Beasts of Beyond
DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK YOUR TRUST // Joiner - Printable Version

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DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK YOUR TRUST // Joiner - SirDio - 03-22-2022

Dark black lines made the heat less abrasive as the demoness padded toward the border. A feeling of grief and anger weighed heavily on her, the memory of what could have been, with The Palm Glades and Rhinestone and everything that happened. With a sigh, she stepped past the border and sat down.

//low muse, sorry

Re: DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK YOUR TRUST // Joiner - Olalla - 03-23-2022

With Vale back, and Renlys beratting him about how his bonding thingy was fucked up, Olalla needed a break. A break from Vale more so, but Ren as well. What better place to lose yourself than the desert, Vale would say. Only, longing whispers of commands cast aside, blew to the winds that harassed the sandy dunes of the desert and here Olalla was. Lumbering past occasional rock formations like the pittiful ardent he was. How fucking perfect. How fucking beautiful. Maybe he should have let Vale kill him right then and there. Right from the fucking start.

Olalla stuck out like a sore thumb, what with his dark pelt and all. And his size. Of course his actual appearance was no better up close than it was from far away. He yawned, sand gritting between his long teeth, Olalla ran his tongue over dark lips before turning his head; laying dim eyes on an awkward sort of wet-blanket of a creature. Oh great, here we go. The beasts paws kissed the hot sands gently as he padded toward the creature, a love song subtly written within the sands of The Pitt. But love never grew here, only hate. And perhaps Olalla could not come to understand that, the group he had come to run was loveless. Even with his love and gentle care of these toddlers, love would never grow. Not here, not anywhere.

His large paws stopped just before the borderline, watching was the creature padded past it. Brave. Probably stupid or lame in the head, but brave. "This is the borderline of The Pitt," Olalla announced boldly. "State your name and business, or leave and keep your life."

Re: DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK YOUR TRUST // Joiner - bonnie - 03-23-2022

There was no approaching storm on the horizon today as Olalla and Bonnie greeted a newcomer on the border. The last new face Bonnie greeted had not been the same story. Memories were rather cursed among the Pittians, everyone having some bit of trauma that landed them on the brink of society. Today mental skies were clear.
The same could not be said for the outsider among them. Dark eyes sent roving over the feline found nothing of particular note, though the mark of tears lining their cheeks looked so unnatural paired with the angry red eyes sat atop them. Placing herself at Olallas side the smaller wolf waited for a response.

Re: DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK YOUR TRUST // Joiner - SirDio - 03-23-2022

Half-lidded eyes turned to face the large beast, her rat-tail flicking gently. Slowly she stood, and scarred cheeks twitched as she spoke. "The Pitt, hm? I figured as such. D'you have any candy on hand? I swear, it's like gold now." She yawned, then pivoted her body to face Olalla, and her eyes glanced at Bonnie. "Hello, cutie." She hummed, a small smile on her face.

"I am Mezrith, former member of the former Palm Glades. I suppose what I should say is... I'm here to join." Taking a look at Olalla once again, a smirk reached her lips. The Pitt really did have a way of making someone look nice. But the smirk dropped as she looked away. Standing before two Pittians didn't really feel like a time to stand and gawk, especially if you didn't want to order from the menu given.

Re: DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK YOUR TRUST // Joiner - bonnie - 03-24-2022

Cutie. The blonde would blush if she could. The rat-tailed feline seemed nice enough. Or, maybe it was just Bonnie being flattered. At the question of sweets the canine turned her head to scrounge about inside her packs, eventually pulling out a little gauze bag that held what appeared to be dried fruit, an orange glaze cast over them. Tossing the package to the stranger she only hoped the female had quick reflexes. "Not candy, but its the best you'll get around here." voice soft in contrast to creatures surrounding her. "I'm Bonnie, this is Olalla, the Ardent, leader of the Pitt." she had no power to accept joiners but she'd step in to take Mezrith off the leaders hands if he'd accept her.