Beasts of Beyond
UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - Printable Version

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UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - PINCHER - 05-27-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Usually the meeting was held during the early rise of the sun, Pincher tending to be a very early riser due to the habit being implemented on him when he was only just a child. He could easily recall his father sinking his teeth into his scruff and dragging him out of his temporary bed of moss, the memory still fresh with Pincher recalling how his father had always told him that the “early bird gets the worm and you for desert”. The threat had terrified the young captain as a kid but now, it only was a simple saying that Pincher would hum to himself when he was locked inside his submarine quarters, mumbling to himself on what should be implemented or what should be ignored for now. He was an extreme planner, enjoying the ability to create new plans that would help him achieve whatever goal he wanted at the moment. Currently, the male had a bit of trouble with being able to actually get the plans rolling but after a decent amount of time and planning, Pincher was able to finally do a right schedule for what he wanted to do. As the male finished his work, he was startled by how much time he spent on the meeting as he glanced at his window to notice the darkness that etched the sky instead of the usual brilliant sapphire blue that splattered the heavens above.

”Shit!” the lean canine stated with his long ears pulling back in an embarrassed expression, his sitting figure jumping up so he was standing in a rigid stance. Glancing around, the charcoal colored pirate caught Bonnie resting with her head tucked inside her colorful wing. ”BonBon, wake the fuck up and sound the meeting alarm.” He ordered hurriedly towards her as he slid his dark sleek armband into his foreleg. Bonnie refused to move at first, her closed eyelid peeling open a little so she could glare at him before rising from her sleeping position, mocking the order that Pincher had given her. Of course, the banter was ignored by the doberman pinscher as he headed towards the door of the submarine, his caramel paws softly thumping on the dense red rug that coated the floor. Stepping out, he felt the rush of cold night winds slice into his flesh, causing the male to shiver ever so slightly but Pincher focused on walking towards the aquarium, his long limber legs able to carry him quickly to the destination while Bonnie soared to the sky and began to shriek “meeting!” so everyone knew what today was.

Once Pincher had slipped through the aquarium tunnel that lead to the underwater dome, he noticed that the brightness that was usually surrounding them had gone down, dark cobalt blue waters now mostly hiding whatever was in these dangerous waters. Yet, he was used to such sense of uncomfortableness as the canine sat upon the worn throne, laying calmly on it while he waited. When enough crewmates had decided to show up, Pincher decided to begin. ”Alrighty, let’s get this show on the road. First of all, I would like to begin with a good old reminder that I am currently holding weekly tasks/ooc prompts. If you’re interested in actually doing some fucking work around here, check it out. Fresh meat can check it out, that being Krataa, Lust, and Greed. Kind of wild we have two new members that are named after two of the deadly sins but hey, that’s none of my business. Krataa here is quite a decent fellow to talk to so be nice and don’t steal from any of them.” Pincher stated with a sly grin faintly tracing his jaws before deciding to jump to the next stone of his announcements. ”I would like to give shoutouts to Ilijas, Beatrice, Keona, and Greed. Not bad for a couple of rookies, keep it up and you might be rising up these weird ass ranks. Speaking of ranks, I would like to make some promotions around here. Lilyspoise, you’ve down more than your fair share of work and have a decent healing talent, I don’t see why I shouldn’t promote you to Witch Doctor. Congrats Doc, you earned it, just try not to mistake our jungle juice for water again.” He raised a fictional eyebrow, piercing aquamarine blue eyes holding a brief flicker of warning before focusing on the rest of the promotions. ”Caesear, ya mind becoming a Striker for us? You seem like a Striker to me. Sekai as well, you have been around and I’ve noticed. Congratulations and salud!” As usual, the drink for promotions was sitting beside him as Pincher placed the three cups on the floor and pushed them forward to the newly promoted to drink, the nonalcoholic liquid filled with something that eased the nerves.

Once that was settled, Pincher decided to go into the deep end of the pool. ”Demotions since some higher ups haven’t been around as I’d hoped they would. Guru and Georgie are demoted. Argus, you don’t receive a warning but I do miss your scary ass face so I’d like you to hold tryouts for a privateer or two if there are any good fighters around, this war ain’t over as there is a raid in Tanglewood, go now if you haven’t already. Lily, for your first task as a doctor, I’d like you to also hold tryouts for Voodoo Nurses, see if anyone here can actually save a life besides you.” The doberman ordered, pointed velvety ears pricked as he glanced around, observing the expressions of his crew before adding in a lighter tone, ”Also I set up a rave party for us and Snowbound! Go wild in it, just don’t be a party pooper. This means that I need a volunteer to go send the invite to Snowbound. Don’t whine, it ain’t that far of a walk. And recently the Ascendants decided to drop their alliance with us and then their leader died, what a conicidence, eh?” A wicked playful chuckle escaped his jaws as Pincher was messing around with the idea that he had been involved with the leader’s death but he gave a light shake of his head as if to deny any suspicions that may have stirred in the minds of the other pirates. ”Lilyspoise, if you don’t mind sending my condolences to the Ascendants for their loss, I’d really appreciate it. If they deny our little gift basket of sorrow then bring it back, I ain’t wasting our resources to stuck up bitches. Other than that, meeting is done and over with unless anyone has any questions or concerns. Oh, before I forget, there will be a special meet and greet tomorrow on the Tempest — if anyone doesn’t fucking know, it’s the damn giant ship at our shore.” With that, Pincher stepped off the throne though he remained just in case there needed to be anything said or done.

welcome new joiners! > Krataa / Greed / Lust
shoutouts to Ilijas / Beatrice / Greed! keep it up!
promotions to Caesar & Sekai to Strikers / Lilyspoise to Witch Doctor! Great job, guys!!
demotions to Guru and Georgie
Argus can go make tryouts for Privateers
Lilyspoise can go make tryouts for Nurses + visit Ascendants
Weekly tasks + OOC prompts are up!
Check out the raid please! (it's purposely private)
Rave party + volunteer needed to go send invite to Snowbound
Check out Hero/Villian week!
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-27-2018

The one thing Caesar probably wouldn't be getting used to for a while was the damn bird that Pincher sent out as a meeting alarm. Honestly, the demon had half a mind to eat the damn thing half the time. Grumbling to himself, Caesar made his way out of his room in the ship and over towards where the meeting was. Why the hell is he doing this at night? Caesar growled to himself mentally, tail tip flicking irritably as he walked.

Caesar took a seat once he arrived, whiskers twitching as Pincher began to talk. He didn't seem to particularly interested in the announcements until his name was mentioned, to which he straightened up and looked at the Captain with pricked ears. "Ya got it, Captain." The demon said with a grin. Finally, some recognition around here! Damn right he was a Striker, to hell with being anything else. Well... that was a lie; he'd much rather be something higher. Like Captain! Captain Cipher. He sure liked the sound of that. He gave a nod to Sekai as she was promoted as well and grabbed the cup Pincher offered him. "I'll take the invite to Snowbound." Caesar offered as he looked back at Pincher, giving the canine a nod.

//Thanks and congrats to the others!!

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - ARGUS - 05-27-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] No, argus had to agree with caesar at that. The bird was evil. She was tempted to bite the thing in half when it flew around. But she kept herself in check for now. Instead watching it idly as it flew around as she set off to the meeting place. Dark red eyes watching the leader as he ascend the little spot for him to speak.

Argus remained idle during the entirety of the meeting. She smirked down and ceasar "Go take the drink striker." She raised her voice, dressing the rest of the clan now. "Congrats to everyone."

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - Verdigris - 05-27-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]After having gone so long since the last meeting, Paper had begun to wonder if he would be free of the parrot’s shrieking forever.

  Sadly, he reflected as the familiar screech split through the air (and his one working eardrum), that was not meant to be. With a low groan, the jackal rolled out from under the shade of the trees, got to his feet, and padded towards the Deep Sea Dome. Meetings were important, to be sure, but there were better ways to announce them than... this.

  Entering the dome, Paper seated himself beside Argus and watched Pincher as he began. New people- he’d heard about Greed, but had yet to meet the others- and weekly tasks, those were always important. All of the promotees deserved it, they hauled their weight and then some. It was a shame to hear about Guru and Georgie, but in Georgie’s case, he was largely just glad that no one had actually gotten hurt.

  Neither voodoo nor nursing was his field of expertise, but at least they would have actual medics. The Ascendants’ leader, he didn’t know enough about to care about, though he did snicker lightly at the suggestion that the death resulted from their change to neutral status. And, as was to be expected given the relative influx of new faces, there was a meet and greet the next day.

  ”Congratulations to you guys,” he chimed in, glancing over at the newly-promoted members. To Caesar, he added, ”And yes, drink it.”

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - lilyspoise - 05-27-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lilyspoise had heard worse as far as loud noises went, but that didn't mean the call of a meeting didn't induce anxiety in her. Mostly for an entirely separate reason -- one pertaining to who was calling the meeting -- but it wasn't like she could just not attend. She found herself in the Deep Sea Dome, listening quietly as she found her paws to be very, very interesting to look at.

However, as he mentioned promotions and then promptly called her name, and promoted her to Witch Doctor. Lil was surprised, and looked up only to see the glint of warning in his eyes.
"Understood." The tabby affirmed quietly, moving forward to take her drink before reverting back to silence as he went through the rest of the announcements. Raid in Tanglewood, Voodoo Nurse tryouts, rave party, and visit the Ascendants. A part of her was surprised that two of these tasks were assigned directly to her, but she wouldn't question the trust Pincher had placed in her-- she would just do everything she could to keep it. "All will be done."

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - Ilijas - 05-27-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
Ilijas, too, had heard far louder noises- screams and shouts that sliced so brutally, so coldly through the air. There was something different about this though, something far more annoying that caused him to begrudgingly abandon his place under the stars in favor of locating this meeting place. This was his first meeting and yet, no emotion betrayed itself upon his perfectly composed features. Instead, the gentleman merely scouted out who had arrived before ultimately electing to slide into place near Lilyspoise. Ever since that incident on the border with the Ascendants girl, he had felt strangely towards their newly promoted witch doctor. Did he know her? Or was his amnesia-plagued mind simply playing tricks on him?

Completely unaware of what the case really was, Ilijas resigned to dismissing his thoughts and fixating his attention upon Pincher, surprised to hear his own name called out. A shout out... interesting. He wasn't one to truly relish in the spotlight and only murmured a faint 'thank you' in response of his recognition, chestnut hued eyes gleaming with an unidentifiable emotion. [b][color=gray]"Congratulations," He called out quietly. As for a rave party, well, he wasn't so sure how he felt about such. Parties had never been his speed in this life or his last one. Perhaps he'd give it a try though; it was good to step out of your bubble every once and a while.

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - Keona. - 05-28-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
As typical, the tiny betta, scooted to the outskirts of the group as they gathered, shifting her paws, trying to stay out of everybody's way.  Biting her lip, Keona wrapped her tail around herself, and set her sightless sea-green eyes towards the sound of Pincher's voice.  She kept her ears perked, although they soon flicked back in surprise at the sound of her own name, not expecting to be mentioned.  Not interested in the attention, she quickly ducked her head, mumbling something incoherent in gratitude.

This meant that she was making a good impression, right? That was good.  Her lips quirked up in a tiny smile, assured that was the case.  She was glad she was doing something right.  That in mind, the tiny spotted feline tuned back in, cheering softly for the promoted, and tilting head at the mention of a rave party.  What was a 'rave'? And what made a 'rave' party different from a normal party?  She'd have to ask someone later.  Keona was not so sure how she felt about a party.  Large social events were often disorientating after all.
code by spacexual

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - coldblue - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"][color=black]A lazy yawn splits Coldblue's dashing features as the young male listlessly strolls over to join the crowd. He cares not for meetings, as exemplified by his clear lack of punctuality. Not to say that Blue thinks they are unimportant...the boy just has better things to do. Like reading. And eating. And anything else that does not actually involve real work. It's just so much better that way. He murmurs something that sounds like "Congrats..." while casually picking out a place to sit. Coldblue listens to the announcements, but not actively. It's not really his job to care. He was just born here.

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - tristitia - 05-28-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Striker tags
Ah, yes. Was it her first meeting or her second one? The cub could not tell that well, time just seem to blend in so much for her. The lioness listened, humming. Ah, so Krataa was nice? She'd have to keep her eyes on him. Wait... what? She was promoted? An almost unhealthy feeling of pride swarmed over her, a small smile upon her maw. However, she had to tell the others.. “Congratulations! And condolences to those demoted.”

//all is noted!
© madi

Re: UNDISCLOSED DESIRES — meeting 5.27.18 - Beatrice - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Beatrice usually enjoyed the company of birds more than she liked to admit, but this... This harbinger of meeting calls made her skin crawl. She had growled and snapped at the thing as it flew around screeching, but she had never been able to bring it out of the air. Instead, she sat glowering, underneath the thing as it pierced the sound barrier with its disgusting voice. She waited for a few ticks before finally heading towards the Deep Sea Dome, knowing it was best not be late for her first meeting.

The red heeler strolled in as Pincher was beginning to speak - something about weekly tasks. The girl settled into a seated position near Sekai as she tilted her ears forward to catch all of their leader's words. Her dark eyes wandered the meeting area, resting on unnamed faces. Her gaze only returned to Pincher when her name was called for a shout out. "Hm." She said nothing else. She hadn't thought of herself as worthy for recognition, but here it was. The fae did nod, however, and then refocused her attention on Pinch's speech.

Promotions, demotions, a raid, a party, and tryouts. Goodness, things sure we're about to be hectic around here. She was, admittedly, eager to see what would become of all of these things, for the Typhoon had been too quiet lately. "Congrats," the ginger dog barked once all had been said and done.