Beasts of Beyond
colors of the winds ;; joining/hatching - Printable Version

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colors of the winds ;; joining/hatching - tanglewoodian - 03-24-2022

the nest was long sense abandoned. the lone egg inside was surrounded by the crushed shells of siblings long gone. sure the egg was late in hatching, but that meant little to the young life inside. the shell faintly moving as tiny form pushed hard against it. inside this egg, a war was raging. the baby inside was fighting to leave. kicking the shell with all four little legs. thrashing wildly for his freedom. until it happened.

at first, it was a small crack. the shell pushing outward. then it opened up until the tiny form had his small head sticking out. the young snapping turtle took in a deep breathe of air. taking this moment to relax. he was tired, but he was almost free. that was what mattered to the small creature.

Re: colors of the winds ;; joining/hatching - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-25-2022

The wyvern had no family.

Much like the egg that lay cradled in the nest, shivering and shifting its weight, Cory had no one. In fact, Cory couldn’t remember if he ever had anyone. If so, where did they go? Who were they? The towering being surely full of might and confidence was much the opposite of what he looked. A delicate monster wouldn’t make an interesting story, nor would talking about how lonely he truly felt. Deep in his heart, he ached for family. He ached for love.

Not quite certain of where the lumbering being truly desired to be, he set out on a stroll. Well, as much as a towering wyvern could stroll. As he maneuvered through the swampy marshes he decided to call home, he heard a gentle stir. In fact, the stir was so gentle he had almost completely passed them up! With a quick flick of his large head, the wyvern peered over the egg, watching it crumble under the might of someone small. He observed in awe, sitting down beside the small nest and looking over the turtle. This was…beautiful? “Where is your family?” he attempted to ask, not sure if he was speaking to himself or to the small, infantile creature he had watched come into life.
code by spacexual

Re: colors of the winds ;; joining/hatching - tanglewoodian - 03-26-2022

The two of them had something in common. Though, with the hatching of this young life, maybe things would change? Time would tell all, as it often did. As the wyvern appeared, the small head would rise up. Little eyes curious as he pulled himself from the rest of his shell. After a moments rest, the tiny form would crawl towards the wyvern.

The words were foreign to him. Yet, he tried to understand them. Tiny head tilting side to side. The little thing pulled himself closer to the male. Slowly coming to a stop at the much larger wyverns feet. A soft, almost squeaking sound, leaving him as he slowly became still once more. Sure, he had no idea who this was, but it had to be his family, right?

He had no idea.

Re: colors of the winds ;; joining/hatching - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 03-26-2022

The wyvern allowed himself to be climbed on, his burning orange gaze peering down. The soft coo of the child caught his attention, making the large creature’s stance soften. Perhaps this young one was abandoned? That was no good. A fire lit in Cory’s soul as he barely resisted the urge to spit in disgust of the poor infant’s family. How could someone leave their child alone? How could they not even have the decency to make sure that the child was safe before running away like the cowards they were? Disgusting fucking people.

I-oh…do you need a home? Perhaps I can take you in…” he murmured, turning his head every which way. How did you care for a baby turtle?
code by spacexual

Re: colors of the winds ;; joining/hatching - tanglewoodian - 03-27-2022

The older males words would gain an excited chirp. Not because the child understood, but to him, this voice was his parents. At least, as far as he knew. So, whatever was said was good. Or, the young one hoped that was the case. The tiny creature had no idea he was not the same as the wyvern. Not even close, but he likely wouldn't care. Blinking, the child would pull his flipper esk feet into his shell. Resting on the larger creatures foot and likely taking up no space comparatively.