Beasts of Beyond
why bother, why care | open; taking up residence - Printable Version

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why bother, why care | open; taking up residence - rhosmari - 05-08-2022

Another lifetime. Same as the first. Shackled and accused. Berated and beaten for looking like a foul nightmare. Nothing he could not handle. Nothing he could not tear through with his own will. Traveling had did nothing for him but make him understand that gripping those in the iron shackles of fear made them not so bold. Not so quick to lash out at him and so he had chosen to use that as a means of retaliation on their hearts and minds. Maybe that made him unsound but he felt safer knowing that he was the fear that kept them up at night. Now he had left to begin again. Had come back to a land that he had once thought as great even without his own people in it. The skulled creature wished he could frown at the quiet air that the desert brought. The dryness resting on his tongue as he licked along the jaw bones of his mouth. Those hollow orbs glanced around as he took in a deep breath only to step forward in the sands.

He was not one to communicate anymore rather he was staying or going. He was here. He would be here till he decided he was going to leave. What else was there. Still he guessed that this place still held some vague memory. Once upon a time he had come here to join. To be with vem. Had taken over Tanglewood for vem and that same pain pulsed at their heart. Was it the same? Perhaps and in time he would come to understand it again. But the monster was keen on getting rest. A tongue fell from bones and slipped along the bleached white of cheekbones as he continued his trek across the sands. The jungle he knew was close by and when it was in sight the tiger slipped into the lush fronds. Curling his skeletal scorpion tail it twisted and rattled, heralding his coming.

Now all he needed was to find a place to stay. To rest. To think less. To recuperate.