Beasts of Beyond
DONT WANT TO BE SOBER • open, leadership change - Printable Version

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DONT WANT TO BE SOBER • open, leadership change - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 06-02-2022

Trudging through the swampland, the domestic cat felt a lot weigh on his mind. Firefly’s condition was beginning to cause him great agony, his mind spiraling further and further down. He thought about her frail form, lying in her nest and incapable of doing much else. Part of him sparked with anger, and the other part with fear. She had looked upon him with such a soft face, such a sincere smile. For the first time since he could remember, his heart had softened and he had let someone within his walls. They had been torn down, as if hit by an unnatural force, allowing her to seep into his subconscious mind and lure him away from his inner demons.

I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Cory.

The sounds of rustling movements within the swamp became rampant, encasing his sanctuary with mystery. Much like Aesior, whom he had only begun to know and yet had also taken up a great amount of his time and energy. Though, their relationship was different. With Aesior, there was no need to protect. He could coexist, and his walls weakened but did not crumble. They stood firm and still, unwavering at his gentle touch and floral cascade.

When will you be returning?

His paws got soaked in a patch of murky liquid, hastening to move through the unpleasant feeling as his gaze burned forward. He was on a mission, but this time he had wished for anything but why he was truly moving so quick. With his entire body, his entire being, he wished nothing more than to go back to her and encase her frail body within his warmth. However, he could not.

I-I’m not Cory. That’s why you’re here. I need you to take over Tanglewood.

Those words had burned holes into his ears. They had made him feel things he could never recall feeling. Anxiety? Fear? He wasn’t sure what exactly to call the feeling of your heart simultaneously being ripped out and jumping into your throat. It was suffocating, but it was real. Knowing he couldn’t get out of this situation, he found no need to argue. After all, knowing Firefly, she wouldn’t have any of it regardless. Even now, as he mucked his way through the land, he could almost sense the ringing of her soft voice in his ears.

What if…I’m not ready? What if I don’t do well?

His teeth bared as he finally felt himself come upon the tavern, glancing up at the doorway with great pain in his eyes. If he had the option, he would’ve shut such a gesture down. In fact, he would’ve spit upon the idea and demanded that Firefly take her rightful spot where she belonged. Alas, no matter of bickering or complaint would land her where she should sit. In such a state as she appeared, there was nothing turning her back into an immovable force. He had tried everything, every single remedy, but she wasn’t improving. At least, not fast enough. Part of him worried that she might- that she could….

I know you will, you always have been ready.

Standing upon what was once her place in the tavern, Corrupttimelines felt his breath hitch in his throat. His first ever time calling his clanmates to meet, and here he was, potentially the weakest anyone had seen him. As much as he wanted to break down out of terror and sadness, he refrained. Instead, he stood and feigned strength as his eyes morphed into steel, and he sat upon his rightful place.

Tanglewood! I’ve come to inform all of you that Firefly is-” he paused, cringing at himself as the words tried to slip out. “She is no longer the Luminary. The position has been passed unto me. I’m taking this burden with a heavy heart, as her condition doesn’t appear to be improving. However, I will do the best I can for all of you,” he called out, struggling not to fumble over his words as his heart ached. All he wanted was to tell her she would be okay, to tell everyone she would be okay.

But what if she wasn’t?

I’ll be looking for someone to fill the spot at my side as my right hand, and for a new ambassador to take my place for the Typhoon. I expect great things from the lot of you. Let’s make Firefly proud.

[ hi guys!! I know I’ve said my piece before but I’m bri and I’m super excited to be leading with Cory here <3 you guys are amazing and I hope to make many cool plots with all of you ]

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