Beasts of Beyond
Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - Printable Version

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Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - Luciferr - 05-27-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
There were a great many things Fenris missed about his home and his family - the wonders of his father's realm and the midnight city were one, the land of perpetual night bathed in the glow of a distant white dwarf was given unto an ethereal beauty and even in the underlevels and the forges lit by the orange glow of countless fires had their own charm.

and in the dead clear nights like these, he missed his home - for all slumbering bathed in the pale glow of the moon held a reminiscent glow akin to it even if it could not fully contend to the shadowy beauty in that night realm.

but tanglewood had its own quirks and dubious as it may have been - it had grown on him.

as had the people.

his lips twitched, head angling away from where he'd been staring outwards atop this high outcrop - it was funny really, that he had been thrown into this world alone only to find people that could have passed for so many of his old friends that it ached to the very bone to know he would not see them - would not see his people again.

No more shared laughs and celebrations with the troops after a hard won victory, no more bets between he and his trusted second on whom would unwisely hit on Morrigan next - a common factor considering her adopted heritage, all the newbies never realised who her family was until fenris was looming over them and asking pointedly just what were those comments you mentioned about my sister? and the subsequent looks of terror after the realisation - a source of exasperation with slight amusement most times - Fenris smiled somewhat bitter-sweetly at the memories.

but he could not regret the choices that had led him here,

he'd died to save them all - that wasn't something he'd ever take back.

he still remembered it, what it felt like to die - it was something he'd had a long talk with his father about after, when both were flung and reborn here in this world, the older ascendant having patiently seen his youngest son through it at the time - and the way and the why of his death had been daunting most of all.

his siblings had killed him - though he could not blame them, they hadn't been themselves after all,

no they'd been pawns, controlled by their bloodline, by the very beast they'd all banded together to fight,

leviathan, grandfather,

his nose wrinkled, no, the thing didn't deserve a familial title,

He'd asked his father what had happened after he'd died - what became of his maddened siblings and his adopted sister, the only one free from that taint - had they survived? were they freed? or...or had they had to be killed in the end?

he'd feared what the answer could be but Lucifer had told him,

it had been a Pyrrhic victory - at least for them,

his father had ended it - brought down the beast at the cost of himself - he'd known there was a very large chance he would die and simply cease to be, never reborn again, but it was the only way - and with it gone, the control over his siblings was free.

Azrael and Lilith would be free again, Morrigan and mother wouldn't have to live being the sole survivors of the house of grimm - but they would all be bereft of a brother and a father, a son and a husband.

a high price perhaps - but they'd saved them either way.

fenris glanced down at his claws, glowing soft orange in the darkness - they were safe, he'd done his duty - but he'd miss them and no doubt, his troops would miss their general maybe - he snorted, they'd miss his generous pay too, but that gave them too little credit - they'd all, his unit, his arm in the final fight, been his family too and he'd done what he could to protect them.

he'd never forget them but the ache of that loss - monumental to both him and his father after so many centuries living and fighting beside their people and their family - it would never truly abate no matter the length of days between then and now.

and yet, he'd found himself amongst those he was starting to consider the same, it was almost strange how quickly this group had grown on him where initially he'd only sought a place to stay long enough to acclimatise before inevitably wandering the globe listless again.

they'd grown on him like the moss covering Tanglewood's own trees.

he smiled lightly - they weren't replacing what he'd lost but they were healing a wound all the same, he'd miss those he'd never see again and his siblings - always four they were, always together, how would they fair now? three where four should be? - but, he'd found a place in this new world at least.

however reluctantly in the start - they were a family as much as his siblings and his men had been.

this is what brought him staring into the fire and metal moulding in his claws - lost in absent thought's he'd started moving from his late night vigil to his home and to forge.

he'd worked and gathered well into the early morning, using his powers after so long unused save that one time with the gators felt good, like stretching old muscles or regaining the use of a limb that had 'fallen asleep'

when he was finished, he'd gathered everything he'd forged - and everything he'd had to go out and find - and left his still sparse house (save for the few items in his possession) somewhat gratified it was early enough for them all to be asleep or occupied.

[member=67]beck.[/member]  was the first home he'd approach, quietly so as not to disturb the spirit if he were busy and left a small package wrapped where Beck would find it outside - it'd taken some work to forge the handle with his metal manipulation, but the hunting knife was a small gift perhaps, with a handle crafted to look like the gators so famous to tanglewood and a small note tied to it something for if you plan to gut and skin more deers at meetings again - F.G he'd made sure to leave a crow with it, to tell the illiterate leader what the note said.

he'd done the same for all who couldn't read - it made him nostalgic to use the small birds, they'd been morrigan's symbol and familiars once, the dark haired girl had always had an affinity for them.

[member=286]ZIMAVICH.[/member] home he found himself at next, placing the gifts and leaving, but lightly knocking on the door before doing so - he'd had to go out to fetch these, thankfully he also had conjuration or one of these gifts wouldn't have lasted long - he'd got the large bear a plush crocodile and what the humans so liked to give their captive animals 'an ice loll' a nice frozen treat tailored to the polar bear for the heat they'd had to deal with lately - he did worry about the bear in this weather after all - and likewise a small note was attached for the hot weather today - and something to remind you of your 'gator friends' - F.G

this one he hadn't been sure of - he barely knew him at the moment, but he figured he'd appreciate something practical, so left the gift at [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] 's door, a set of perfectly crafted reinforced claws, forged to easily clasp onto the feline's paws and lightweight to not be cumbersome to the smaller tangler these will leave a nasty wound on your enemies, treat with care -  F.G the Cipher had mentioned being without a weapon at the gator hunt awhile back, these would go some way towards that.

[member=253]iota[/member] 's he came to next and quietly placed the gift upon the doorstep - it was not a weapon no, but he'd seen how upset and embarrassed she was when they gazed at her horns - he hadn't bothered a blink, too used to the strange, I mean, just look at himself but he'd noted her reaction to beck's words, an thought, perhaps he could help? - the forging of this was tricky as intricate work always was and the careful swirls carved into the solid metal took work to do in detail, it was large enough to serve its purpose but the intricate designs lent it a grace that he thought would suit the horned feline - a tiara to fit and easily hide her horns if she so wished, or an accessory if placed further down, he would not judge her for her hiding, he knew many who wishe- had wished that - they will hide them if you wish, I do not judge you for your choices, I've known many who had done the same, but you are among friends here, never forget that - F.G

[member=515]▷killian◁[/member] was the next, he'd taken into account the canine's distress over recent developments and simply got him what was most practical and helpful for him - a collection of notes on everything he knew about shapeshifting that might help him, he'd given Killian's crow specific instructions to stay with the canine to help read through them - and another note Something to help with your shapeshifting, the crow can read it for you - F.G

[member=155]Morgan[/member] was next, his crow given orders to tell him what the note said - and this one had been much more intricate in design much like the Tiara - it had taken him awhile to get it moulded right, thankfully his abilities made it quicker than plain forge work might've been - a set of bracers, inlaid with gaps and a delicate glass overlay to hold water capable of being drawn out of the vents for use by the icy samoyed, designs of two beasts curling around on each, a canine bearing a familiar mask and a wolf-ish beast of many spines something for use should you ever need the extra water - and something for our friendship - F.G,

[member=480]Nayru[/member] was next, the nurse didn't seem one for fighting from what he'd seen so far and often was she nervous around the taller and more imposing beasts - so he'd sought to forge something to help her however small, it had taken less than the bracers but he'd been quite pleased in the turnout - a single bracer that matched her scarf for aesthetics and would be lightweight on her arm, with a small strap and puch capable of carrying something small or precise, something of an emergency pocket - but the inside arm was where he'd put the true gift in his eyes, a concealed blade crafted to leave a clean slice capable of being whipped out in a flash to serve as a weapon or perhaps even something to cut in a surgery of some kind, he'd left it so she'd notice that alongside the pocket and strap Something for a tight spot should you ever need it though I hope you won't have need to, but I would not see you defenceless against those larger than you - F.G the blade was cut and forged well enough to cut through toughened hides, he'd made sure to give the little nurse something that would give her an edge if she truly was in such a dire situation as to face an extremely difficult opponent, though he hoped she wouldn't need it in the long run.

[member=72]AMUNET G.[/member] and last but never least, Amunet - he stood outside her door for a good long while simply wondering if she'd like this gift to add to her hoard - whether she used it or simply displayed it - he had taken the longest forging this one, carving the intricate designs and moulding the stones that fit the handle, it was a sword complete with scabbard, the blade cut sharp as diamond and cut through with a singular intricate design of several suns slowly eclipsed - the handle was a snarling wolf creature, its neck encircled with that of a snarling dragon, eyes of fire opal for the beast and amethyst for the dragon - the scabbard was similarily decorated, black inlaid with golden patterning and the words 'VICTORY' written in the old language of the ascendants, no one knew past himself and his father and perhaps anyone hailing from their once home - it looked like intricate runes to anyone else, beautiful and strange something for your hoard, to display or to use, I hope you like it - Fen

the sun was cresting the horizon now and his long work was done, fenris sat quietly on the same outcropping staring into the horizon, resting his head atop his paws - it had been a spur of the moment thing but with the increasing realisation he'd followed in his fathers footsteps with these people as he had once before with his men, he had sought to do something,

he had never left his people or his siblings with anything to remember him by,

and if these people were to be his new home, his newfound family, the strangers turned friends that he would no doubt die for like before - well,

he'd leave something for them to remember him by this time.

/was gonna be a funny oneshot but NOPE went straight for angst and then fluff, what can i say 2274 words total.
@ cakie, I would have done Ska too but I felt it wouldn't work what with him just joining an fen doesn't know him yet? idk rest assured you'll get a gift probably at a later point I feel bad for leavin u out but it wouldn't make sense ICly yet ;-; same for nathanael.


Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-27-2018

Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - Morgan - 05-27-2018

Morgan awoke to the sound of the crow, growling at first before checking its presence. It seemed that the crow's bore some resemblance to that of Fenrisulfr; the dog let down its guard, noticing the gift placed delicately on a nearby rock. Groggy as could be, the samoyed rose from its bedding and gave its duck-bee toy a squeak before walking up to the cave wall.

The cream canine gasped at sight of the bracers, its heart racing as its eyes traced over the ornate design. It examined the note before trying them on - it struggled to figure out what it said, but the bird helped immensely. It asked the avian creature to repeat itself several times as it scanned the note, memorizing the characters. Though it did not know what sounds were assigned to each letter, it identified each of the full words. The clumps of symbols meant "Something for use should you ever need the extra water and something for our friendship". The small horizontal lines did not seem to serve a purpose, but the last characters did: "Eff gee. F.G..."

Morgan tried on the bracers next, finding that they were a perfect fit. The dog could not help but feel quite pretty, loving the exquisite designs on each one. Thankfully, the etchings made it clear who made them; the dog smiled in delightful surprise. The bracers' use quickly became clear to the samoyed, who filled them from its cave's reservoir. It smiled once more as the water shimmered inside; it seemed that tiny gemstones had been left inside to give the water a sparkling texture.

Donning its long, soft scarf, the sleepy samoyed thanked the bird and ran from its cave. Its eyes narrowed as it came up with an idea, drawing the water out from its bracers. Morgan jumped into the air as it formed a pool of glittery water, landing in it and floating just above the ground. It focused on its ride, propelling itself through the forest far faster than it could run. Before long it neared its destination, making a beeline for Fenrisulfr's presence.

Finally reaching the larger beast, Morgan landed on the nearest rock as its water returned to the bracers. It took a shallow breath to dry itself off, dragging the water out of its fur and moving it to meet the rest. "Fe... Fenrisulfr," it whispered, staring at the beast. Without its mask on, the cream-colored samoyed's dreamy expression was very much visible. It found itself blushing heavily beneath its fluffy fur, taking its time to choose its words. Looking toward the horizon for a moment, it continued, "Thank you for this gift. It means much to me, our friendship." The dog tried its best not to feel frustrated; it knew that it could not express itself completely accurately, but it did its best. It turned back to look at its fellow Proxy - perhaps for the first time without any ice covering its body.

Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - COSMIIX - 05-27-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]She often was not able to sleep and these were one of those sleepless nights, she could hear someone outside her home and Moses was coiled around her mane taking in the warmth. Amunet soon stepped out looking down at the gift and taking in a deep breath picking it up in her talons, the jaguaress would let her paw pads feel the smooth blade and she could feel herself stop breathing for a moment. She put her paw over her mouth unsure how to feel, how the design struck out to her and the gemstones, the ascent writing so well done. Victory. Even her little gifts to Fen weren't as great as this sword, she wouldn't put it up on display not in her cave anyways. She rummaged around her room certain that she had something that would hold it in place near her waist, she found a belt that was laced with gold, silver, and made of leather. She slipped it on making sure it stayed in place putting the sword into its sheath, she didn't like it. She loved it.

What was Victory without a weapon to call her own? And it was from War. How could she not love it? She would leave her home deciding to go look for Fenris, her golden wings spreading and shining under the touch of the light. She lifted herself into the air surveying the area with her pupilless gaze soon finding the familiar draconic creature though he wasn't alone. She didn't mind that at all, she landed a few feet from them with her talons clicking onto the ground and she couldn't hide the smile from her face slowly approaching the duo with her curved ears angled forward. She brushed up beside Fen dipping her head in the direction of Morgan only to murmur "Morgan." And then to the other Proxy "Monsieur Grimm." She would take a seat with her talons clicking briefly before she moved one of her paws to touch one of Fen's saying with a slow nod "I loved your gift. I will always cherish it." She then nudged him playfully "It much too pretty to be put on display." With that said, she lifted her left wing slightly to reveal the weapon now placed in its own sheath and belt.

Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - Nayru - 05-27-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
The lightest of taps on her door was all it took to wake the tiny medic. She'd blink a few times before groggily stumbling towards the the sound, wondering who or what could be waiting for her on the other side. For a moment, she was anxious. Did someone get hurt? Were one of her clanmates sick? What would she be able to do as tired and out of it as she was?! But if that were the case... would they truly be knocking as quietly and respectfully as they did? This was Tanglewood, for Goddesses sake, if someone was dying, she'd know it.

Carefully pushing open her door, Nayru would gasp in surprise at the gift, her cerulean eyes widening. It was expertly made and absolutely gorgeous, not to mention that it complimented the colors and design of her scarf completely. She'd gently pick it up to investigate it further, the discovery of the hidden blade earning a tiny giggle from her. [b][color=#6b7e99]"It's perfect," She breathed aloud, slipping the bracer onto her left arm and securing the pouch. It felt natural there- almost as if it were an extension of her very body. She'd gaze at admiringly at it for a few more seconds before noticing the note.

"Something for a tight spot should you ever need it though I hope you won't have need to, but I would not see you defenceless against those larger than you - F.G"

The gift was from Fenri.

She felt herself tear up.

Before arriving in Tanglewood, Nayru hadn't known what this sort of generosity was. All she had had was her Father and his impossible demands for her and that had been... unbearable. Here, she finally understood what a family was. Fenri was more of a father to Nayru than her own had ever been and Nayru realized that with something akin to a start, the tears flowing freely from her eyes now.

She needed to find him.

Luckily, such a feat was not impossible and she came across Morgan, Amunet, and the man of the hour himself - Fenrisulfr  - with surprising ease. She was still crying a bit, much to her chagrin, but aimed a wide smile in his direction. [color=#6b7e99]"Thank you. It's perfect and I love it," She announced. She, too, hoped that there would never come a day where she would have to wield the tiny blade, but at least she'd be prepared now. In a world where most everything seemed to tower above her, it was nice to have a bit of an edge. [color=#6b7e99]"Will you teach me how to use it?"

Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - Bean - 05-27-2018

Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-29-2018

Zimavich paused, poking his head out and glomping down on the treat. He ignored the note and Swalloeing the treat. Her shuddered at the rush of cold and licked his teeth. The bear moved, sniffing the crocodile plush carefully.
What was he supposed to do with it?

Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - ▷killian◁ - 05-30-2018

Killian, being the lazy bastard he swore he wasn't, slept. He slept a lot, you know? It was probably his third favourite thing to do. That was indeed what he was doing when his present was left outside. Then the smell of someone familiar hit his nose, the sound of feathers shifting against feathers reached his ears, and his foggy eyes cracked open to see who the fuck was there.

When he looked outside and saw only paper and a bird, he squinted in confusion. Why was there paper outside his door? And a bird? Well, he could eat it. The hound crept closer and lowered his head to squint more at the writing on the paper. Aw, fuck, he had to read? He huffed out a sigh and pressed his nose against the paper, trying to make sense of the letters. It took him a while, but eventually he had a basic understanding of what he said.

"Damn, I guess I can't eat the bird then.." He sighed dramatically as he lifted the papers into his mouth and nudged the bird so it would move back inside. He fully intended on making it read all of this now. He'd thank Fenris later.


Re: Who do you die for? - - open, Prompt. - beck. - 06-02-2018

    The war god was lucky that Beck had even chosen to keep a home for himself, although it was more of a storage unit than a home. The boy, skittish and wary as always, much preferred spaces where he wasn't enclosed, spaces where if danger revealed itself, he could flee without ending up cornered. A cornered animal might as well be a dead animal; a lesson he learned the hard way. But, everyone else had moved into the houses they all helped repair. Hesitant to exclude himself from the only company he had in years, Beck begrudgingly followed after, collecting his hoarded belongings and stuffing them into the only house that caught his eye. The decaying building was a shabby little thing, the furthest away from the heart of the evacuated town, and half-sunken into the boggy ground until only the roof and a couple of windows were properly above ground. Only the finest home he deserved. Plants had invaded every inch of russet brick and tile, breaking out glass panes and crumpling walls while at the same time being the only thing holding everything together. As much as Beck could recover from his hidden nooks around territory had been piled madly in every corner, creating a maze of stolen knick-knacks and meaningless treasures that only he could navigate. Tonight was one of the rare nights the poltergeist was hiding out in his little burrow, organizing his collection to an arbitrary order as an attempt to pass time faster.

    Even through his persistent wheezing that became much more prominent in silence, his ears twitched upwards at the soft sound of treading footsteps outside. Immediately he froze, halting his sorting with a book of matches in one paw and a shattered hand mirror in the other. After a moment of paranoid listening, the footsteps gave a heavier thud, as if dropping something, before retreating back into the night. His own luminous glare was his only source of light as he gingerly placed his cherished trinkets back in their respected places strewn on the dusty floor, creeping towards the only entrance in the entire dwelling: an ajar window with its framing splintered and panes punched out. Clambering up to the windowsill, he warily poked his head outside, teeth bared in preparation to bite into the certain attacker nearby. A frigid paw dared to step forward, outstretched claws connecting with wrapping paper rather than the familiar cool touch of mud.

    Recoiling backwards in shock, the grimy feline nearly lost his footing on the windowsill, tripping over himself out of instinct to get away. Once he regained his balance on the ledge, blurred vision discerned a brown little package in front of him, as well as a large crow not too far off. His scarred features contorted into confusion as the raven recited a note, one his poor eyesight failed to notice on the package. A furrowed brow darkening his otherwise glowing stare, he glanced down at the package -- gut and skin a deer? How was he supposed to gut anything with a present? His confusion wore off as realization dawned on him, ashen lips forming half of an "o". The poltergeist made quick work of the plain wrapping, claws slitting into the paper with expected ease before the bundled knife fell from its remains. Oh, killing things was much easier with a blade; albeit, he could have used the package to bludgeon instead if it was heavy enoug. Snatching it up from the ground, it took a bit of squinting and holding the handle close to his face in order for him to recognize the shape of an alligator. The smallest of smiles pulled up the corners of half his unscathed muzzle, for once morbidly genuine. F.G, huh? Unless he had a secret admirer, which was a bad decision for everyone involved, the initials belonged to Fenris himself, based on the knowledge that he was the only "f" member he knew of with a last name. He was always so formal; that was the lone thing about the other that rubbed Beck the wrong way. Beyond that, he would admit Fenris was tolerable, and coming from him, that was the highest compliment in his book. Plus, whatever species he was had a steady, loud heartbeat. He had grown attached to heartbeats, having been missing his for almost his entire existence.

    His grip had adapted long ago to a dagger readied to slash and hack in order to defend himself, the hunting knife wasn't far too different. Certainly nicer than the tarnished dagger he swiped from a dead guard's sheath. He ran his paw down the edge of it, tempted to test its sharpness right then and there, but he refrained. Instead, he dragged the side of the blade across his black-iron shackle as if to sharpen it, creating a horrid scraping sound yet leaving no mark on the hell-forged metal. Content with checking over its surprising quality, Beck sloppily re-wrapped the knife in the scraps of packaging and slipped back through the broken window, assumedly placing it among his most prized belongings before returning to shoo off the raven. He hesitated, tilting his head to peer at the strange corvid. It had to belong to Fenrisulfr himsel, right? Years of observing countless interactions taught him that people were expected to show gratitude after receiving something -- but he had never been given anything before. Always needing to take and steal. He didn't know how to say thank you.

    Numbly waving the raven away, Beck watched its blurred silhouette merge into the dark treeline, honey-brown eyes searching for it in vain as it grew further and further away. A fatigued sigh rattled in his chest, shoulders slumping as he returned his gaze to glaring at the ground. Giving a final twitch of his notched ear, the boy turned and retreated back into the decrepit house, allowing the night to continue dragging on as boredom once more overtook him.