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Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Printable Version

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Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Ryu - 03-10-2022

The sun was glaring, heat pouring down along with overbearing light. Even after days of travel, Ryu’s eyes, which were used to an underground cavern full of shadows, were still not used to the light. He could only hope, as more time passed, he would adjust to life above ground.

Some interesting smells had drawn the dragon-like canine to the border. It wasn’t long until he found himself passing severed heads. While most perhaps would have taken that as a sign to back off, Ryu had instead found it intriguing. It reminded him of the traditions used back in his underground home… Or well, what used to be his home. He supposed he couldn’t call it that anymore.  Perhaps it was good to finally get out of there. Maybe he’d have more success above ground. Despite his hatred for the bright sun that shined daily, Ryu had found a liking to the flourishing of life above the ground. Though as he moved forward, it seemed that life would only wither.

He soon found himself within a sea of sand, barren of life. He was unsure where he was, but the heat and lack of shelter was not a welcoming sign; especially as the hours ticked by with no signs of food or water. Still, the large wolf pressed on; unsure of where exactly his ventures would lead him; if not to death.

Despite this, there was little regret in his movements, He had done well for his time among the living; even rising to a throne briefly. Though admittedly, that position was inherited from his mother. Still, all he could do now was press forward. All the  bridges that lead him to where he stood were now ash; barren of life much like the desert stretching out before him. Yet, on the horizon, he could now see trees sprouting from the earth. At least there was hope. That is where he would head.

Head held high Ryu moved forward. Concern started to cross his features however as the scent of other creatures came from the direction he was traveling…. Was this land.. Claimed?

Of all the places the above world had to offer, why would a group settle to live here, in these harsh conditions?

Ryu supposed his questions would be answered when he got there. He wasn’t about to turn back now… no. Ryu had too much stubbornness and pride for that. Besides, he had almost made it to the tree line. Turning back now would just mean miles of traversing without nourishment, water, or shelter. That was not a risk Ryu wanted to take, as he already felt himself becoming dehydrated, and his mouth watered for the taste of salty blood across his tongue.

At this point, he didn’t care much about where the blood came from. Perhaps the desert's strange inhabitants would be able to offer him something; and if not perhaps Ryu would be able to strike a deal.

Back in his old home, he had been a collector of precious gems and items mined in the caves. Of course, most of them had to be left behind much to the wolf’s disappointment. That didn’t stop him, however, from lugging a few of them around in a felt bag. While he did not wish to part with his treasures, perhaps giving away one or two would gain him an upper hand.

Table art credit to [url=http://""]Luaclaralupode[/url]

Re: Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Kold - 03-10-2022

The undead woman had little to say in terms of the heat. In her youth she, too, thought it to be too harsh. But as she aged and matured the heat was just something that was there. You couldn't get rid of it. And even now, with a rotting body that smelled quite awful in the heat, she cared little.

Glossy eyes stared into the endless expanse before she spotted Ryu. Kold snarled, and began to walk toward the draconic wolf. Torn, useless wings flared as she gave him a tilted, eerie look. "State your business here, within this eternity." she said lowly, stopping a fair distance from him.

Re: Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Ryu - 03-11-2022

The stench of decay soon hit the wolf's nostrils as an undead canine approached. Ryu would look on curiously. They soon demanded to know his business here.

Ryu would pause momentarily, flicking his long draconic tail as he stared down the strange zombie-like creature before him.  “I am a traveler, just looking for a place to stay for a while.” While the others' aggressive tone made Ryu want to respond back in kind, he held his tongue. He knew it was probably for the best. He was in no shape for a fight right now.

“I’ve brought some treasures from a deep underground mine in exchange for food and shelter if that interests you.” he’d say, ear flicking slightly, his three eyes still staring intently at the strange undead women before him.

Table art credit to Luaclaralupode

Re: Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Kold - 03-11-2022

Kold hummed lowly as she listened to Ryu speak. Slowly her head tilted to the other side, nose twitching. Folding her wings in at her sides, she raised her head slightly. "I don't know if you saw, but everyone here isn't quite as friendly as you might hope. The spike border should have broadcasted that." She sighed, rolling her black eyes. "Mhhmm." She looked toward his bag, but immediately turned back to face him.

"I don't run the place, but my leader should be here soon... I don't know if wares or precious items will get you anywhere in a place like this." To her, nothing was more useless than any sort of material item. You can easily lose them, or they can be stolen. Wastes of space. But that was her idea of it.

"If you want to get anywhere around here, you have to show that you can endure this hell. And the creatures that live with you and live in this desert." Was she being dramatic? Somewhat. But it was the truth. The desert was a test of will. Survivability.

Re: Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Ryu - 03-12-2022

Ryu looked on, amused by the woman's answer. It was true, the border would have deterred most, but not Ryu. No, to him it was only more intrugieng.  “I saw the border, thats what drew me here” Ryu would swing his draconic tail behind him, three eyes locked on the strange undead women before him. He’d lick his jaw before continuing to answer.

“Trust me, I can survive this test of wills you speak of. My strength has been tested since the day I was born. I seek a place that will honor that.” His head was still raised high. Perhaps his intentions were not clear… perhaps he had come across as soft.  “My treasures are  a measure of my endurance. Being able to survive those mines was no easy feat. Some even mark victories, or stealth. They were not all mine to begin with… but they are mine now.” he'd explain.

Table art credit to [url=http://""]Luaclaralupode[/url]

Re: Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Kold - 03-12-2022

Kold's tail swayed slightly as she listened, a grin stretching across her face. So he was a tough wolf. Her posture loosened, and a black paw went forward. "I hope you dont take offense to this, but I dont trust a stranger's words too easily. But... now that i look at you.." she let her gaze wander, but soon met his own.

"I'm beginning to like you. What's your name, stranger?" she stood a little taller, her expression, though still eerie, becoming slightly softer.

Re: Flowing through my veins [Joining] - Ryu - 03-13-2022

His trio of eyes continued to look at the undead creature before him, ears swiveling as he listened to her words. What she said was not surprising. He didn’t expect to be trusted that easily. A slight chuckle would escape his breath in response.

“I don’t trust easily either
” his sharp vocals wolf respond. “This place though… it is intriguing.” He scaly tail wagged slightly behind him as he listened to what Kold had to say next. She… was beginning to like him?

Ryu couldn’t help but smirk. He supposed, despite being tough he had always had a sort of charming allure to him as well.  “My name is Ryu” he’d say, sharp fangs peering through his grin.“I must admit, you have a certain charm about you as well. I didn’t have any expectations coming to this place… but you make me want to stay a little longer and see what it has to offer.

Table art credit to [url=http://""]Luaclaralupode[/url]