Beasts of Beyond
It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - Printable Version

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It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - Brutei Tsune - 02-20-2022

The sharp, sudden pain in the oriental's abdomen was enough to cause some concern. Then another sharp pain. And another. This wasn't something Brutei was used to, and as such a caterwaul left their jaws, before they had enough sense to bite down on a blanket next to them in their home. The only thing they could hope was that [member=16278]PLEXUS[/member] would arrive - hell, even Inferno - just to keep company if nothing else. And through the pain they mourned that their lover wasn't there with them.


As painful as the process was, the relief that washed over the demon when four little kittens had been brought into the world was enough for tears to finally fall from their eyes. Two males and two females, and they all seemed to look like Brutei aside from the oldest, who had brown lines from the corners of his eyes to his lips. "You.. shall be named Pagetonas, and your middle name, Crohn." They spoke gently, nuzzling the tiny child.

The second - the oldest daughter - looked almost exactly like Brutei. Icy whites and blues on her pelt with grey on her underside. A soft smile melted onto their face as they touched her soft nose with their own blue one. "Skádi. My little Ice Giant." From their many readings they learned of ice beings and, as such, would name at least one child after one.

The youngest son was nothing more than a ball of silver tabby fluff. They swore they could notice the start of horns atop his head, but would still be unsure until he got older. Gazing at his paws, they hummed. "Lumin." It sounded like 'luminous', and with the silver fur the child had, he would definitely be that.

The last one - the youngest daughter, looked very much like Brutei, with soft blues and whites. Though, she had the thick fur of her father, making the demon's eyes darken in sadness. Lightly shaking their head, they smiled and went on to name her. "Jökull Aeronwen. My little glacier." And their eyelids drooped.

'I do wish you were here. They look like you, with their strong faces and large bodies.' they thought, gently laying their tail over the children.

Re: It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - teef - 02-21-2022

  -- it was warm and quiet, comfortable even. nothing was scary, nothing was bad. not that the newborn would have known the meaning of any of that, she was still too new to the living world. damp fur, scent of milk, sense of safety. opening her jaws with a squeal of life, inhaling and mewing as her tiny body struggled, her head too heavy and paws too small. everything here was strange, even with all of her senses more or less blocked off, the youngest squirmed in the direction of her mother's belly. her thick fur would prove to be an asset in the future, for now a reminder of her noble father, the blues, grays and whites of her pelt making her unilaterally Brutei's daughter.

tiny muzzle pushing forth amongst her siblings, trundling over the bodies that she could, drawn to the scent of milk and mother, finally reaching their belly before nudging in and beginning to nurse with tiny mrrps and squeaks, communicating without knowing her purpose or the reason behind it. All that her tiny body knew was instinct to stay close to this place of warmth and food, her tiny tail trembling as she tried to flounder closer with small claws scratching at what was under her. Jökull had arrived in the world of the Beyond, for now a tiny child dependent on her mother for survival

-- speaks in #DEB887 -- jökull aeronwen tsune

Re: It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 02-21-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

she had accompanied brutei and was now watching with undaunting concern, tailtip twitching. where the hell was the father? bit her lip and watched each child emerge - would she have some, too? one began screaming, brutei shut her eyes and went to rest so inferno padded up to - skádi and lapped at the back of her head.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 02-21-2022

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text:

it was so warm, but now that's gone. all of a sudden she was admist three other squirming things bucking and reaching for the warmth of their mother. she sneezed, screeched in anger, then calmed as a rough, warm tongue began brushing her fur. kept silent despite the unwelcoming scent her gazeless optics wandered towards the smell of food, life.
tags - penned by [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member]
template by orion

Re: It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - Plexus - 02-26-2022

The large Norwegian male made triple time to Brutei the moment he heard she was in labor. He kicked his mask away from himself in a fit of urgency and pulled out the bundled wraps for birthing. Schooling his breath, and his face, he took off as if a dog was on his heels. Within minutes, he made it, and quickly got to work, his only words spoken beforehand being "Breathe...push when told."


After the kittens were born, Plexus released a breath, counting all 4, and gently nosed them to check breathing. With a light sigh, he turned his face and chest away from the mother and lightly sat on his haunches, "...Congratulations are in order." His throat scratchy and quiet as he had to talk more than usual due to giving orders for the birthing. With his words stuck in his throat afterwards, Plexus began grooming hoping he could untangle the want to not speak as he heard Brutei murmur to the kits.

A long moment stretched as he heavily sighed, he needed to take his leave to leave them alone. His paws doing light movements as he spoke once again, the words being pulled like barbs from his sticky tongue, "...Check in when...I can." The Norwegian cat smoothed down his chest fur, stood, and went to leave once collecting scraps and tidying a bit, before pausing at the den entrance, "...Anything needed?"

Re: It's a promise for life - Birthing Thread - Pagetonas C. Tsune - 02-27-2022


The soft bodied kit squirmed with his mother's womb, warmth enwrapping him carefully in a thick blanket; confined to a place within her. Pagetonas, the biggest, the oldest, and the hardest to give birth to, made his way roughly out of Brutei's womb and down her path of motherhood into the cold, dark, lifeless world. The kitten grew still, laying within his encasing, warm and cold at the same time. What was this? Was this death? Was it life? Was this the birth of death?

Page furrowed his brows, kicking now as the cold enwrapped him like the warmth of his mother once had. The first motion of life was, perhaps, not the smoothest of ones. A stifled mew fell from his pink lips, another kick. The kitten squirmed now, yearning for a breath of air, a simple inhale. Could his mother not see he was frantically wriggling now?

He was his father's son, that much was clear from the sternness of his meow, the broadness of his face, his angry brows upon birth, a spitting image in all but complexion. How unfortunate for Brutei, for they had no idea of the mess she had given birth to. Pagetonas Tsune would not be an easy child, and he would make sure of that.

Pagetonas  ∿ BioTsune