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scarlet rot | open; blooding - Printable Version

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scarlet rot | open; blooding - rhosmari - 05-08-2022

There were rites and passages that each group may have. None he found important but if deemed necessary for trial and error or the puppeteered means of friendship then he would proceed. So it was here that he learned of theirs. They figured it was something they held dear to their hearts. Such folly. The Blooding. It proved little to nothing in the scheme of the world, it could always be broken. Ver eyes seemed to jump and shift along in vere skull as they contemplated all of this. Life was not the same as it had once been and they guessed that they would proceed as such. Nights of Solitude. To spend time out in the desert alone and unbidden to anyone. He had been alone for so long now and this would not be any different. Coming from the home vey had picked out vey lifted vere head in greeting of the bright morning. Setting off early was the best recourse and they wouldn't have to be bothered with too many pleasantries. So soon the skull headed beast was gone and making his way through the jungle.

Days passed and became muddied. The desert heat unfelt as the creature sat so still on top of a dune he had found perhaps four days ago. Yes, he had not moved form this spot for some time, staring forward as if something would come over the horizon. Present itself to vem like a beacon. Yet soon there was a twitch, neck muscles rippling, orbs shuddering before that thick scorpion carapace tail slid across the ground. A tongue dragged at thick teeth before they finally moved. Food was necessary for some but not for them. Not as often. His large build was sustainable by his own means. Moving large paws they jerked and shook out their body and finally a breath was drawn in. He needed to get back to the jungle soon. Back to the Pitt. But first, first vey needed to come back with spoils. Something that pertained to them completing this unnecessary task. Calmly the tiger like creation walked along the dune before slipping down the other side and into the shadows. He would find something. Today or tomorrow. They would complete this task.

Night had fallen and the desert had grown cold and unyielding. Bones cracked and broke between teeth before being swallowed down. Marrow pulled from the remains by a slithering tongue that oozed saliva. They were patient enough to wait having spotted something worth their time. A massive deer like creature who glowed during the night, appearing across the sands. Vey were interested in it. Wanted it. The glowing horns would make a decent prize. So they had watched them from afar before it was time. Stepping from where he laid he shook sand from his large build and started a trek across the moonless sands. Stalking the dancing prey that drifted not too far off. The glow was alluring and vey would have it for vere own. As they crept closer and closer the beast felt his tail rattle in anticipation. The large stag did not know he was there till it was much too late. Their tail struck out, piercing the flesh quick and dealing the poison that would immobilize and there vey sat and waited. Waited. Listening to the bleating screams of pain as it thrashed and kicked.

His claws lifted, feeling no need to end suffering to make it worse as he carved the thick and glowing antlers from skull. Watching blood like paint slide along the stag's face. Pain too much, it finally expired as he cracked them off from the head. "I...owe them nothing. I owe myself everything." Voice like wasting ash left his gumless mouth before he gathered up those horns and the body to bring back with him. Done. He was done with this and now they would return on the eve of the week. It was time to go back to where he wanted to be.

As sunlight filtered on the returning day the monster emerged into the jungle. The massive now hornless stag was on their back, a tribute to his Blooding. The bright blue glowing horns were wrapped and would remain so. They were their prize and he would use them for something. Stepping into the place with a rapping of metal capped claws the rattle of his carapace tail echoed before he shook the body from his back. "I have returned from my Blooding."

Re: scarlet rot | open; blooding - SirDio - 05-08-2022

Pink belly scales dragged along the sands as the pink-toned anaconda moved toward the bone-faced beast, black tongue flicking. "Nice job, handsome." To be honest, she didn't really know Brymstone. But still the anaconda coiled up and inspected the kill with her nose. "I need to get my blooding done." She hissed, mostly to herself.

Re: scarlet rot | open; blooding - VALE - 05-11-2022

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
Flying in slow circles above the Pittians, Vale said nothing, not even a caw. Uncharacteristic for the ardent. But Brymstone’s presence in the Pitt brought back memories ve’d considered almost-resolved, and the realization none of those feelings had vanished. Time did not heal the way everyone lied wished it would.

“Congratulations! You are now a Pittian in full, Brymstone!” Vale cawed, sticking to ‘the script’ as much as ve had a script for these bloodings. “And, haha, let’s hope you’ve inspired our resident snek!”