Beasts of Beyond
an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Printable Version

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an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - merlin - 05-04-2022

⛥ there's talk going 'round this town ⛥

Bunching of muscles under fur ruffled by the wind, glowing eyes of determination belying the lioness pushing through the greenery within the cold territory. It hadn't been that long since her last visit to this land, and this time the visit was made with more serious intent. The time she'd spent in these lands was pleasant, getting to know the locals and the culture they came from. Perhaps that's why she had offered herself as an Ambassador a moon or so ago. The Coalition wasn't the same as it was so many years ago, work had gone into fixing the group's image and bonds with other groups. She'd seen the results of it, in the end.

Peace never seemed to last for long within the Beyond. Be it rogues, loners, in-fighting or stupidity. It never lasted long enough to make a grand difference. The breaking of peace is what brought her to the border now, breath misting around her muzzle and bowing her whiskers. Spring was coming, and with it, changes. Lungs heaving and exhaling, pausing until she caught her breath from the trek, taking in the scents of the Coalition, searching for the path that she had followed of Agrimony and Inferno.

Talon like claws peeked from her paws, scratching at the ground, marking a path for herself if only to remind herself of where she was. The flora and fauna of the Coalition were strange and twisted, but she knew the inhabitants. In fact, there was one she sought out. She remembered him, they'd met a few times when she had stayed here to recover and when she had come to visit to announce her return. Taking a breath, weighing her options, the scent of blood strong in her nose and the fresh image of Ximen's corpse in her mind's eye. Finally, the lioness spread her jaws and took a deep breath, releasing a chest-shaking roar to announce her arrival on the border.

She had previously expressed to those from Tanglewood who had discovered the body, that if they were to follow after her, they had to behave to a degree. Bloodshed would not be permitted this visit, she would not allow her group members to fall into the rage of revenge yet. This visit was to bring forth the crime and make it known to all of the Coalition. Those who had murdered Ximen deserved the judgement she knew they would be given, by the few she felt she could trust here.

Listening to the echo of her roar shaking out over the territory, dual colored eyes sweeping over the greenery. She knew that her call would summon someone. She began to walk the border, stretching out the aching muscles as she waited for the arrival of someone, calling out into the Coalition's territory, "Someone find Byriath, Plexus or Romulus! I come here on official and dire business from Tanglewood!", she would wait now, until someone came forth. She was furious over the murder, but she would not take it out on the innocent members of the Coalition, they were not the ones who had committed murder.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Byriath - 05-04-2022

In the end, the Coalition would not be peaceful until examples were made. His head lifted to the sound of the roar, and he roared back, already in the direction of the border. The xenosmilus started walking, ans upon sighting Merlin, he let his anger soften. "I wish this visit was just that - a visit. But I have a very distinct idea of why you're here." he rumbled, dipping his head toward her. Merlin was a familiar face, someone he could talk civily to.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Kiara Kokytos - 05-04-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

despite being told not to really react and make any moves she still came with merlin to see how this whole thing would play out. the other seemed furious and kiara knew exactly why. she remembered merlin's return without her wings - would something like that happen, again? would tanglewood and the coalition go to war?

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 05-04-2022

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: the roar summoned her and she padded over hurriedly. whoever made the roar sounded really angry. they demanded to see romulus or byriath or plexus, and the female frowned. plexus? why did the female need the healer? did something happen? merlin smelt of something unfamiliar, a scent she didn't recognise.

tags - penned by [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member]
template by orion

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - merlin - 05-04-2022

⛥ there's talk going 'round this town ⛥

Gaze falling upon a familiar face, the one that she had arrived to seek out. A quiet breath fell from her maw, ears swiveling back as she sighed, a reserved expression reading across her face, "I do wish that it was merely a visit, and without bad news.", the lioness spoke gently, dipping her head in return to the xenosmilus, eyes drifting over the smaller feline that had approached at her summons. A soft quirk of her lips to see life flourishing in the Coalition before shaking her head, "I take it that your idea probably is the same as mine. I come to demand justice for one of our own. I know you do not have the standing you once did, my friend. But someone must hear of this.", her ears twitched as she cast her gaze back over her shoulder to where Kiara stood.

"I bring news of a horrendous departure. A vicious and violent one.", once more before her eyes appeared the mangled and destroyed body of Ximen. Swallowing for a moment, having seen a different pelt in that memory. Fur ruffling along her shoulders, blinking as she turned back to Byriath and Skádi, "It is not news to be delivered to young ears, I'm afraid. I must speak with someone of a high position here, or I will entrust you to be my middle man, Byriath. You have my trust.", she knew that he would do something about this if she could not reach Romulus or Plexus herself. She wanted this to be resolved in somd fashion before she returned to her groupmates for the funeral of Ximen.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 05-04-2022

A swift inhale and they had been off, a band of less than merry Tanglewood members on their way here. The place reeked of unfamiliarity, and Corrupttimelines couldn’t help but feel a bubbling in his chest. He did not know the one killed well, but he understood how awful it was to lose someone. He had lost many. This was unacceptable, especially coming from a group they were supposed to carry a mutual respect towards. How could they, in good faith, offer anything more than a twisted, deep seated hatred for this conniving group after they had heartlessly swept a life away from them? Just as Corrupttimelines had done many times before. It appalled him, and he wondered if this place was worth the air they breathed.

The domestic feline felt inferior in this form, and as such would be sure to be on his best behavior. Starting a fight when he was restrained by the size of his form wasn’t smart. Besides, Corrupttimelines believed war was unnecessary. He didn’t want bloodshed, he wanted justice. Even if that justice meant he had to slaughter them all. 
code by spacexual

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Plexus - 05-05-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
A deafening roar thundered on the Norwegian Forest's ears, said ears ringing, he heard the yell for him or Romulus (but he's more than willing to try and smooth things over until Romulus arrived, he's still not great at the whole speaking thing). With a hefty sigh, Plexus bundled up a medkit across his waist just in case any fighting broke out, he knew it was unlikely, but he was anxious as he started at a swift gallop to the Tanglewood patrol (he gave himself a swift pep-talk as he jumped over logs and dodged roots, he knew he'd need to talk clearly and carefully, he only hoped he could).

Slowly as he approached, plague doctor mask still in place with the yellow and orange paint lightly chipped from the Solstice celebration, Plexus deeply bowed to each individual on the patrol, "Greetings. I worry this is not a friendly visit, now is it?" The male gave a sardonic grin, but realized no one could see it, shaking his coat he carefully, starting once again, "I can fill in until Romulus arrives, or if absolutely needed, make a decision." Sitting down, he curled his feathery tail around his paws and inclined his head for the lioness to begin, a single ear twitching in greeting to Byriath.

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - Byriath - 05-05-2022

A strained sigh left him, eyes glancing toward everyone arriving at the scene: Skadi, Kiara, Cory, Plexus. Some he knew, some he didn't. Too many people. Two people he didn't know. One he didn't entirely trust with something like this. A child. "Merlin is right. Skadi, go home." He rumbled, refusing to look to the child, lest he give her an unnecessary death stare.

His lips lifted in a soft snarl at Merlin's words. Byriath didn't acknowledge Plexus' words or arrival at all, as though he was focusing on the words being spoken, piecing together his thoughts. No, he didn't trust Plexus to be able to go through with a worthy punishment. From his knowledge, Plexus hadn't been there to witness Jormungand's punishment, exile and all that jazz. "I do hope the perpetrators show their faces. They seemed quite pleased with their feats." he seethed, careful not to let his anger leak into the minds of others, careful to not make their thoughts fuzzy.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 05-05-2022

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: she hadn't been expecting this kind of seriousness, but whoever this newcomer was she seemed familiar with the coalition. byriath almost snarled at her and she blinked her large eyes in shock, wondering what the fuss seemed to be. but hey, if it was time for the grownups to talk, she would leave on her own accord. turning tail with a small sigh she left as silently as she had arrived.

tags - penned by [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member]
template by orion

Re: an eye for an eye 乂 Tanglewood - merlin - 05-17-2022

embrace my lungs -
quiet was the air as she gathered her composure, the words forming in her mind before she spoke them, picking through choice words. she had hoped she would never have to do something like this, much like she was sure elsweyr had once wished she hadn't have to make the trip to demand punishment for the crime done to her old body. taking a deep breath, the lioness curled her tail as she took note of her companions and those of the coalition, noting skadi's departure. exhaling now, opening her eyes and looking to byriath and plexus, offering an ear flick in subdued greeting to the guru.

"it is far from a friendly visit. i am here today to inform the coalition of the murderers they host within their ranks. today, we came across the vicious murder of ximen, done by two of the members of the coalition. i do not know their faces, i do not believe i came across them in my time spent with the coalition. i believe them to be a male and a female. i take it that you have a good idea upon their identities, Byriath?", she spoke in a calm tone, the fire in her eyes appearing once again. "as it was done to me once before, i now come to demand justice. not for myself, but for the murdered and his family." she murmured as she looked to Byr and plexus once again, calmness on her face despite the anger in her eyes.

"tanglewood does not want war, but we want the perpetrators punished, i will do it myself or offer it to the affected, if given the chance. i do apologize, but i will not be leaving until a proper punishment has been decided upon."
- your breath i keep
