Beasts of Beyond
i owe you my gratitude; open | joining - Printable Version

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i owe you my gratitude; open | joining - rhosmari - 05-30-2022

The days she had spent with him had been nice. Just talking and understenfing one another. She had deviated from what she had once thought was a good idea. That place, she no longer thought was a safe haven from where she had previously been. At wasn't as bad. No, it was worse. Some of the creatures there were strange and even down right terrifying. To know that they had killed someone, or eaten others. It was chilling and she couldn't stomach it. They had exchanged names and at first Atticus was cautious of her and she was the same but slowly understanding grew and he then offered her sanctuaty. Sanctuary was necessary. It was needed. Flicking her bobbed tail the woman sighed as they continued on toward what she could smell was a swamp.

This was not disagreeable given where she had come from. Yet she was still cautious. She would be heading into a new domain. One in which she did not know anyone. She was sure she still smelled of the Coalition, somwthing that wouldn't disappear so easily. Glancing back her heart pupils widened just a bit as she nervously twitched an ear. "Are you sure this is a good idea? What if they try to chase me away?" Granted she was sure she could escape. It was her passtime after all. Her voice wobbled with her nerves and she then focused bsck on the territory. Marshlands. Thick, bare root trees. The sounds of herons. Maybe even alligators.

Shaking her head the two toned domestic feline sighed the deeper they went in to the territory. He had called this place Tanglewood. He said she would he safe here. She needed to believe in that. She wanted to take a breather from the madness and truly she had left her former home to be safe in the first place. The Coalition was not it. "It's not too bad. The humidity will take a bit to get used to though. Ah, thanks for helping me, Atticus. I owe you a favor or something." She would rather pay him back than not.

[member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member]

-- feel free to respond before Atticus does

Re: i owe you my gratitude; open | joining - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-31-2022

Tucked away within the swamp, Corrupttimelines had been trying to cope with many things. Firstly, the sickness befalling Firefly. After all of his great effort, and weeks of extensive care, she didn’t even to be improving. It was worrisome, especially considering just how deeply her condition was beginning to falter. At this rate, she was lucky to be alive now. Frankly, it was probably one of the most dreaded moments of his life. Secondly, Aesior had gone off to god knows where, leaving him practically alone at the point.


Right now, he was gathering food for his son when the thick smell of the Coalition crept into his nose. The domestic feline dropped the food, and narrowed his eyes into slits as his head slowly rose. He would rip them to shreds. Hadn’t they caused enough pain? Enough headache? The feline let out a low hiss, and then made his way to the source carefully.

Name and business?
code by spacexual

Re: i owe you my gratitude; open | joining - merlin - 05-31-2022

merlin e. gwynne
long-time member of tanglewood
"the unicorn knight"
penned by teef
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #8E2323; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
actions || "speech" || thoughts
    Perhaps she was a bit behind on the self assigned patrols, the cream tabby making her way delicately as could be done with burns pulling at her nerves with every step. Voices fell upon her ears and the smell of the Coalition brought her to a steady trot despite the aching of her wounds. She could hear Cory, and she knew better than to slow down.

Jumping over a bush in her way, Merlin landed messily with a sharp gasp of agony as pain shot up her forelegs and her skin pulled and screamed at her. Not a smart move but... she shook her head and collected herself, seeing that she had landed in front of the newcomers. A two toned molly stood before her alongside the familiar form of Atticus, and Cory opposing. Casting a glance to her group mates and finally to Vivian before offering her a small lopsided smile, singed whiskers a funny sight.

"Atticus? Who have you brought home with you?", she asked kindly, a spasm running through her and making her bite her tongue hard enough to bleed. Turning her attention back to Vivian, thinking it smart to introduce herself, " 'Ello miss. My name's Merlin Gwynne. Please feel free to call me as you see fit. It seems we are owed an explanation from Atticus here, but would you mind telling us what's brought you here? Are you alright?", she couldn't help but be concerned. Sure, the Coalition's smell was on her pelt, but the Celt couldn't blame her. A smell was a smell, and it couldn't tell the whole story.
code by teef

Re: i owe you my gratitude; open | joining - rhosmari - 06-01-2022

She was not sure what she was expecting from this new group that she was supposed to seek sanctuary with. She was sure that perhaps they would not be hostile given that she was here with one of their own though the one to greet them did not seem very enthusiastic on seeing her here. Of course she understood why given where she had come and the fact that they had murdered a Tangler. Not her. It was someone else and she was not the type to kill at least not where someone could see her do it. She was too small to even try to kill anyone that was bigger than herself unless she had a plan to be able to actually succeed. Especially when her talents laid within the darkness and keeping to the shadows. Alas, she supposed she needed to make due with what was happening and she tentatively gave a smile toward the other. Flicking her short bobbed tail she glanced toward Atticus before glancing back to Corrupted. "My name is Vivian..." Her voice was small sounding and she cleared her throat before she parted her muzzle to speak when someone else showed up.

Blinking she turned her gaze toward them then and she frowned with concern in her black gaze. "Me? What about you? Are you okay?" The obvious way she was in pain was clear and she stepped forward as if wanting to take a closer look but then remembering her place. Right, right, they didn't trust her yet so it was best to stay beside Atticus and away from anything that might cause more tension. Taking a deep breath in she pulled her ears back a little bit before giving a small nod of her head. "Ah, yeah, yeah, I'm okay. I just wanted to get away from....the Coalition is all. It's not...what I expected honestly. I'm not from around here and I just stayed at the first place I washed up on after sailing for so long. I didn't think much of it but...I was just glad to be somewhere rather than where I grew up." Scrapping and fighting for food. Trying not to catch the unwanted eyes of a drunken pirate. She just didn't think much of anything really. "It's nice to meet you thought, Merlin. I'm Vivian, but um...maybe you should get some rest..."

Re: i owe you my gratitude; open | joining - merlin - 06-04-2022

merlin e. gwynne
long-time member of tanglewood
"the unicorn knight"
penned by teef
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #8E2323; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
actions || "speech" || thoughts
    A hearty chuckle left her despite the pain her burned body was putting her through, "I'm alright, luv, just picked a fight with fire and lost. Seems it's what I am best at these days", she chortled as she observed her take a step closer, a mischievous twinkle appearing in her own eyes. Nothing like new folks to the swamp, it brought more life, and she was missing it with a certain she-cat gone. Shaking her pelt out of habit with a hissing wince, clearing her throat awkwardly, "Swear I don' bite! If ya wanna look closer yah can. They're some age now, nerves are still bucked.", she snorted softly. The Coalition wasn't what this sweet lady thought it was, hm? She couldn't blame her, ideals often fell short.

Brushing a piece of her own fur down with a paw, she extended it after wiping the muck of the swamp off on some leaves, "It's my pleasure, Ms. Vivian. These bones 'ave rested far too long, I fear spider silk frames 'em. We'll have to wait on Cory's approval here, but I'd be 'appy to show ya around! If yer in need 'f a place to sleep, ye can stay with me until yer settled in.", she would bow her head with a warm smile.
code by teef