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022


Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022
