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just a hot shot | getting comfortable - Printable Version

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just a hot shot | getting comfortable - rhosmari - 03-23-2022

Since coming here much of her day was spent understanding and getting to know her surroundings. This place was surrounded by a heated desert, a place that spoke to her own tribal roots back home. They raced across open plains and deserts, swamps and more never staying in one place for too long. They moved where the food went. Had their coming of age ceremonies when the crocodiles deemed it was fair. Back them she had been a cheetah and now... Her head looked down at her paws and she couldn't remember when this changing had happened. She couldn't remember anything since she had woken up. Was her Journey completed? She didn't feel like it was. Still she was optimistic in this place she wanted to make a new start in despite the odd harshness that came with it.

Her home she had made was comfortable enough. A tree house of thick vines and open doors and windows. She had adorned the door to her home with the skulls she had went to collect. Two croc skulls for luck on this life and in the next within the Void. She was proud for they had been hearty and strong. The flesh she was now cooking over a small fire while she dried out the hides for something of use. Perhaps to make something. Either way she was comfortable for the moment, not much thinking on duties.

Re: just a hot shot | getting comfortable - SirDio - 03-23-2022

In some ways, the desert was a lot like her old home. Not The Glades, no. A wide plane of darkness and eerie beings. Harsh and unforgiving. Mezrith hated her old home, but seemed to be okay with the desert and its inhabitants. They were all unique in their own way. But her heart just wouldn't care.

Padding around the jungle, the sight of two crocodile skulls took her for a loop. The demoness went to get a closer look, a gentle "Woah.." leaving her mouth. She blinked slowly, looking inside the house as well as she could, considering her stance and height. "Is... is anyone in there? Your crocodile skulls look cool." Her stomach growled as she spoke, and she cursed silently. Hopefully she could find someone willing to give her some sweets. Or just regular healthy food.

Re: just a hot shot | getting comfortable - bonnie - 03-24-2022

Bonnie too had been drawn in by the crocodile skulls adorning the fellow Pittians home. She'd luckily not encountered one of the reptiles, though she'd seen their beady eyes shine in the night from the river. Most Pittians likely didn't see them as much of a threat, but the little healer was not most Pittians.
Silently she followed the smaller domestic feline, the only sound making her presence known being the two golden bangles clinging against her foreleg. This creature too was a stranger to Bonnie, as most were around the Pitt. She'd been a bit of a hermit during her stay here, the animals of the burnt jungle being a bit too intimidating for Bonnie to handle at times. But today she would go out of her way to socialize. What harm could it do? A lot.
"Other than myself, I don't know. But I'd have to agree with you." a voice like bells chimed beside the purple feline. Reaching out a delicate paw she almost found herself caressing the sharp teeth of the skull, pulling back last moment at the knowing that this wasn't her property.

Re: just a hot shot | getting comfortable - rhosmari - 03-24-2022

Hearing the voices outside the woman would turn away from the cooking meat to greet them. A warm smile was upon her muzzle as she saw the both of them within the doorway of the abode. With a lightly movement the auburn spotted white lioness would get up to come to them with a wave of her tail, especially after hearing the rather nice compliments. "Hello to the both of them. It is really nice to meet them. Ah, her name is Elsweyr and she is new to the Pitt." Lightly she would beckon them inside her home which was decorated with a bunch of different skulls as well as braided tapestries and other things like herbal plants.

"They can come in if they want. She does not have candy but she does have crocodile meat which is a delicacy for her people. Maybe they will like some." The bone pierced nose twitched as she moved to the cooking meat to give it a sniff. It was almost finished and she did not mind sharing her meal. It was more than she could eat anyway so why not share.

Re: just a hot shot | getting comfortable - SirDio - 03-25-2022

The Demoness blinked, taking a sparing glance at Bonnie. Her head dipped in a nod, but as Elsweyr appeared from the doorway and approached, Mezrith's face turned to face her. She blinked rapidly, just mildly taken aback by how pretty the lioness was. Gosh, the Pitt was just full of them. A smile reached her face, meeting Elsweyr's eyes for a moment before she looked away. "Hi! I'm Mezrith, 'n I'm also new." She halted to allow Bonnie to introduce herself. And after that, she followed Elsweyr into her home.

Words could not explain the feeling she felt, the awe and amazement at the decor and items. She never had the chance to see anything like it, neither the Dark Planes nor Palm Glades. She listened to Els, her ears flicking at the mention of Crocodile meat. "At the very least, it sounds interesting. I'd love to give it a try!"

Re: just a hot shot | getting comfortable - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 03-26-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

she was here. elsweyr. that one name, burned into his memory like the crocodile burned onto his chest. had she calmed down now? had she changed? or was she still the ruthless woman he once knew? what better than to find out now?

did she even know? did she remember him, what he did to her?

following the crowd he lumbered slowly towards her, muscles rippling and shadows quietly bubbling on the floor behind him. "elsweyr." was the only noise that came out of him. ignoring whatever looks the others might give him his gaze honed in on her, her body, the bone that protruded from her nostrils. his chest burned and he sniffed angrily. she seemed so happy and cheerful!
not how he remembered her.

Re: just a hot shot | getting comfortable - bonnie - 03-26-2022

Of course the feline whom stepped out from the home was larger than herself. Seemed that most everyone was, except for Mezrith. Though Bonnie knew from experience that size didn't denote danger. Though judging by the skulls of creatures about Elsweyrs home it would be foolish to not call the woman a danger.
Nevertheless she was a Pittian, just like Bonnie. One with a strange way of speaking. The wolf wondered if it was a mental thing, culture? Bonnie wondered if it'd be rude to ask, and with that thought she likely never would. She greeted the lionness in kind "Hello, I'm Bonnie." then nodding along with Mezrith at the idea of trying crocodile meat. What a delicacy. She couldn't imagine taking one down for herself.
It was then that Jorgumand appeared, clearly in a bad mood. Bonnie didn't say anything to him, but gave him a bow of her head in acknowledgement. She liked Jorgumand. How he'd given her a way out in the situation with Blackjack. The very act put him in her good book. Thus seeing him upset, though likely not uncommon, still made the people-pleaser in Bonnie want to help out. She just wasn't stupid, or courageous enough to actually try.