Beasts of Beyond
TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - Printable Version

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TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 06-03-2022

Corrupttimelines was bored.

Sitting in the boggy marshland, he felt himself begun to doze off. The world around him moved slow, and nothing of particular interest was happening. Everyone was off doing the tasks he had delivered to them, and not a single soul threatened to be present in this moment. Aesior was gone for now, and Firefly still had a gloomy and uncertain outlook for her future. Yes, everything was so still and so lost to the realities around him. Not even any of the marshland creatures made noise, perhaps because of the time. Although, he couldn’t say for certain what time it even was. The lack of sunlight being able to drift into the land always made him feel so uncertain. After all, that was how they measured time. If the sun was up, it was early. If it was beginning to set into beautiful and vibrant hues, much like flowers, it was late. Part of him wanted to know, but the other part of him was nearly fixed in position.

His vision began to get fuzzy as he stared at the murky water. There was a shadow lurking in the depths, though he couldn’t make out a precise shape. It was all blurry, and he felt unease creep into his form as he sat. Despite the unease dancing amongst his form, his face was stone as he investigated the unknown source from a distance. Whatever it was, it was silent and moved relatively slow.

Then, it emerged.

Slipping into the most shallow part of the marsh, Corrupttimelines began to make out an odd shape. It had short legs and waltzed low to the ground. An enlongated tail danced behind it, slipping to and fro with its movements. Though hard to make out, Corrupttimelines thought he saw scales. Little did he know, this was a very correct assumption.

It was an alligator.

His eyes widened a bit, and the boredom left his body entirely as he stared at it. At this point, all he could do was become rigid and hope it didn’t attack him. He didn’t stand a chance in this form!
code by spacexual

Re: TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - tanglewoodian - 06-08-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #fff9ed; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]LOOK ME IN MY EYES -
did dion care about the safety of cory? the answer was a resounding no in all forms. what he did care about was a trespassing feral gator in his territory. the male spotted the gator near cory and let out an angry bellow as he waddled over the earth. the male would stop beside cory and eye the feral gator with those bright red optics.

"get out of my swamp.." he demanded with little fear, as the male eyed the larger gator. anger in his blazing eyes. sure, he was slightly smaller, but he claimed this land and he would fight if he had to.


Re: TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - Ares - 06-08-2022

Much like Dion, Ares cared little for Cory's safety. She felt no need to protect him. But Dion? Dion was a different case. The large male deinonychus had appeared almost instantly, a low growl leaving his maw. He snapped his jaws, feathers ruffling. "...Leave...." He hissed, voice ragged. He took meticulous steps, slowly, toward the Alligator. She had killed one before, she would do it again to keep Dion, and by extension, Cory, safe.

Re: TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 06-20-2022

Corrupttimelines whipped his head at the duo who now stood beside him, and felt courage bubble up in his chest. The tom leaned forward and let out a guttural hiss, which had little effect. However, the two beside him resounding the same warnings caused the gator to turn around and leave. The domestic cat felt ease wash over him, and although reluctant, he turned to the duo and offered a smile. “Thank you both. I’m certain that thing would’ve mauled someone.
code by spacexual

Re: TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - tanglewoodian - 07-07-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #fff9ed; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]LOOK ME IN MY EYES -
the little hybrid got his back up in ares. it was thrilling to see a larger gator swim away from them. it was not willing to fight. not all three of them. the words from cory got his attention. the hybrid offered a sharp nod. "welcome."


Re: TICKLE • open, daydreaming & alligator - Ares - 07-07-2022

The beast let out a prideful snort as the gator retreated, giving a shrill cry of victory. Turning back to Cory, though stepping to stand next to Dion, nodding slowly to Cory. "Yeah, you're welcome." And she turned her head back to the direction the beast went. Ares wanted to hunt down the gator, get herself a new gator skull.