Beasts of Beyond
Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - Printable Version

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Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - Byriath - 05-23-2022

With everything happening, you'd think someone would avoid Tanglewood's border until tensions fell. But he was the Ambassador to the swampy group, and he could not deny the responsibility. The handle of the basket was clenched in his teeth, the basket itself full of herbs and a few small treats from the Coalition. He made sure that every small detail was looked at, ensured that nothing was wrong with the deer jerky and berries that he had collected.

Stopping at the border, he stepped back and placed the basket down. "I know you swamp folk have every reason to be mad at us. But I make this notion out of good faith. To try and mend this bridge that has been burning for a long while." He called out, then sat down. He had no fear, for he was a strong beast, capable of taking down most. But he did not wish to fight. Simply to talk, try and make some friends out of the group.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - merlin - 05-24-2022

embrace my lungs -
The xenosmilus would not be alone for long, his voice enough of a summons to distract her from her aching path. The swamp would open its maw and reveal the pitiful cream tabby, fresh burns pricking and pulling at every stretch of muscle and sinew, bones already weary and aching so very deeply. yet, the border would not protect itself, it did not have the legs to patrol itself.

Tired golden eyes would fix on his familiar face, a voice sure to be familiar after a while spilling from burnt maw, "You're a sight for sore eyes, Byriath. I only hope that this bridge is mend-able. How goes things in the homeland? Any news?", talk was easy between familiar people, as if it was talk between old friends. How long had she known him? She knew who he was years ago. Was it so different now? Sitting down as a coughing fit wracked the Celt's miserable body, sniffling and raising her paw to rub her nose against the fur there.
- your breath i keep


Re: Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-25-2022

In truth, Corrupttimelines hated the Coalition.

They were nothing but a conniving group unworthy of discussion. He would never entertain their existence, let alone feel content with mending anything. They had just slain a long time member of Tanglewood, and now they wanted to be friendly? He could practically scoff in their face and spit at their feet. Had Merlin not been there, he just might.

With burning yellow hues, he trudged closer and peered at Byraith bitterly. His nose upturned and he sat down. Firefly was lucky he wasn’t leading right now, he’d send them off without a care.
code by spacexual

Re: Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - Byriath - 05-25-2022

"Good day, Merlin." He mused, a smile hinting at his face. New forms always happened, and he simply assumed that Merlin would be the only one willing to approach with kindness in her heart. Though he did not stand up, he leaned forward as she questioned. "Gods, I hope so. My group is filled with the Unruly. I hope that soon, their thirst for violence will fade." Or he would have to force it. Become what he so desperately fights to keep at bay.

"Aside from the usual stupidity among fools, there is little to report. However..." He paused as she coughed, and though he spared a glance to Cory -- forgetting his name in the process, but not willing to ask just yet, then resumed. "I, myself, bring a gift to you and your group. Herbs from the greenhouse and treats I gathered and made myself. No other had a hand in making or gathering these."

Finally he stood, but only to hook the basket's handle around his paw and limp over to hand it to Merlin. Giving Cory another glance, he placed the Basket on the other side of the border before stepping back. "How is your leader, by the way? I haven't seen her at the recent monthly meeting." He questioned, fully expecting Cory to butt in and get rude.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-29-2022

As the stranger offered herbs, he simply squinted at them. Corrupttimelines grew his own herb supply for the clan, they didn’t need this. As much as he wanted to shoo them ambassador away, he narrowly refrained. Clan relations were important, but he couldn’t stand this person. Not after what their people did.

Then, as he asked about Firefly, he felt his heart begin to thump. Anger rose in his body, but he remained perfectly still and calm. “She is unwell.
code by spacexual

Re: Settled my scores / COTC Ambassador Visit - merlin - 05-31-2022

  embrace my lungs -
casting a glance to cory as he joined her, all too familiar the rage in his eyes. she couldn't blame him. out of everyone, she was the one who had the most right to be furious, as she'd once been captured on the brink of death by a temporary Coalitioner. Jormungand. How badly she wanted a rematch against the dark wretch who had almost killed her. Though she wasn't one not to blame for it, she'd been a drunken fool back then. Lowering her paw now, tiredness sparkling behind bright eyes, looking to him with as much of a warm smile as she could muster. Kindness in her heart or not, there were innocents in the other group even with the murderers among them. She couldn't so easily say 'fuck them all', not when she'd seen the children herself.

moving to take the basket as politely as possible, blinking down at the herbs and snacks with a bit of surprise. part of her may have been greedy when she spotted the chamomile and peppermint leaves; she could make a tea with those. she'd been lazy as of late with her own plants, she really had to regain her green-thumb. "I thank you for your efforts, Byriath. I would give you something back in turn, but I fear I'm too weary to make the trip home and back again to the border. Please give my regards to Romulus and Plexus.", at the question about Firefly, she would turn her head to Cory. It was no secret that the tom was close to the Luminary and such closeness had spawned rumors around camp. He would know how to answer the question, whether it be polite or curt. Nodding as he said his piece, "We are doing our best to look after her, please don't worry too much, Byriath. We have a skilled Medical Reaper and others with enough medical knowledge to look after themselves.", she was soon interrupted by another coughing fit, her ears laying flat as her skin prickled uncomfortably. Was she imagining any tension here and now?
- your breath i keep 
