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HEATHER • open, drinking - Printable Version

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HEATHER • open, drinking - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-28-2022

Perhaps it was a problem.

Feeling the sickeningly butter liquid slither down his throat, creeping it’s way through his digestive tract. Sure, perhaps he had a dilemma. When he’d rather inhale the toxic aroma of bitter, unforgiving liquid than smell the sweetness of morning dew scattered amongst the land. A good morning call was no longer of birds, but if estranged alcohol with no labels and no explanation on how the massive entity could’ve even obtained it. It was his comfort. As demented as that may have been, it was.

Deep in the pits of the marshland sat the scaly creature, rasping his claws around the neck of a bottle. Another swig followed, and then a content smile. After doingthis so long, it was hard for the effects to manifest no matter how much of the liquid trickled into his belly. That meant if he wanted to feel more, he needed to drink more. Needing more to feel the dizzying, liberating effects made the amnesiac drink a bit less. After all, tolerance was a bitch.

Anyone care to partake with me?” inquired the male, raising a bottle into the sky. He was doubtful anyone would know he was there, truthfully, but he didn’t mind sharing.
code by spacexual

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - wifewoof - 03-29-2022

BALEFIRE - male - feline - tags - tanglewood
[Image: dark-souls-bonfire.gif]
Balefire had been ambling by to explore more of the territory, and from hearing Corrupttimelines declaration, his own flask of alcohol taunted him. Flaunting it's honey scent from distilled honey ale, he knew he was imagining it from how the cork was still in place. A heavy swallow of saliva, mouth watering at even the possibility of drinking, made the white Turkish Angora carefully make his way down to the large wyvern.

"Greetings." Bale raised his voice as he was a bit away, "Mind if I join?" A sardonic grin on his face as he plopped down next to the wyvern and pulled his own flask from his sword belt and took a deep swig. A honeyed sigh left the feline and his different colored eyes dilated a bit as he relaxed, "Nothing quite like it, yeah?"

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - SOJOURN - 03-30-2022

Since being here and learning of the ways of these creative people within the swamps he was finding hid own path. This path that did not include what he was perceiving before him right now. The smell of alcohol was not a welcomed one and even though he did sometimes indulge in it. It was sparse at that. Not something he saw in him that was necessary and too much was required for him to feel anything. Alcohol poisoning was not something he wished to deal with either so he looked at the both of them with a small measure of disdain and a want to perhaps slow Cory down. He had not seen this dragon without alcohol when he was on his own. It was troubling to say the least.

"Maybe you should slow down, Cory. Alcohol can be nice...but it can also be a crutch, dear." The angelic lion spoke evenly but with concern as he settled down with them. A small smile was given to Balefire then though he had no intention of joining them in their drinking.

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-31-2022

The large cranium swung to the side, observing the one he had met at the border. A ginger smile crossed his scaled lips as he shifted the weight of a bottle closer, observing the feline’s movements. He wasn’t expecting to see a flask, but was pleasantly surprised regardless. It was odd, truly, how the wyvern couldn’t remember a time when he had seen one with his own eyes. They were a thing of the past, for many seemed to prefer his method of consumption instead. This was simple, take a bottle, take a swig or two, and carry on. It was then that the feline spoke to him, words clambering into his ears as he curled his tail closer to his body. “It’s always been comforting,” he responded, dipping his head away only at the view of Apollyon.

The soft spoken voice of the angelic being approaching caught his ears, and a small frown tugged at his features. “I appreciate the concern, but I think I’m fine,” he remarked softly, eyes trailing to look up at the sky with contentment. A ginger look dawned upon his face as his body shifted to drop the alcohol he held so high. “Do you ever wonder what your future holds?” he asked, shifting his gaze back to his group.
code by spacexual

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - Seven - 03-31-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]WHERE THE HELL
Seven, even though she couldn't see what they were doing, scrunched her nose up at the scent of Alcohol. She disliked the stuff, in part thanks to a rowdy Husky and his abnormal spider-y sister. Lovelockdown was okay, Trevor not so much. But as she approached the scene with fumbling paws, and heard the question Cory asked, she answered, "I always hope my future brings my sight back."
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - wifewoof - 04-01-2022

BALEFIRE - male - feline - tags - tanglewood
[Image: dark-souls-bonfire.gif]
Bale hummed in agreement as he tucked his flask back into his sword belt, giving a deep nod to Apollyon and Seven, "Well met."

His green and amber eyes became thoughtful at the question, his mind working on how to present his thought, "The future is not set, but hope is always good. My actions, and others, influence the future and the possible outcomes." His feathery tail rested on his paws once again as he finished, speaking very softly, "I hope for...losing some habits that were left from times long past."

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 04-01-2022

Shimmering eyes meet the blind feline’s form, nodding in agreeance. Corrupttimelines had met many people who were blind, and even treated some people to avoid the blindness occurring. The wyvern had spent the time he had trying to re-obtain medical knowledge and potentially do the unthinkable. Curing blindness? That would be high on the priority list, especially for Seven. That is, if such a thing could ever be accomplished with the limited resources one could find here. “It is a simple wish, but a good one Seven,” he remarked, taking another swig and allowing the burn to coat his throat. A gruff sigh passed his lips meer moments before Balefire chimed in.

Wiser words had never been spoken, catching the ears of the wyvern gingerly as he nodded his large cranium. The future was never set, and sure, you could manipulate it to get a desired result. The lumbering beat knew that. However, he also knew how wrong things could be.

Myself…” he trailed off, tapping his chin. “I want to have a family.
code by spacexual

Re: HEATHER • open, drinking - sykes - 04-01-2022

It had never had any need to consume the toxic substance known as alcohol. It had been very young when it had died, and it was still quite young now, after being reincarnated into another body. Safe to say, during the afterlife there was no use for alcohol. Many times it had heard the dead complain about this fact; it had simply snorted and moved on, but now it was interested. It eyed the alcohol with concealed interest, though made no move to ask for any.

It simply listened as everyone bared their wants to the ears of others, its ears twitching with unconcealed interest upon hearing Seven's own wish. Blind? It hadn't known, though it made a lot of sense. It frowned, its golden gaze passing over Apollyon and Balefire (though it noted that Balefire seemed quite wise), and landed on Cory. He had been the first living being to see it in many centuries, he and Seven. It didn't seem to strike it as odd that he wished for a family. In fact, it made a little sense.

"It wishes to lead a peaceful life." it began, clearing its throat. "Free of trivial mortal issues. Away from war and fighting... Away from death, and depression." it was a very 'deep' wish, really, and was almost certainly impossible. "Most of all, it thinks it wants to find home, and be surrounded by ones it loves. Friends and family."