Beasts of Beyond
things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Printable Version

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things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Romulus - 06-02-2022

With the Spring Equinox and May Day event pushed forward, Romulus had decided to merge the endings of both. On the last day of May, the leader started prepping the short event with others and eventually formed an idea, bringing forth the idea today. The mainland was decorated accordingly. Colorful and bright, any eye would be engrossed in the sight easily. Flowers draped across the homes across the area, carnivorous plants peacefully swayed in the wind, and pollen flowed through the air gracefully for all to see. In the middle of the area was a large bonfire with pheasants slowly roasting in the flames, ready to be enjoyed by all visitors and wanderers that chose to gather. Off to the side laid piles of flowers, herbs, and other materials to make gifts with. The day was surprisingly calm and beautiful for the Coalition of the Condemned, something the kingpin cherished. He only hoped the tradition continued this year.

The sun started to peek over the skyline festivities began. No announcement was needed, only the rising sun in the morning. The task was understood by old and new: form bonds and begin anew with the upcoming summer. The lion started his day off with heading towards the middle to set up and start the bonfire's flame with a thought on the mind. 'Would it rain? Would an omen bless our children?' So far, no. Violet eyes stared up at the sky with a frown, noting the lack of clouds, but the kingpin kept his hopes up. With a shake of his head, he turned away from the sky and stared down at the flame. Perhaps the flames would rage against all opposition later on.

Paws swiveled around and his path changed. The lion drifted over towards the pile of flowers nearby. Naturally, he floated over towards the purples and whites that were separated out neatly. A pleased hum softly left him. What to do... What to do... There were many loved ones to cover today, but as the leader, he had to present himself fairly also. With that in mind, careful claws took ahold of a few pastel flowers and sat down to work. Precision and a good eye was key as he worked. Weaving in and out, he guided the stems and petals into place to form a circular contraption. Every now and then, he'd hold it out to look at it with a questionable stare, only to continue working. In a grand and final gesture outwards, he glared out at his work and let out a relieved sigh. Done. Hesitant paws guided his work up and around his horns, only to let it fall softly into his mane. A crown fit for a king now rested on his head. Violet and alabaster-colored flowers, highlighted by green stems and leaves, lined Romulus for all to see. In hindsight, he could have used his elementals to make his creation, but he figured putting in the effort would appear more genuine as a leader.

Content in his appearance, the lion rose up from the soft ground and onto his paws with a smile. His eyes surveyed the area around him, content in the crowd beginning to gather and celebrate and watched as most of the mainland's population started to mingle. Hopefully, the peace would remain. He would watch with a careful eye, but for now, he slowly mingled, chatted, and sauntered his way closer to the Jaws of the Serpent's entrance in hopes of spotting some incoming visitors.

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Casphian - 06-02-2022

A giggle rung out as the multi colored form of a puffball bounded through the area. Saturn had been excited for the event, always excited to get together and mingle with friends. Saturn finally bounded to a stop, winglets fluttering against their back as ears swiveled yo take in the sounds. The familiar scent of Romulus drew the feline towards him, a grin dancing on their muzzle. “Romulus!” They called out as the hopefully drew closer to the other. “Is that flowers I smell?” They asked, the sweet aroma of flowers curling around Saturn.

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Agrimony - 06-02-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #ffb8b8; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BIRDS DON'T JUST FLY -
the pup followed saturn cautiously. staying back as she took in everything with curious eyes. the voices lost in her minds ear. paws guiding her along as eyes scanned everything. her own wings slightly flapping.

the fact she was here was wonderful. she wondered if plexus would come and they could hang out. or if she would meet others as well? she had no idea what would happen, but she liked this. it was all new.


Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Kold - 06-02-2022

It seemed that the first to arrive from another group was not one, but two figures emerging from the stone jaws of the serpent. Above the wolf-Rottweiler and oriental kitten, the eagle that was sent to the Pitt for the invite flittered in and stopped next to Romulus. The child, who was peacefully sleeping on Kold's back, was jostled awake as the woman sneezed, and she shook her boxy head. "Jesus.." The boy let out a little 'pop!' with his mouth and she lowered her body to let him off, and after which he stuck right next to her.

Turning her black eyes toward Romulus and the others, she flittered a wing in greeting. "Came to return your eagle. And join in the festivities of course." She grinned wryly. "Kold Darcia Di Angelo, Marauder of the Pitt." She dipped her head gently, then redirected her attention to Boy.

"This is Boy." She nuzzled him gently, then returned her gaze toward the lot.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - SirDio - 06-02-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]that fate had
finally found me!
Boy was, honestly, a little scared of the big creatures that Kold spoke to. Huddling to her leg, his grey eyes searched, but still he was too scared to come forth and introduce himself. If he could even do that.

// Low muse for him right now
Boy Di Angelo — tags — played by DIO

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - SOJOURN - 06-02-2022

Festivities. When was it last that he had decided to indulge in such things. To at least have some semblance of fun. It had been quite a while and to let loose was something that was a luxury. At least that was what he thought of it as. He knew that to seek power was to seek eyes and those eyes had telling mouths. His own dark grey orbs flicked along the gathering animals with little worry. Looking for anything that would be considered entertainment. His tail swayed back and forth as he stepped around the firepit, smelling the roasting pheasants. They were somewhat appealing but thr flesh he craved was that of his own kind. Yet for the moment he was satisfied, no cravings within his stomach. Instead he turned his gaze toward the first arrivals. Those from the Pitt and he almost grinned. Had he not eaten something from then recently?

Though he doubted they would know whom. At least not yet. Listening in the large brute would almost scoff as introductions were given. Uncaringly he glanced down to the child and tilted his head a bit. "Boy, was it?" He stares at him then, unnerving in his gaze before he rolled his eyes away. "Such as uninspiring name. But welcome to the Coalition, the both of you. Hope you have a wonderful time." A double edged sword was his politeness as he finally laid eyes on his brother. Though he made no move to get any closer. Merely settling by the fire.

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - aesior - 06-03-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
He had his doubts about all of this, maybe something of a sense of curiosity drew the tabby tom in, leading the merchant and resident of Tanglewood to finally make his journey through the serpent's stone jaws. There, his senses were assailed by the delicious scent of roasting meat and the nose-tickling floral smell of flowers. The eagle that had been sent to Tanglewood with their letter, would soon depart from his side, leaving him with a longing look on his face as it searched out its rightful perch. Exhaling softly, he picked up on the scents of Kold and Boy, carrying the scent of the pitt upon them. Offering a quiet nod in their direction and to the sibling lions, looking around nervously before walking in a bit further, hoping for a glance of his clanmates. Where ... where were the Tanglers? He wouldn't feel so awkward if there was someone else in attendance, that and maybe he wanted to see one specific member over others.

Muscles trembling under his coat as he adjusted his satchel at his side, gray eyes taking in his surrounds curiously as small blossoms of tarragon and daffodils emerged against the fronds of his pelt, forming a gentle smelling lion's mane of yellow flowers, wandering to the blossoms to sniff at them and busy his mind with sorting the families of each flower within the mismatch of beauty. Should he make his own gifts? But who would he give them to?

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 06-03-2022

[ prior to leadership change ]

Corrupttimelines had only been here to see justice delivered on behalf of Ximen. None of these other festivities mattered to him much, or at all really. He would paint every white flower crimson with their blood the moment they shut their eyes. In fact, the domestic cat had wished to adamantly refuse to participate involving himself in anything with the Coalition. Though these thoughts were never vocalized, they certainly were ever-present. A bitter taste sat upon his mouth, even now as he waltzed in to join the affair. His body language was not timid, but not bold either. Each step was calculated, and his mind was clearly elsewhere.

Then, he saw Aesior.

A grin crept onto his face as he slipped passed the crowds and moved close to him. A soft purr passed his lips, and he offered a nudge in greeting. “Finally, a familiar face,” he remarked, just before noticing Kold, a member of the Pitt, had entered. He only offered them a brief glance, but a glance no less. Everyone else was bustling, but Cory was content where he was.
code by spacexual

Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - Agrimony - 06-03-2022

[div style="background-color: transparent; margin-top: 0x; margin-right: 0px; max-height: 45px; max-width: 500px; text-align: left; font-family: times new roman; color: #f6c1af; font-size: 20px; text-transform: uppercase;"]BUT IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES -
graceful as always, she came. butterflies upon her back, as she had sweet water in her fur. a mistake she did not regret now. she had rolled in some water near her home, not realizing it was pollen mixed in water and sugar. how it got there, she had no idea. she used the water to cool and now the few butterflies on her back came with her.

she walked along and simply stopped alone on the edge of the crowd. she was not going to but in on others conversations. so, she waited to see who would speak to her. letting her long neck twist to study the butterflies upon her back.


Re: things are strange around here - [MERGER EVENT] - aesior - 06-04-2022

✯ — it just sucks to try and explain
The sound of a familiar voice broke him out of his own mind, followed by a gentle nudge. Blinking in surprise afew times in quick succession as he turned his head to observe who had touched him. Seeing a friend in Cory, he let the building tension in his muscles die and return a smile to the tortishell. He tried to purr, disappointment filling him as he remembered that, that ability had also been lost to him. All he could do was offer a warm smile and nod to him.

A familiar face indeed, though part of him felt odd. But why? Maybe it was the hope for the future of the year. Blinking slowly, scrambling through his thoughts as he looked around. They did seem to be the only Tanglers in attendance. Closing his eyes and concentrating on the entity know to him as Corrupttimelines, he would huff softly, ears twitching as he attempted to send his thoughts toward him as if the words he couldn't speak were in the form of a bird, 'the letter said you'd be here. Are you doing OK?'

Opening his eyes again with a contemplative expression, fur slightly ruffled as a headache began to slowly build and his stomach so kindly reminded him of his hunger. There was peace here, he didn't need to worry about being attacked when there were so many around him, or so he told himself. Lately, he'd caught sign of other grims encroaching. Shaking his head now as he looked to the flowers, taking out his notebook and gesturing, 'they're quite delicate and pretty. Do you want to make something for firefly? If I go back before the punishments I can take it to her for you.', he would offer while thinking to himself that yellow complimented Cory's eyes as he studied the flowers. Catching sight of Bellaluna, he would watch the blue eyed okapi for a while, thinking blues and pinks best suited her. Maybe he could try to make friends with her?