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[font=georgia][size=11pt]    "God dammit!" He sunk, only his nose and an eye visible in the snow. Nosferatu was, to say the least, not like most 'warriors' these days. The demon was short, lithe at that. He did not have stumpy legs, no, and was not a dwarf or munchkin. Nos was, at most, just short. In crowds he had to hop up and down or wiggle his way up front to see. May looks never fool you. What he lacked in high did he make up for in spirit. Nosferatu was a good fighter. 'Fighter' was, perhaps, not the best word chosen. He had a never ending amount of endurance, thus he mainly exhausted out his opponent rather than getting a one-hit K.O. Height was not his advantage. The deep snow here was not to be taken lightly for a male of his stature.
      Here he was, one moment walking across the eye-blinding snow. The next, it ate him whole. Unable to touch the hard ground below, the demon merely wiggled about, trying to get his bearings. All while cussing up a storm, mind you. Perhaps he should have chosen a home that did not have so much snow. Ever since he moved away from the clan lands, he had seemingly lost all of his powers. Every single one of them. He was as helpless as newborn chick at this point. Pathetic, really. Once he use to be 'feared' - No, wrong term to use. He use to be able to put up some a fight, mainly by dodging everything so he wouldn't screw up his face. Now, this little chick was going to die by snow. Listen close enough, you could probably hear its last peeps. 'Cheep, cheep.'
    Yeah, if it were only that easy. Nos had been cursed with eternal life. It was a struggle. Maybe since he lost all his powers he had broken the curse? He really did not want to find out now. He had a big family-sized bag of Doritos waiting for him back home. Cue the sequel: The little chick rises again. If only thrashing about solved all our problems. Unlike our lives, thrashing about like a rabid squirrel seemed to solve this little man's problems, at least for now. Nosferatu felt the snow around him loosen up and the pressure from his chest roll off. "Oh hell yeah!" How very talented he was. 'Talented'. Rolling out his snow pocket, he sprung to his feet. Spryly and carefully did the black feline begin to shuffle towards stable ground. Camp was only a few feet away.
    By the time dusk settled in for the night, the little demon finally made his way back towards his home. Dramatically collapsing outside, he emitted an obnoxious sound of relief. Only a few paces to go before he got those Doritos. Was it all worth it? Fuck yeah. Worn out, he flipped over on his back, a single green eye peering out at any passerby. "Anyone wanna get me a bag of Doritos? I spent all day fighting a yeti. Ya boy's tired."

Re: FORTHCOMING'S - OPEN, INTRODUCTION - Luciferr - 05-23-2018

Hymn of Ruin
/Luci the whole of this week just: wow everyone I once knew keeps popping up, what even

"Sadly we're experiencing problems at the moment, so that particular food variety might be hard to come by - well unless we rob the next human group to come snooping around" a dark voice answered the much smaller demon as a familiar dark frame came into view - neck bent to peer down at Nos, one malovelant red and one silverine white peering at the familiar stranger.

"I take it you made it all this way to join?" after all why ask for food straight after - well unless you had no manners and expected things of a completely foreign group, hm.

/short bc I gotta babysit


Re: FORTHCOMING'S - OPEN, INTRODUCTION - quinn - 05-23-2018

Another new friend? How lucky Quinn felt! They made their way over gleefully, practically skipping.

In fact, they were skipping, at the exact moment. They came upon the scene with a goofy smile and a glowing face.

"Hellooo! how're'ya doin? M'Quinn." they spoke, rather a bit too loudly, directly at this new friend of theirs.

[glow=#f4d35e,1,000]strangely, I feel at home in this place[/glow]



[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color:#212121"]♠ Hisoka was next to approach. The kitsune mildly curious as to what would catch the leviathan-sized dragon's attention. Merely following suet, really. He wouldn't be really bothering with the border much anyway otherwise. But seeing tall dark and gruesome on the edge of his sights he just and to have a look see.

To say he only had eyes for Lucifer was wrong. Now hisoka practiced very acute self awareness without much need for actually looking. Looking and being able to gauge someone's power and their potential with just a look. The one they initially were nearing towards wasn't much interesting. The black feline seemed powerless, but sparks. Flashes of potential seemed to seep into his gaze. Watching him struggle and write under the snow was interesting though. Amusing. A cruel smirk settled on his expression as he didn't bother to offer to help him as the kitsune watched the other one spring from the undersnow. Secretly relieved. It would be a dreadfully boring way to die, and on his first day back too. Just bad luck really.

The large dragon spoke. The runes on his expression flickering in amusement catching the kitsune's scrutiny. Nothing he had seen before, at least not yet. But his words caught the hunter's interests. humans? Well, that would explain... just about everything he had been wondnering since he came back actually. Humans were fickle little creatures.

No he had a public image to maintain. The mythical beast looked down on the short demon with fading wry amusement. "A yeti you say? You don't seem injured, or bloody for that matter." Because of course, hisoka was not a liar, and he rather despised the babbles of liars. He gave a sniff in the air. Narrow muzzle opening for a moment as if to taste the non resistant tang. Well, it was a pity that the grimm got here first then. Was it not? Maybe he could've stated his dissapointment. But alas, he did know better than to kill a clanmate.

In front of witnesses at least.♦

//aa don't mind my son! Welcome! ★^^♦

qualities of gum and rubber - ♥ // TAGS 「5/23」:


There were plenty different types of food that Killua has encountered in his life. Which wasn't saying much considering that he was still just an apprentice still. The wildcat wasn't really a fond of eating most different types of meat at least. With the way that he had been raised, he had been forced to ingest different chemicals and poisons orally. Meaning that there was bound to be some form of damage that his mouth would permanently have to deal with for the rest of his life. His mouth was lined with several different layers of scar tissue, although the flesh around his cheeks was less scared than they were before thanks to the regenerative powers of the flesh in that area. However, his tongue was probably beyond repair as he suffered extensive nerve damage from the constant trauma that he was put through when he was younger. Not all of his taste buds ended up forming back again, and that meant he was limited to certain different tastes and flavors. Killua couldn't taste anything if he was to eat a prey animal that he caught himself or simply conjured up. Instead, eating a mouse was the same equivalent to eating cardboard when it came to flavor. What was the point of eating if he wasn't going to end up enjoying it? Seemed like a waste of time to him, so he decided that eating food that had strong flavors would be the best option for him. Killua was only capable of tasting foods that were either incredibly sweet, sour, or spicy. There were no in-betweens as it took a lot of flavors for it to even register to his brain, hence the reason why the wildcat was constantly eating candy everywhere he went. This wasn't a healthy diet for the likes of an albino serval though, and instead, it was incredibly healthy. It was amazing that he hadn't passed out from exhaustion from just walking around the territory when he did. He would only eat some meat every other day instead of every day like he should be doing. The wildcat had no intention of fixing his eating schedule because no one else knew about it. He wasn't a regular serval in which his fur was short so anyone would be able to see the condition that he was in. Killua's fur actually reaching to fairly long lengths, making it practically impossible to see the current condition his body was in.

It also helped that his long fur helped to hide the scars that lined the majority of his body, all of the scars that he received were from his family. When he came to Snowbound though, the last thing the assassin was expecting was the different varieties of food that they would have. Normally most animals weren't capable of eating the likes of chocolate without getting incredibly sick. Chocolate being the favorite type of candy that Killua could get his paws on. Which was easy for him considering that he could conjure up anything that he wanted. The albino serval certainly didn't expect hot chocolate to be one of the staple things that the Snowbounders seemed to enjoy it. Killua wasn't going to get sick from the likes of chocolate thanks to his body high tolerance to practically everything that he ate. And everyone here ate it like it was going out of style, although he didn't see everyone eating it as of late so that was nice. He wondered why those in Snowbound were capable of eating chocolate in such large amounts but finally realized that it would just be a waste of time for him to find the answer. Human food was extremely common for the assassin, to the point that even his adopted sister had made him pastries based on his request. She had basically been the one to introduce him to said pastries, and he couldn't thank her enough. She was in Snowbound, he knew she was, she just wasn't around anymore. It wasn't like he could hold a conversation with her anyway on the factor that she was a robot that was only capable of speaking in different beeps. Either way, Killua knew what Doritos were, having tried different types of chips when he was younger, but he didn't expect anyone else near the clans to actually know what they were. In fact, his mind wasn't currently on the aspect of food, but instead on a certain someone. Hisoka. He didn't trust the kitsune in the slightest and would have much rather have the mythical creature disappear. Did no one else feel the bloodlust that was completely emanating off of the guy? Obviously not because if they did everyone would have immediately avoided him when they figured out his intent. Part of Killua felt like he knew the guy from somewhere, unless that wasn't even an emotion he was feeling but whoever was inside of his head. He was keeping track of the kitsune since the other's return. It was annoying work, and the other pissed him off to no end but he doubted that others would be willing to listen to what he said about the kitsune.

He was going to have to do everything himself, which seemed to be everything when it came to violence in the clan. Was he even strong enough to take on the kitsune if the other tried to attack someone? Killua wasn't even sure, and he was one of the more stronger creatures that lived in Snowbound. But now that Hisoka was back, the other easily took his spot. Lucifer was here though, and he hoped that the dragon would be able to take on the kitsune when the time came because it was bound to happen. The guy was basically a ticking time bomb at this point. It was impossible for the albino serval to remain silent though with Mike following behind him. The guard dog that was around 11ft tall, and technically wasn't a dog at all. Mike being that of a Hellhound that was created in the territory that belonged to his family and wasn't capable of speech or even having emotions. The large purple hued beast was basically a machine that was only there to do one job, and he did it right. Killua didn't really have to worry about protecting himself while Mike was around anyway, but even with the Hellhound, he wasn't sure if it would be enough to keep Hisoka at bay if he became his target. Flicking one of his white ears, Killua came after Hisoka had made his presence known, being his usual self from the looks of it. Killua could basically feel the killers instinct, and hade made sure to move away from Hisoka and move to the right of domestic cat that was laying down on the ground. The air elementals that he had made it impossible to catch his scent, and almost making it impossible to hear his movements as they muffled each movement that he made. Who was this guy? Killua had no idea as he had never seen it before. Killua would let out a snort at the other's comment about the Yeti. Now that would be interesting to see, but he doubted the likes of a domestic cat would be capable of taking the likes of a yeti on. Unless the domestic at had powers of course, which Killua would have to be mindful of. The Snowstriker sat himself down, with the 11ft tall Hellhound hovering directly behind him, its dark-hued eyes carefully watching the other. "Yeti huh? I doubt that would ever happen. Who are you?" The younger male stated bluntly. It wasn't uncommon for Snowbounders to walk around during the night, especially himself. His species was somewhat nocturnal, and most animals that lived in Snowbound were indeed the same.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
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Tags | Updated 03/26/17: