Beasts of Beyond
We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - Printable Version

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We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - GAWAIN - 05-17-2022

Black paws sunk into the soggy earth as the armored tiger staggered past the border. His armor, chipped and dented, weighed heavily for the first time in years, and his sword dragged a line in the earth.

Every time he stood still, his legs swayed as though he was still on that blasts boat. Gawain knew he was the one who suggested the knights depart from their old home, but now he was reconsidering it. He snarled under the helmet, said helmet depicting a dragon's head.

With a woeful chuff he planted his hindquarters down on the earth, breathing heavily. The mottled sunlight highlighted every imperfection and dent that armor had, every piece of scratched paint and scuffed armor.

Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - merlin - 05-17-2022

⛥ there's talk going 'round this town ⛥

perhaps it was some kind of fate that led to the lioness wandering the territory, lost in her thoughts and embittered by recent loss. perhaps it was a fate that led her towards a scent she couldn't quite catch, to a man she knew better than any other friend she'd had before. then, it must have been fate that she would find him settling his weary body like a warrior returned from war. what was it then, that caused her heart to leap into her throat when she spotted the draconic likeness that was upon his helm? was it a sense of longing, a sense of kindship? or was it maybe the sense of loneliness that had choked her since she had returned, beginning to lift?

her paws caught on a root as she stared at gawain without a word from the tree-line, a pendant long ago given to her nestled in the fur around her neck, wings rustling against her back and fur as she stared without words for the longest time, paws slowly bringing her forward. was it really the knight captain? was ... was she being too hopeful? the dragon knight's armor was the same as she remembered, even if more beat and worn than months before. "i had better hope you didn't steal that armor.", was the only thing she could think of, eyes glancing over the dark pelt, her jaw trembling as she looked at each scar. was this some fucked up dream? she couldn't look at his face. "the one who owns it would have thrashed you day and night for it." her voice choked in her throat as she took in his condition without looking at his face.

would his face be an empty void like the one who haunted her dreams when she couldn't sleep? shaking her head, exhaling softly. he was exhausted and judging on his breathing, in dire need of something to slack his thirst. turning, she shrugged out of the canteen strapped to herself and passed it in his direction, "can't let a wanderer burn up out here,", her nose was twitching, taking in his scent. she couldn't stop the stupid smile that crossed her muzzle, "knight who could be the dark side of the sun.", she murmured as she finally looked at his face. gods help her, she didn't know what to do with herself in this moment.

Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - GAWAIN - 05-17-2022

Her voice urged him to look up, red eyes seeking her. His helmet shifted, and he was quiet in disbelief. Was it really Merlin? How long had it been? As she got closer, Gawain watched eagerly. "As if anyone could steal this armor." He rumbled, a half-hearted chuckle leaving him. His eyes stared at the pendant, something he had actually stolen to give to that woman. "They'd have to pry it off me when I sleep."

He took the canteen, a gentle smile across his face. Reaching a paw under his helmet, he lifted it and let it fall away, hitting the ground with a soft thud. His face was square, strong, and chiseled, yet his smile and eyes were soft. He looked beyond tired, like he had wrestled with death. Gawain popped open the canteen and pressed it up to his lips to drink. It was a wonderful feeling, to satiate his thirst. After a swig, he lowered the canteen and grinned cheekily. "That's Sir Gawain Aushire to you, lady." But his heart thumped heavily, a sense of mourning in him. If Merlin was here, then where were the other knights?


Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - merlin - 05-17-2022

embrace my lungs -
oh gods send her a chariot now, she had missed hearing his voice so dearly. blinking quickly a few times, the woman struggled to regain her composure as she was treated to the sight of the man she had befriended. she couldn't help the quick twitching of her lips as they wrangled into a broad smile, laughter bubbling up and past her lips. when was it last that she had laughed? or rather, had laughed so genuinely? she couldn't stop the smile as she gazed at gawain, simply taking her time to acknowledge that her knight captain was there before her.

"and that would be lady elizabeth gwynne to you, ser gawain aushire.", she smiled, barely suppressing herself from stepping forward and touching her nose to his shoulder. she had missed that gentle smile and the warm eyes he had for his knights and his knights alone. she was an honorary member of his order, but that didn't mean she was any less of a knight. taking a breath, inhaling his scent as she gave in and stepped close, attempting to nuzzle his shoulder with her head in warm greeting. there was something calming and reassuring about being close to him, that made all the wrongs feel a little less scary, even if everything still felt so wrong and bad. but there was a small amount of peace obtained there, knowing that someone she knew was there.

the other knights ... she didn't know what had become of them, but she was glad that gawain at least was here. "ah. are you doing well, ser?", she murmured gently with a soft huff of breath, "it's ... it's been a while. i didn't think that i'd see you again.", she was quiet, her voice gentle. "what brings you this way? are ... are you going to stay here maybe?"
- your breath i keep


Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-25-2022

The feline had been nearby, absentmindedly catching wind of the conversation. So, there was a new person here with a strange name? They’d have fun getting Cory to remember it, he could barely remember the names of those who already lives here. Regardless, he figured it would be a good idea for him to greet them. Trudging closer, the domestic cat would cock a metaphorical brow, and wave. “I see you know one another?” he said mainly to Merlin, considering this person they spoke to was no more than a stranger to him.
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Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - merlin - 05-31-2022

embrace my lungs -
swiveling as she heard a voice, a smile spreading across her maw. cory. a familiar face by now. a soft breath left her lungs, coughing faintly to clear it, nodding, "Mhn. This is Sir Gawain, the Captain of the Knights that I was so lucky to come across when I was separated from my traveling partners, long before my return home here. He is someone that I trust with my life and soul, he's no threat to us. Frankly, he's a bit too weak to be a threat to even a doormouse.", she couldn't help the small chuckle at her words. he must have been out looking for the other knights, she didn't know what had happened to them all after she'd left to return home and take care of the promises that she'd come to have made.

//short sorry!
- your breath i keep


Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - GAWAIN - 05-31-2022

we must away, ere break of day
"I'm alive. That's all I can ask for at the moment." He rumbled, a sense of security coming with the head bump. And he missed it more and more that he was without it. "Didn't think I'd run into you, Merlin, our Unicorn Knight." He grinned, though pain echoed in his eyes. "I'll stay, hopefully I'll figure out where the others went."

And he turned his head toward Cory, dipping his head down to greet. "A pleasure to meet you, lad." He rumbled, then attempted to step on Merlin's paw. "I'm just thirsty is all. Thirsty and very sore." But the way he started to wince at the occasional breath told otherwise.

Re: We are all so tired / Visit+Temporary stay - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 06-02-2022

Having taken in the information, Corrupttimelines simply nodded. If Merlin could vouch, who was he to turn them away? Glancing towards the stranger, he dipped his head. “We can fix that. Come in.
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